
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

The Third Roommate

They could see student outside chattering away and some making friends, but the common thing is that when walking through the hallway they could see students looking at both of them and discussing.

"I can't believe that it, so those are the guys the girl is going to share room with." A girl said.

"I heard she's the only one sharing room with guys." Another replied.

"This is cruel."

"Look at the black and white guy, haha." A boy said laughing hysterically

Timi and his friend didn't understand what's going on but they could see that all eyes were on them.

"What do you think is happening." Timi asked

"I don't know and I'm not interested maybe we've gotten some fame on our first day." Idan replied as he walk forward, "Let's just look for our third roommate, who knows maybe that's the reason they are looking at us." Idan said without looking at his friend who was standing still.


In one of the head general's office, a girl could be seen standing there, a short sword on her back with tears in her eyes and sitting opposite her is the head general himself doing some paperwork.

"Sir, please can't you just help me to change it." She pleaded.

"Diana, I told you there's nothing I can do, there's no more female student you can share room with because your name is last on the list and those boys are also the only two male we've not given room so we decided to put you guys together, and you know it's three students in a room, you can't be on your own and those two can't also share a room except they're three. You guys are even lucky the commanders haven't sent you home, because when something like this happens or there's not enough room they're told to come back the next year, I don't know why they haven't done so this year maybe it's because of the threat." Head general Michelle explained.

"But sir, how am I going to survive with them, how will I change my clothes with them in the room, how will I sleep in the night." Diana complained.

"You don't have to worry if there's any problem with them you can report to me and I'll give them the appropriate punishment." Michelle replied.

Diana didn't say anything and just walked out of the office with her luggage in a hand she walk to her room with saddened look on her face, when she entered she could see the room with three beds on three angles and two of them occupied, the first thing she did was drag the empty bed to the extreme edge which is hers' and the other occupied two she brought them side by side to the opposite edge, then she did the same to the three wardrobes and unpacked her luggage, she laid on her bed with her sword next to her.

After some minutes, the two boys walked in for a surprise as the room entire arrangements has completely changed.

"What the hell, who did this." Idan said with his mouth wide opened.

"Hey over there." Timi said as he pointed to where Diana was sleeping peacefully.

"An angel?" Idan asked as he rushed to where she was sleeping.

"Step back, don't cross your boundary." Diana said without opening her eyes.

"Oh sorry I thought you were sleeping." Idan said as he walk back, but something spark in his head that make him turn around.

"What are you doing." Timi asked, as he could see him turning back.

"I've seen her before."Idan replied as he walk towards her confidently.

"That's normal, I mean you could remember every everyone you met in the hall." Timi said as he watch him from behind. Diana rises from her bed and reach for her sword.

"If you cross that line I'm gonna cut off your head." Diana said with her sword in her hand when looking down both Timi and Idan could see a white line at the center of the room.

"Calm down, just wanna confirm something." Idan said without halting his advancement. But the next thing came as a shock to Timi because Diana is currently standing next to Idan with her sword around his throat.

'How did she move so fast.' Timi thought.

"Oh you're quite fast and good at that, I would have want you to be my girlfriend buy you're not nice and aggressive." Idan said.

"What do you want." Diana said aggressively as she remove the sword from his neck.

"Be nice, we are roommate, introduction should come first before a fight and are you the girl from earlier in the hall that talk about the white dragon." Idan said as he continue moving forward. Now it click on Timi's head too as he look at her closely.

"Yes I am and if you know that then you should know my name." She said.

"Okay let's gist each other, Timi come sit here." Idan said and Timi quickly rush over gave her a quick wink and hand gesture to Diana to come over.

'What's wrong with these guys, I thought they will be aggressive or act like some scum maybe we could actually be friends.' She thought as she went to join them and sit on the edge of her bed and the two others also sitting there.

They got to know each other well and share their stories and experience, they got to know that Diana is actually from a noble family but she chose to become a fighter, her father is a steward in one of the planets that the plataue kingdom owns and all of her siblings are mages while she chose to become a soldier, when they heard Timi story they were all saddened and sympathize him. They all come from a good family but he's the only one without a family now.

"Okay, let's build our own family here, we three are the family members." Diana said with a smile on her face, after that they play games and laugh before they sleep. Diana slept on her bed while the other two sleep next to her on the floor, they've forgotten to go their bed.