
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs


Master Lee is a teacher in Bromley academy, the Martial art teacher who's at the level of the head generals, at least that's what they all thought, he teaches all the students in the academy including the third year student but he had shared his duties among his trusted sergeants, letting his son Sunny to take over the first year and two other sergeant for the second and third year although he always check on the third year student sometimes to see how things are going because he knew they're all stubborn and wouldn't want to listen to the sergeant.

For the first year and the second year, he rarely check on them because the sergeant can still handle them, he always come to introduce himself every year to new students in the first year. He isn't a well-known person among the students and other teachers and sergeants, they only knew him as a teacher but he's a well-known man among the Head generals and the Commanders because of his skilled martial art and his unique ability.

There are people who magicians and also good in martial art, some adventurers prefer fighting with weapon or their bare hands to magic and only use magic in a dire situation, in the mage school, there are not only mages but also people who are good in martial art and want to learn magic but it takes some years to achieve that, some grand mages will also attend knight school in order to breakthrough and learn martial art skills.

Also there are soldiers who learned magic after their years of training in the knight school, there are different reason for soldiers and normal citizen learning magic because everybody possesses mana and they could also cultivate it, so knowing that not only people with the mages bloodline could perform magic, they started going to mage school to cultivate their mana and learn how to perform magic.

Some people unlock a unique ability within themselves after years of cultivation, there are mostly skilled warriors who want to harness their skills, this set of people cannot learn magic after unlocking this unique ability because the ability they unlock is also similar to a magic but the only difference is they don't need to cast any spell for it to work but they also use mana.

Many of these people with unique abilities are the root of Demon Hunters along with some grand mages, skill soldiers and experienced adventurers.

Among these people is Master Lee, he's a soldier from Plateau Kingdom who had unlock his unique ability and this ability has the power to negate any ability or magic that was used against him, when he first discovered this ability, he thought it was useless because it wasn't an offensive ability and it's pretty useless while fighting against people without ability or magic, people who only use their brute strength and skills but as time goes on, fighting against strong opponent with strong ability and magic and years of cultivation he discovered the real usefulness of the ability, he discovered that this ability wasn't only to negate other abilities but it can also be used in an offensive way, he can attack with the ability by producing a yellow line of aura and also defend himself, he always had it on every day and any ability used on him won't work, he had also taught this ability to his son, Sunny.

Nobody knows how it works and he was invited to Demon Hunters because of his ability and his great martial art skills.

Running over to the Mayor after deflecting all the spears, the only people he knew very well in his base from Plateau Kingdom were Jeff and the Mayor, Jeff was his student and one of his sergeant, he's also Sunny's childhood friend from Bromley academy, Jeff and Sunny were both invited to the Demon Hunter because of their ability, Jeff's ability works in two ways, he can increase the level of weapon he held onto, by improving it to the next level or higher level and he can also use it like a telekinesis by controlling weapons freely in the air but it can only be used on a weapon that left his hand or he had touched before, Sunny had his father ability and he was also invited but he rejected the offer.

"Dean!!" Master Lee shouted as he keep shaking him and the Mayor opened his eyes holding unto Master Lee's hand.

"Lee, this is the last favor I'll ask you, please look after my daughter." Dean said as he closed his eyes fell out of Lee's hand lifeless.

"NOOO!!" Master Lee shouted and the others were wondering what type of relationship he had with the Mayor.


"Dad!!!" Shouting very loud that echoed all around the room, Diana raised up her head, flinging her duvet to the other side, sweat covered her whole body like rain, she was huffing and panting as she just had a terrifying dream. Timi and Idan had quickly got up from their bed running over to her.

"What happened." Timi asked concerned as they could see that Diana was sweating widely and her body was shaking, they haven't seen her this scared before.

"Dad, Dad, Dad." She kept repeating those words and all her body was shaking, Idan walk over to her picking up her duvet, he used it to cover her body as she only had her underwear and a brown bra covering the top of her breast, Idan sat besides her and Timi also move forward.

"What's wrong." Idan asked and after calming down a little, Diana told them that she had a dream and explained the dream exactly as the event that happened on planet Magki, they told her to calm down that it's just a dream.

"I need to send a message to him and my brothers." She said as got up from her bed.

"Where are you going by this time of the day." Timi asked as he got in her way.

"To find a communicating crystal." She replied.

"You want to go to the city by now." Idan said. "Can't you see the time." Looking at the wall clock she started sobbing as she could see that it's 11:48pm.

"You can communicate with them tomorrow morning." Idan said.

"No, I need to do it now, so I can have a goodnight sleep and do well tomorrow in the beast hunting assessment." She said as her head was facing the downward.

"Okay, let's go to Sunny, I'm sure he has a communicating crystal." Timi said and they all went out of the room looking for Sunny, when they were about to step out of the students dormitory, the guards stopped them asking them question but after saying they want to see one of the sergeant two guards escorted them and after getting to Sunny's room and confirming that it's really him they're looking for, the two guards left.

"What do you guys want in this late hour." Sunny asked, he had come out to meet them.

"Sir, can we get a communicating crystal from you? Diana want to contact her Dad." Idan said.

"He's on planet Magki." Diana said.

'Contact her Dad? Do they know about the situation?' Sunny thought, his father had told him what happened on the planet and had asked him to look after his Diana.

"I'm sorry but I'm not in touch with anybody on the planet your father resided on so there's no how we can communicate." Sunny replied.

"What about my brothers in Aretuza." She said immediately.

'I guess she already knew about the situation.' Sunny thought.


I need you guys to vote, this novel is going somewhere.

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