
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Plateau Kingdom

It's been a while since human race had any threat now and everybody is living in peace, at least that's what the people living on earth thought, unbeknownst to them that something is currently going on in other planet that belongs human. The threat they're currently facing on other planet is only knew about by few people, many people don't know what is going on and the officials don't want to cause panic for their people. The officials then came together and make a decision, they have sent some of there soldiers to aid the other planets. There are 6 kingdom in total on earth and the kings of these 6 kingdoms rule over the human race, the coming together of these 6 kings for a meeting or to make decision that will benefit the human race is what is called the officials. The people that know what other planets are facing are the officials, military, some adventurer that travel all over and people that have families in other planets, but they were told to not spread it so people won't be in a panic state. Plateau kingdom is one of the 6 kingdom on earth which is in the east part of earth. Plateau kingdom is the richest kingdom on earth but not the most powerful kingdom, in fact they are assumed as the weakest kingdom but the reason other kingdoms have not taken over plateau is because of there grand mineral resources and there constant trade, they supplied all the major resources that brought the survival of human race. Although if any kingdom take start war with them and take over the kingdom they will have all these advantage but they didn't do because some kingdoms have done it in the past and they succeeded but it later lead to several civil war, and almost leads to the extinction of human race, so since then they live the kingdom alone as it serves as power balance among other kingdoms because the other 5 kingdoms are powerful. Plateau kingdom is mainly based on trade, and it's a mixture of knights, mages, nobles, adventurer, merchant and normal citizens and there are three major schools in this kingdom. Freshen kids academy, the school Timi currently attend which is the school for nobles and normal citizen. Aretuza, this is the school of magic, only mages attend this school and lastly we have Bromley academy which is the school of knight/military. Bromley academy is where citizen train to become a warrior, adventurer, guards, some nobles send their child to this school so they could protect themselves and some people even go there to become a bandit and so on.


Timi is currently packing his things to head to Bromley academy with the thought of becoming an adventurer in his mind, after so much thought he made up his mind. He can't go back to his former school because he don't have any money with him and he will have to pay fees and buy food, the scary men took all the money in their house when they slaughtered his parent, that's why he decided to go to Bromley academy which everything is free there including food, training and dorm room, the officials pay every fees because the student in this school are needed in the society, that is why it's quite different from other schools. 

After walking for about 5 hours or so he had finally gotten to the city where Bromley academy is located Bromley city, this city is mostly full of military personnel which is why Bromley academy is named after it. Although the city is not too far from his hometown but without a horse it will take some time to get there and Timi doesn't have any money to get a ride and the only thing with him is water but after walking for a while he has finally gotten there, he's currently at the front of the school gate which is closed and guards all over the place.

"Hey boy, what are you looking for." A guard asked as he saw him walking towards them.

"Good evening sir, I'm here for the school registration." Tomi replied as he paused his advancement.

"Oh I'm sorry but registration starts tomorrow so you'll have to come back tomorrow, you can go to the inn over there so you can sleep tonight. Other new students are also there." The guard replied as he pointed to a large inn not too far from where they are.

"Thank you sir." Timi said respectfully as he walk off.

When he got to the inn he could people drinking and chattering away and some student entering their room.

"Are you here to book a room, young one,?" The inn keeper said from behind a counter, an old woman with wrinkles all over her face.

"Yes ma'am, I'm actually a new student here so I was asked to sleep here tonight." Timi explained.

"Oh new student I see, it's 1 bronze coin per night for student." The old woman replied.

"I thought it's free for student." Timi said because he didn't have any coin with him right now even to get a food to eat will be a problem for him.

"No dear, adults pay 5 bronze coin while we reduce it to 1 for student with food to eat for the night." The old woman said. "And if you don't have 1 bronze I'm afraid you can't sleep here tonight." She said.

"Okay sure, I'll sleep elsewhere." Timi replied as he started walking out of the place. 'This old hag, she can't even give me a free room for tonight and she looks scary.' He thought.

"Let him have a room and add the bills to mine." He heard a soft voice from behind.

"Oh, thanks Miss." The inn keeper replied.

When Timi turn back, he could see a gentle looking female in a blue dress, she is fair in complexion with a long black curly hair, the same height as Timi himself. She was about to enter her room before Timi calls out.

"Thanks miss." He shouted as he slightly bowed down. "I promise to pay you back in the future." He said.

She didn't say anything as she just gave a smile "Can I know your name please." Timi asked

"I'm Temmy and you." She said "Timi." He replied

With that she entered her room and Timi was also given a separate room and was served with good food.