
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

A Week

It had been a week now since the incident with Blake had occurred and everything had gone back to normal, the students are not protesting anymore even after seeing Blake in school the third day, the student felt that they had been cheated that the school lied to them but that thought quickly left them as an event had been announced which made the student to calm down, although they haven't forget the incident, some student were still traumatized from the incident, even the commanders who had made the decision knew it was affecting the student, they thought they were just protesting for justice but after the protest had calm down student were falling sick every day, the trauma of the incident was affecting them and now they knew the student were just protesting to get the incident off their head so as they noticed that it was affecting the progress of the school they quickly made the decision of spreading a rumor among the student about the beast hunting assessment which had made the students to be very excited many of them have not fought beast before and some haven't seen a beast before so they were all happy to go on their first adventure and today they were being called in the school grand hall to give them the official date of the assessment. The commanders had handed everything to the head generals, the student rarely see the commanders, they only make public appearance when there's something importance to be announced. The ten head generals had gathered all the first year students and teachers and sergeant, they were all in the hall waiting for the announcement, Idan and Diana aren't there because they haven't left the medical room since the incident, they had been staying and sleeping there with him for the past week and they don't even attend class but they get update of what is going on in the school from Sunny and Temmy because they visit them and always check on Timi. Temmy had always been with Sunny now and she had been helping him for the past week in place of Timi and when Sunny want to check on him she will follow him and she had gotten closer to Sunny now. General Francis stood holding an amplifier wand in his hand, he is the one who always make public announcement for the school.

"Good afternoon everyone, hope you're all having a good weekend." He said as today is Sunday making it one week Timi had been in the medical room still unconscious. Head general Francis continued.

"We have called you all here today to give you the official date for your beast hunting assessment, note that this assessment is also your academy work so you must do well in order to be promoted to the second year, if you are lacking in the academy assessment or your rank is low you can do well in this assessment to boost your rank and to boost your academic mark.

How you do well in this assessment may depends on your luck, your group's luck or your skill and experience and your group's skill and experience, you will be shared five in a group and in total there will be 100 groups and 2 set. The first set will contain fifty groups and ten teachers with five sergeants to organize and protect them, the same thing goes for the second group. The first group will hunt at the north site of the city while the second group will hunt at the east site. You will be allowed to choose who will be in your group and the group you which to be with, nobody will choose for you and a group must contain five students each. You'll be hunting Level 1 beast and anything higher that will be reported to the teachers or sergeant to take care of it, I will warn you that you should not feel that you're strong enough to take on a level two beast or higher because there have been occasions where a higher level beast will appear and the sergeant always dealt with it. And also if any group encounter a horde of beast and you can't handle them, you should report immediately to the sergeants. A communicating device will be given to the leader of each group so you must always stay with your group." General Francis explained.

"After killing a beast you must extract the beast core because that's the purpose of the hunting assessment, the group with the highest beast core will be granted the highest mark and after recording the test, the beast core will be given back to the student but 5% will be given to the school, all the previous student always comes back with a great amount of beast core and after giving the 5% to the school they can do what they look with the core. You can start choosing your group now and make the nice decision because the assessment will be held on Friday." He said as he walked to his sit and the student cheers in excitement.

As the head generals and others left the hall the student started choosing their group and as always there will be discrimination as student in the high rank choose people in their rank or above no one want to choose anybody below them, Blake and his friends were together which Blake and Jake are at the F rank while the other three are at the H rank. The grouping continues as they choose people in the same rank as them, the student in the S rank were also together but they are only three of them and they are at the upper class, Gary who's at the lower class asked if he can join them but they looked at him and walk away. Temmy was leaning her back against the wall as she looked at the student all she was thinking of the best decision to make and different high ranking student had come over to her but she rejected them as she sees that many of them had shunned the people below them so she did the same to them, she was thinking of going to the Gary as nobody want to team up with him.

'Maybe if they see a F rank student with him they will come over.' She thought as she started walking over to him but she stopped as the door opened as three people walked in which had made the whole hall gone silent for a second.

"Hi everyone." Idan said as he walks in with Diana and Timi by his side, Timi looked fine and healthy, not like a person who had been on the sick bed for a whole week.


In the medical room Timi woke up and looked around him he could see his two friends sitting on a plastic chair and resting their heads on the bed he's sleeping on, he stood up and got off the bed but as he did they both raised up their head.

"Timi!!!" Idan and Diana shouted in unison and disbelief, he looked at them and smile.

"I'm sorry I wake you up, how long was I out for." He asked.

"A week I guess." Diana said as she gave him a big hug.

"A week?" Timi asked with his mouth left wide opened.