
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Timi's Dead

Idan had taken Timi out of the stage and Diana had follow him, Temmy also left the arena and headed to the training room, she didn't no what's wrong with her but she was feeling sick as she couldn't get the horrific sight out of her head so she headed to the training room to get the feeling out of her body, she couldn't follow Timi to the medical room because they aren't friends.

When Idan get there, the nurse quickly got to work as they take Timi from him and started running test on him. Timi could feel a strange energy slowly entering his body and it was ripping his internal organs apart and his system also confirm it.




[A strange dark energy is entering your body, this energy could lead to user's death]

[Your health is going down by the seconds]





[Restrict it now]

This is what his system keeps showing him since Blake's attack had hit him. He focused his energy and could feel it, he could see a black energy slowly spreading around his body and it was fighting his own energy. Focusing on his dragon sleuth skill he control his energy and use it to move the black energy out of his body, the black energy mixed with the blood that was going out of his body and the blood had turn black, it splatter on the floor and the nurse we're wondering what type of blood it was because it was different from the blood coming out his body before, they put the blood in a strange tube and kept it somewhere safe to run something test on it. As Timi removed the energy from his body he had went unconscious.

[Your body will now heal]

[Your health will be restored]

The nurse and doctors were running around as they saw him went unconscious they were running multiple test on him, door was opened and a man in white robe entered.

"We had investigated the matter, we confirm that Blake use dark magic on him." The man stated, he is the head of the medical office, Doctor Way.

"Shouldn't we contact the mage doctors?" A young nurse asked.

"I'm sorry but the commanders said we shouldn't." Way replied.

"The boy will die if we don't." The young nurse said.

"They said he's a nobody, the commanders have looked into his background that's why they had made the decision of not contacting the mage doctors and also they don't want to get on commander Hood bad side." Way explained.

"This is cruel, what if the boy is one of those so called commanders son? Will they let him die saying they don't want to get on commander Hood bad side?" The young nurse argue back.

"The decision had been made and there's nothing we can do to go against it but I had promised myself that I'll do everything in my power to make sure the boy live." The man said as he put on his gloves. "What test have you ran on him." He asked.

"We've checked his internal organs and we noticed that the kidney and some other organs closer to the open part are damage and we'll need a healing mage to heal them." A nurse in her late 40s stated.

"That's means there's nothing we can do to that, he had to live with it, so let's just patch the open area and give him proper treatment." Way said as they got to work. Little did they know that Timi's body and organ is already healing but it's doing so at a slow rate.


In a small room full of weapons hung all over the wall, the room is full of high level weapons and standing at the edge of the table was master Lee and five head generals sitting around the table, this is master Lee private room, although he's a teacher but he's at the rank of the head generals and that's why he was being treated like them, in total there are ten head generals and these ten had their own private room so any teacher at the rank of the head generals will also be treated like them, out of these ten head generals master Lee had called only five, he sat down and started his discussion.

"I think you can guess why I've called you here today." Master Lee stated.

"Yes, isn't it about the decision the commanders made." Head general Francis replied. 

"Do you think that's the best decision." Master Lee asked.

"You already know that we won't agree with their decision and that's why you called us five here." An old man with three beard name Lewis stated.

"So what do you all think we can do to calm down the student, we all know that boy may not survive without the help of mage doctors." Master Lee stated.

"I suggest that we shouldn't tell the student what the commanders said. You know the students are still protesting about saving the child and sending Blake out of the school so what do you think will happen if we told them the child is dead." Head general Francis said.

"Chaos and Hood may kill all the students." Lewis stated.

"So to avoid that I suggest that we should tell the students that Blake had been punished appropriately and the other boy is still at the hospital and the chances of saving him is 50/50." Francis suggested.

"The commanders will straps us if words get to them." A man commented.

"We'll avoid that, I think I can do it." Master Lee said.

"How will you do it without the commanders finding out." Lewis asked. 

"You know Sunny is one of my trusted sergeant and he's the one managing the first year martial art class for me so I will tell him to announce it to his student then the student will spread it as a rumor which will calm them down." Master Lee stated.

"That's a good idea." A man said.

"But isn't Blake a martial art student too." Head general Francis asked.

"Don't worry Sunny will handle it." Master said and they had made their own decision.


The second day had arrived which is Monday, Idan and Diana hadn't left the medical room and the doctors told them the chance of saving him is very low but they didn't want to leave him alone as they know that he's just unconscious and not dead. Class had started and the students had gone to their various club after the morning class, words had gotten to Sunny from his father and he just explained everything to his student now and to his lucky self Blake and his friends are not in the class, they hadn't seen Blake since the incident but they've seen his friends.

"What punishment was given to Blake." A student asked.

"Was he expelled?" Another asked.

"I'm sorry I can't answer that." Sunny replied.

"Will Timi not really survive?" Temmy asked.

"We don't know that for now because the chance of saving him is low as I said before but the doctors are doing their best so I want you all to calm down and tell your friends in other club to also calm down." Sunny stated and the students started their training, from the beginning of their training till the end they haven't seen Blake so they believe he had been expelled and during their break they had spread the rumor and as it continue spreading, the story was changing all saying that Timi is dead and Blake had been expelled.

"Thank God they expelled that demon." A girl from the archery club stated.

"But the boy is dead." Another girl replied

"The boy really died, it's so sad, he saved the strongest student in the school." A boy next to her said. Timi had gained quite a few fame in the school and they all talk about him as the savior of their strongest student and many student had starting to like him even after they believe he's dead.