
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Forget but not Forgive

In a small office-like room where a meeting table could be seen at the centre of the room, a blue crystalized orb was at the middle of the table, looking at the orb, it was rotating like a solar system, the blue glow emerging from it lit up the room supplying the room a means of brightness, a stranger wouldn't know the purpose of the orb and just thought it's only a source of light for the room.

A man in his early thirties could be seen sitting on a chair, his two hands placed on his desk and his back was facing the table at the centre, he had a white robe on and his black curly hair was shining, a teenage boy was standing beside him, he had the same appearance with the man on the chair and had a yellow uniform on, looking at him you'll know he's still a student maybe a graduating student or a middle class student.

These two are Diana's brothers who resided on Aretuza academy, they are both mages, the man sitting on the chair is a teacher in the school and a high ranking at that while the young boy is a fifth year student in Aretuza academy.

They received information on what happened to their father and were both deliberating on what to do.

"Shouldn't we tell Diana about it." The young boy asked, his name is Reyo while the man's name is Dave.

"No, it will affect his academic progress." Dave said, he's at least the same age as Sunny but his appearance looks older than that of Sunny.

"What about me, why did you tell me, isn't it going to affect my academic progress too." Reyo asked.

"Look Rey, you aren't a young boy anymore, you're nineteen already and your last year in school compared to her who's just fifteen and her first year in school." Dave replied, he's the only who call his brother Rey. "And they have their first hunting assessment tomorrow, do you want her to be downcast and not perform well?"

"But she'll resent us when she later finds out and knowing that we already knew about it but kept it from her." Reyo complained.

"I'm not planning to keep it long from her, I'll make sure to tell her after their first outing." Dave replied and just then a knock was heard at the door and staying at the entrance was guard in deep blue dress, he didn't have any armor or weapon on him because he's just a mage.

"Sir, someone request to speak with you from Bromley academy, should I put them on the line." The guard said.

"From Bromley academy, is she the one." Dave asked his brother who just stood there with a puzzled look on his face. "Yes please." He said to the guard and he walk in handling him a wooden telephone-like structure, heavy like a golf ball with broad back like a modern mouse, this is different from the communicating crystal other peoples used, this is an advanced communicating device with a beast core powering it. He collected it the device and put it on his desk.

"Who's there please." He asked speaking into the device.

"Dave, it's me Diana, how about Dad, have you been getting in touch with him, have you contacted him today?" He heard a sweet tiny voice coming from the device, he looked up at his brother before looking down at the device without saying anything.

"Dave, are you there?" Diana asked as there was silence after her first question. Clearing his throat, Dave picked up the device and move it towards his mouth.

"It's been a while little sis, is that the way you should greet your big brother? Throwing strange questions at me?" He replied.

"Just answer me Dave!!!" She yelled that the device Dave was holding onto had dropped on the desk.

"I guess you already know about the situation but you should calm down a little bit, shouting like this won't do anything to favor you and crying everyday won't bring him back so you should be careful and not think about it too much, let him rest." Dave said as he was trying his best to hold back the tears coming out of his eyes, Reyo who was beside him was also sobbing and they could hear Diana sobbing like a cry baby inside the device.

"Hey, it's Okay, stop being stupid and clean up your face, when did you become a weak girl that you crying like this, if dad was to see you crying like this he won't be happy so get up and be strong, do well in your outing tomorrow and stop being a weak girl, that way Dad will be happy even as he's no more." Reyo encouraged his sister as he picked the device and hung up the call before throwing the devices to the other side, the guard has left immediately he came so he threw the devices to one side of the room as he started sobbing with his brother.


Diana could be seen on her knees sobbing uncontrollably, the boy stayed away from her as they've done their best to calm her down.

Sunny had asked some guards to escort them to their room after the call had ended, he was also thinking of what to do as his father had asked him to look after the girl and to protect her from any danger, although Sunny knew she was strong and can protect herself with Idan by her side but with the situation she's in currently he knew a small ant will be able to hurt her. But Sunny had another thing bothering him as he couldn't get it off his mind.

'What's my father's relationship with her dad for him to go to that planet himself to fend off the demons, although he will do anything to protect the planets that belongs to plateau kingdom but for him to act like that because of a mayor's death and asking me protect his daughter, there must be a strong bond between them.' Sunny thought because when his dad told him about the situation, his mood was almost solemn and he acted like a person who just lost a loved one and knowing full well of how emotionless his father can be he knew there must be a strong bond between them.

When the trio got to their room, the boys followed Diana behind to her bed as they were doing their best to calm her down and after their wasted efforts of keeping her calm, they let her be as they sat on her bed staring at her while she was on her knees crying on the floor.

They knew how painful it was to lose someone's father and Timi had experienced this before losing his two parents, he wanted to kill himself that day and follow his parent but the system encountering had made his pain almost gone numb.

The boys stayed there for about an hour not saying anything thinking she'll stop crying when she's tired but after being there for almost two hours and looking at the clock seeing 2:23am they knew it will be useless staying there till morning and just looking at her, Idan was already drowsing and had lied on the bed before Timi wake him up and they both approach her together.

"Hey, it's Okay, get up and come to your bed." Timi said.

"Are you just going to be there and keep sobbing foolishly?" Idan asked as he was tired of it all. "Like your brother said, crying tonight till next year won't bring him back it will only sadden him seeing you like this, the only way you can make him happy is to get stronger and get revenge on those damn demons who killed him." Idan said.

Timi walked up to her and raised her up off the ground, she didn't resist as she had been doing before, maybe Idan's word had gotten to her or she's tired they didn't know, he held her hands and walk her towards the bed.

"I know what you're feeling right now, I've experienced it before but if I've been crying like this I wouldn't have been here because I came here to grow stronger and protect people around me so it won't ever happen again, so you need to get over it now once and for all, do like nothing ever happened and prepare your mind for tomorrow's assessment." Timi said, cleaning up her watering face she stood up and clenched her fist, her eyeballs were red and her face paled.

"I'll forget about it like you said but I won't ever forgive those damn demons, I'll make sure to kill them all." She said with her gummy mouth, she walks over to her wardrobe opening up a tiny space and revealing her shining level 3 swords. "I'll make sure to slice off their throat one by one."

"Wow, that's my babe, always strong and not like that weak girl who was just crying minutes ago." Idan joked and he was happy seeing her determined.


From tomorrow onward, i'll be dropping one chapter a day. Increment in chapter will depends on vote and collection.

There will also be mass release sometimes so let's be serious and vote.

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