
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


When Timi woke up he was greeted with an unexpected messages.

[Congratulations, you've received the white dragon system]

[Synchronization completes]

[Your body has been synchronized with the system]


'What is this?.. Am I dead.' He asked himself internally. He look around and see his surroundings then he could see that he's still in a place he recognize.

"Wait, I'm still in the storage room, what was that light that blinded my vision and what the fuck is this message I'm seeing?" He asked with a confused look on his face. He look around once again if he could find anything that's when he lock eyes on the box which the armor and sword are inside. "This armor is still here, what about the pendant." He said, that's when he noticed that the pendant is still around his neck but the silver glowing gem is no more glowing it has died down. "What happens to the pendant why is it not shining again." He asked. Then something clicked in his head, "Mum, dad and those scary men they we're together, are they still fightin, I need to check is something is still going on." He said as he rushed out of the room.

While he was running to the living room the site he was seeing wasn't what he was expecting, few scratches everywhere, the hallway looks untidy, when he got to his room he could see the door was condemn, there was a big hole at the middle of the room everywhere was was scattered everything's spoilt, his bunk bed was strapped. 'Oh no, this is bad.' He thought to himself as he rushed to the living room. When he got there his mouth was left wide open because it looks like a war had taken place, every furniture and other things there were burnt to ashes and he could see his two parent there lying on the floor there face is slightly burn and there body is lifeless.

"Mum, dad." He shouted as he quickly run to where they are lying. "Why, why will you two die like this, why do you ask me to run away just for you to die, why do you let that scary man kill you and go like that." He started sobbing uncontrollably.

After sobbing for about an hour or so without anyone telling him to stop, he made up his mind and stand up. "Mum, dad I promise you, I will take revenge for you two, I promise I will kick that damn scary man ass." He said as he was heading outside. 

'Timi' He heard a soft voice in his head.

"Mum?" He said, 'am I imagining things' he thought

'Timi don't get yourself killed, if you want to avenge us you have to get stronger, stronger than anybody out there, stronger than your dad so this won't happen again, so they won't take your loved ones from you again.' His mum said directly in his head.

"Mum what do you mean, how do I get stronger, how do I do it, I just want to go there now and kick that scary man's ass, I don't care if he kill me." He said still crying uncontrollably.

'I don't have time to lecture you Timi, but you have to survive and if you want to get stronger, then go to military school and train yourself hard.' His mum said in a low tone.

"How, how do I survive, how do I survive in the military school, they will treat me like a trash, how do I survive in this damn world." He shouted. Just as he said those words he heard ding in his head.

[New Quest received]

[Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person]

[Quest reward:????]

"Mum, is this your doing? Tell me what this damn game like system is, tell me now before I break it down for you." He screamed as he fell on his knees.

After some minutes of sobbing and confusion he packed his parent body and gave them a proper burial, he arrange the house and pack the damage properties outside, the ones beyond repair he burn them down, not that he will repair the damage ones outside but because he don't want to burn everything. After doing the house arrangement and cleaning he went back to the storage room.

"This damn armor everything started when dad bought you but I won't burn you because mum said you will protect me in the future and I guess the future is now." He said as he opened the box and pick up the armor, although his body was still reacting to it he didn't hesitate to put it on because he still remember what happened the last time he hesitated. But as he put it on and pick the sword something strange happened.

"What the… where is the damn thing." He said in shock because as he put it on both the armor and the sword vanished.

[Congratulations, you have been granted the Snout Family white dragon's armor and sword/gauntlet]

[You can summon and de summon both the armor and the sword/gauntlet]

"Wow, so I can make it appear and disappear, this is amazing." He said.

"Summon." He said but nothing appear, 'What, is this playing' he thought.

'Summon' he said in his mind but nothing still appear. "Okay let's try another way." He said.

"Summon!!!" He shouted that his voice echo is the whole room but nothing still happen.

"What's this? is this thing playing with me." He said in frustration.

After trying a few things with nothing happening he decided to explore the system.

[User: Timi Snout]

[Age: 15]

[Sex: Male]

[Race: Wyrmling {Baby dragon}]

"What, am I now a dragon." He said, "No wonder it says 'white dragon system' and white dragon armor." He said. 'Maybe I can actually get stronger and become a great person' he thought to himself as he continue exploring the system.

[Level 1]

[0/20 exp]

[Strength: 5]

[Stamina: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[HP: 100/100]

[State: Normal]

[Ability: Unlimited Skills]

[Skill: None]

'Hmm, so how do I get all this things to increase?' He thought as he started walking going to his room.

[Daily quest]

[Train 10 minutes a day]

[Quest reward: 5 exp]

[Optional daily quest: Train more than 20 minutes a day]

[Quest reward:???]

"I think I just have to do what mum told me" he thought.