
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Bromley Academy

When Timi woke in the morning he could see many students heading to the school gate while some were still in the inn, he look around and could see no sign of the girl he met earlier last night.

'Maybe she's gone already' he thought.

After waiting for a while he started walking towards the school gate, when he got there with other students the gate was opened and the guards didn't stop them, when they entered they could get the clearer view of the school it was like another city entirely, it was far wide and leads to a deep forest but there was a barrier gate between the school and the forest to protect them from beasts, there are different types of defensive structure there, tower standing everywhere with great machineries sticking out of it. Although the school don't look any fancy like any other school out there but the great defensive structures it has make it stand out. The students were lead to a grand hall and were told to wait there for the other students to arrive. Timi is currently standing alone looking around the place looking for a particular student when there eyes were about to meet he quickly look away to the other side.

'What's wrong with this guy' Temmy thought as she was also standing on her own looking around the place.

"Hey do you like the girl?" A boy asked Timi from behind, when he turned around he could see a short blonde boy looking at him with a smile on his face. 'Why does everyone smile at me these days' Timi thought.

"Nope, I I I just... Just wanted t-.

"Don't worry I gat you bro." The boy said as he saw him stuttering. "If you want to talk to her I'll help you, I will make sure she fall for you don't worry." The boy said with a large grim on his face.

"What? Did I tell you I like her, I just wanted to thank her for yesterday that's why I was looking at her." Timi complained.

"Thank her for yesterday? What did she do yesterday, did she kiss you." The boy said in as he continue to tease him.

"Why would I tell you what she did, I don't even know you." Timi said.

"Oh, my name is Idan, I'm from ibadan city I was sent here because of the chaos I've caused in my city, Lol." Idan said proudly.

"What type of name is Idan? and what choas do you cause in your city." Timi asked as the name sound ridiculous.

"Why would I tell you any of that when I don't even know you." Idan replied with a smile, "Okay I'm Timi, Timi Snout. " Timi said.

"Snout? huh who bear a dragon's name." A young blonde braided hair girl with blue beautiful eyes said from the opposite side as she walk towards them with a sword on her back in its sheath.

"Dragon? What do you mean by dragon's name and who are you?" Idan asked looking straight in her eyes with a thought on both him and Timi's mind. 

'She's cute'. They both thought.

"Oh sorry, my name is Diana and Snout is a white dragon's name whic-" she was cut mid sentence with the entrance of some old men in military uniform, black in color and some white shades everywhere, following behind them were soldiers and teachers. As they entered the whole room went silent, the five old men occupy the five sit at the front while others sat behind them, a young man with brown hair then stand up from the middle and walks to the front with an amplifier magic stick in hand.

"We welcome every one of you here today, as you all know today is the resumption day and a new season for Bromley academy, before I start my speech let me introduce myself." The man said. "My name is General Francis and this men here are the five commander of this school whom you are to follow their orders." Francis said and the crowd applauded. "Today is the start of a new session and the registration of new student to Bromley academy, the second and third year student have started their lesson which means you people as the first year will also resume to work as soon as the registration ends. The first lesson after the registration is to learn and understand the rules and regulation of this school and second is the exploration of the school then after that you will be taken to your dormitory which your name and your roommate will be pasted at the front of the door, then you'll be taken to the dining hall to get yourself filled up so you can rest and start the school activities tomorrow." He explained.

"You are welcome to Bromley Academy once again." He said. After that, the registration started and everything goes well, there were about 500 or so student and from registration center they went to their next destination which is to explore the school and to the dining hall. Timi and Idan were together during the exploration and they also sat together in the dining hall talking about what they like in the school. Idan asked Timi why he chose to come here and he explained what happen to his family to him which he also sympathized him.

"Don't worry, if you don't have anywhere to go after this, we will go home together." Idan said. "Thanks very much." Timi said.

They have known each other quite well in the short amount of time.

"And what about you, why do you come here." Timi asked.

"Me? I told you before, I caused trouble in my hometown so my dad sent me here to learn a lesson." Idan said.

"What type of trouble do you caused in your hometown." Timi asked.

"hmm, you know my father is a nobleman and people talk shit about him because he uses an eye patch, they spread different rumors, some said he's an assassin that's why he always wear eye patch while some said he was shot in the eyes, so anywhere I heard this rumor I always make them pay by breaking their arms and if it's someone I can't handle I always make sure their children pay for it so as time goes on the rumors died down and people called me different names at my back, some call me wild beast and some call me the cursed child so my dad decided to send me here before I cause any more trouble." He explained.

Timi didn't say anything and just continue to stare at him intensely. "Hey, don't look at me like that and let's finish this food." Idan said. "Oh sorry." Timi replied.

After their little talk they finish their food and went back to the grand hall to get their luggage, they wait for a while in the hall before someone came and direct them all to the dormitory. As they walk through the hallway they could their names pasted on the door, three names on each door, when Timi saw his name he quickly went over to the door and he could see three names pasted on it.

"Timi Snout, Diana Wyatt and Idan Kidan." Timi read out loud. "Idan Kidan, Is that you." Timi asked.

"Yeah, I don't know they will put us in the same room, I guess luck is on our side." Idan said happily.

"And who is this Diana Wyatt, I think I've heard the name before." Timi said as they open the door and enter the room.

When they entered the room was well arranged and they could see three bunk beds in different angles, they drop their belongings and do proper arrangement. After waiting for a while they couldn't see they their third roommate so they decided to leave the room and get some fresh air outside.



Sorry for the sluggish release of chapters, I'm currently having some problems and once it is solved I promise to release rapidly. 

Sorry for the sluggish release of chapters, I'm currently having some problems and once it is solved I promise to release rapidly. 

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