
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

A Demon

Idan had just defeated Blake and the student couldn't believe what they're seeing, it was like a film trick in their face although they weren't sure if he had defeated him as they wouldn't know when his ranking tag will vibrate and they were wondering if Blake will still get up or not as he keeps grunting and Idan was just looking at him. Timi, Diana, Russ and Bolu were all shaking their heads.

"What has gotten himself and his friends into." Bolu said. "And what can I do to help them." He ask Russ who was beside him.

"Bro, there's nothing you can do again, you have tried your best for them so don't get involve again." Russ replied.

Diana was looking at Timi fiercely.

"What has he done, this is no good at all." Timi said.

"What has he done? Aren't you the one who supported him to fight." Diana replied angrily, she was already frustrated.

"I mean, I didn't ask him to win the fight." Timi said. Temmy who was behind them had overheard their conversation and was wondering what they meant by what they just said so she decided to move closer to them which they quickly notice her and they stop their conversation at once and as at that time Timi could feel a strange energy, the energy was building up wildly and it was an energy he had felt before but he couldn't remember where, then looking at the stage he could see that it was building up from Blake and it had click on his head, it was the energy that was building from Blake when Sunny stopped him from attacking Timi the other day Idan defeated Blake, he didn't know what the energy was but he knew it's dangerous as this was building up immensely and wildly. 

"Oh no, this is bad." Timi said.

"What's that?" Diana asked him as she could see the worried look on his face.

"Something bad is about to happen." Timi said as he quickly drag Diana and ran through the crowd towards the stage.

'Something bad?' Temmy thought as she followed them from behind.

Blake stood up and held out his palm, blood was all over his face and by this time Idan had already turn his back to him walking down the stage. Blake ran forward and something was forming in his hand the air around him was breaking into particles and that's when his two brothers could also feel it.

"What is he trying to do?" Bolu said. "No, I need to get involve." He said as he move forward but he felt a hand holding onto him tightly.

"That's my boy." Chris said as he held Bolu tightly and five third year student pinning Russ down. "Leave him let him have some fun." Chris said as he keeps smiling.

Blake ran forward at a great speed, Idan's back was still facing him and when he could see the look on other students face he turn back but it was too as Blake threw a punch to his stomach then he used an invisible force to drag him back to the middle of the stage, the air around Blake was moving and swirling towards his hands and when it had done it formed a large bladed chain in his hand, it was black in color and when looking up they could see hundred small black swords hovering above, he formed everything out of thin air.

"Blake is a mage." One of the student shouted.

"A mage?" Another replied in disbelief.

"Yes, that's a wind magic but this is very different from other wind users." They were all surprise and wondering how Idan will survive this. They all knew about wind magic, either they have seen it before or being taught in school because they teaches them every single magic in existence.

"He's going to kill him." Temmy who was running behind Timi and Diana, she now knew what Timi meant by something bad is going to happen but she was wondering how he had known. She couldn't keep track of them but she was running towards the stage in hope of doing something to help.

"Are you crazy, he's going to kill the boy." Bolu said, he was being pinned down by his brother and the five student were still restricting Russ as well.

"That's what he deserves for disgracing my brother so if you don't want to die with him just stay here." Chris said.

Blake's eyes was glowing black, it had completely gone black and Idan seeing this knew what it was.

'He's using dark magic, this is bad.' He thought as he turn around and was about to run out of the stage but as he did all of the swords hovering above the air pointed towards him and as Blake swung his chain it cut through the air and started moving towards him with the swords, the swords were coming at him from all different direction and with nowhere to run and nothing to do Idan closed his eyes and say his last prayer.

"I'm sorry dad for being a bad child, I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry Diana for not listening to you, I'm sorry Timi for not doing what you told me and not being able to help you, I'm sorry everyone." He said and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry too." He heard a voice from his side, then looking at where the voice had come from, he felt a heavy force push him and sending him out of the stage but by then he caught the glimpse of who it was. Timi had get to the stage and he had kicked him strongly sending him out of the stage, Timi had no weapon or armor him only the gauntlet he always wear and he don't know what to do.

'What do I do.' He thought. All the swords were coming at him at a great speed, he took a fighting stance and kick of the ground attacking all the swords but as he did his hands was getting bloody, first the gauntlet was doing well in protecting him but as he attack the endless swords, the gauntlet was braking into pieces and his hands was getting bloody, the two bladed chain was coming at him and he knew he couldn't avoid them because if he do the swords will pierce every part of his body, he allowed the chain hit him and it had cut through his body like a butter but when it reached the middle of his body the blade stopped.

"Arghhhhhh." He screamed as the remaining sword had pierce him, he fell to the ground blood gushing out of his body.

"Nooooooo!!!!!!!" Diana screamed as she ran towards the stage, they were together before going towards the stage but she didn't know when and how he had gotten to the stage before her. She ran through the crowd and push everyone out of her way. Idan also got off the ground and ran towards the stage, all of the attack had stop because Blake had fell to the ground not because he used all his energy but as Timi scream he had activated his paralyzing breath unknown and it had affected Blake which made the attack to stop.

All the student look in disgust and some even screamed in fear because this is a terrifying sight for them, seeing one of their mate being slaughter by another.

"He saved the other boy and he isn't dead." Chris said as he stop pinning Bolu down down.

"Is that what you'll say." Bolu shouted.

"This boy is quite interesting." Chris said as he ignored Bolu because he was surprised that the attack hadn't sliced Timi into two. Idan and Diana had gotten to the stage, they ran towards Timi who was coughing blood.

"This is your fault you know." Diana shouted at Idan with tears all over her face but Idan didn't say anything as he picked Timi up and ran down the stage running towards the medical room.

"What's going to happen now." A student said as she was shaking.

"That Blake is a demon, he's a demon." A boy next to her shouted and all the first year student had pick up the rhythm as it echo throughout the school.

"Demon! Demon! Demon! Demon!"

"Let's drive him out of the school"

"He's a demon."

"We don't want demon in our school."

"Demon! Demon! Demon! Demon!" The word demon sounded all over the place as they protested and the second year student and third year were looking at their naive juniors and shaking their heads, Chris was standing at one edge looking at them all.

"Should I kill them all?" He asked himself, he was standing alone because he had no friends he only has followers. "No, that will be a bad idea killing all the first year students." He said as he started moving his fingers and the air around him was also moving, it was moving greatly that all the student could feel it swirling like a tornado and all the dust and sand on the floor rise up which had blinded all the student for a second and Chris ran towards the stage picking Blake up he ran out of the arena and when the student could see again they couldn't find Blake anymore.

"Where did he go." They all wondered, but that didn't stop them from protesting and they continue shouting and moves towards the school field.