
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

An Unimaginable Reward

Timi had been lying on the hospital bed for the past one week, the doctors have done their best in making sure he lives and after giving him the proper treatment they could give, he's still not conscious, all his body had healed up and they have removed all the bandages on his body, he doesn't have any physical injury so they thought it might be his internal injury that's keeping him unconscious so they believe he will wake up sooner or later.

The doctor had asked Idan and Diana to leave him, go to class and come back to check on him later but they disagreed saying they will stay with him, since the incident had occurred they haven't step out of the medical room, anything they need to do they have been doing it there, they sleep there, eat there and also take their bath in the medical room and they haven't changed the clothes they've been wearing since that day. Idan felt it was his fault that the boy is like this so he promised himself that he won't step out of here till Timi wakes up, he felt bad for Diana for staying here and he had asked her to leave but she will always reply with argument saying it was his fault.

Timi opened his eyes and he could see the white ceiling above but his heart beat faster as he thought of something bad looking at the white ceiling then looking to his left he saw his two friends sitting on a chair and resting their heads on the bed and his nerves calm down as he recognized where he was.

'I thought I was at the afterlife, thank God I'm not dead.' He thought as he was about to get up but different system messages had stopped him to.

[You aren't dead]

[Welcome back Timi Snout]

[Your body have healed up]

[Your health have been restored]


[You are now Okay and Fine]

Seeing this messages, he examines his body and he could see that he was indeed Okay.

[You have gained quite a few reputations among the students in the school, you're progressing in completing your main quest]

He looked at his main quest, the quest of surviving and becoming a great person he could see a little white bar under it and there's a small tint of blue which shows his progress.

[You have received a reputation point]

[Reputation point: 368]

[Your reputation point increases as people say good things about you and it can also decrease as they say the opposite]

[Your reputation point is quite useless for you now, with your current skills there's nothing you can use it for so the system has given you an unimaginable reward which you can use your reputation point on]

[Congratulations, you have been granted the Dragon Realm]

[The Dragon Realm is a world you can create on your own, it will be a whole universe which you'll be the god and rule over it, how and what this world will look like depends on how creative you are and you can keep changing and creating it every day. This world serves many purposes for you but as it was said before, it all depends on how creative you are. You can also travel from one location to another through this world]

[Any creation of yours cannot be used or transported to the real life world because they are not real but they have real power which can only be used in your realm but thanks to the reputation point that you've gained you can transport any of your creations to the real life world.

The stronger they are the more point it will cost you]

[Note that Mana will be used for any design your make to this world or anything you create]

Timi looking at the messages was wondering what the so called world will look like.

'I can create a world and be the god? Huh, that sounds funny.' He thought as he raised his head up and looked at his two friends sitting on a plastic chair and resting their heads on the bed he's sleeping on, he stood up and got off the bed but as he did they both raised up their head.

"Timi!!!" Idan and Diana shouted in unison and disbelief, he looked at them and smile.

"I'm sorry I wake you up, how long was I out for." He asked.

"A week I guess." Diana said as she gave him a big hug.

"A week?" Timi asked with his mouth left wide opened.

"Yes Idiot, I thought you won't ever wake up." Diana said as she couldn't stop crying and holding him tightly, Idan also came forward with tears on his face.

"I'm sorry bro, I'm so sorry." Idan said with tears all over his face, he couldn't keep his happiness of seeing him awake and well so he was weeping tears of joy.

"Don't be stupid bro, it's not your fault." Timi said as he walks towards him and hug him.

"You're just trying to protect this family." He said.

"Yes, you're only trying to protect our little family, so it's not your fault." Diana said with smile on her face.

"So you can say that now." Idan said to Diana as he wipes his tears away, "Let's protect this little family together and make sure nobody hurt us again." He said and they put their hands together. The door opened and coming through it was doctor Way with two nurses by his sides, he ran forward as he saw Timi standing there.

"Are you wake." He asked in shocked as he was examining his body, "It's truly you, you are really awake." He said happily but he quickly stops as he started asking different questions.

"Are you Okay, is your head not paining you? You aren't hearing voices inside your head? What about your chest? Does it hurt? Is your tummy itching you? And you aren't feeling pain internally, it doesn't feel like your inside is burning?" He keeps asking different questions and Timi was just nodding his heads, Idan and Diana couldn't help but smile.

"God has done it, he has performed miracle." He said as he went down on his knees and smiling. "They all thought you'll be dead and all the student believes you're already dead but your friends they stay with you and have faith in God and God has really done it for us." Doctor Way said.

"Thank you sir for looking out for me." Timi said as he bowed down.

"Before you go we'll need to run some test on you to confirm that you're really fine." Doctor Way said and after the test was done, he was discharged, the doctor had told them where the student will be by now and they decided to head to grand hall but as they were going the three of them noticed that their clothes was not smelling nice.

"shouldn't we take a bath and change our clothes before going there." Diana said and they agreed, although the other two had been taking their bathe in the medical department but they haven't change their clothes. After taking their bathe and changing to a nice clothes, they headed to the grand hall.

"Hi everyone." Idan said with a smile on his face, everyone in the room had gone silent for a second as they couldn't believe their eyes, some even wipe their face to be sure of what they were seeing and after confirming that it was really true, they started shouting and they cheer but it didn't last long and they were all coming to Idan and Diana to join their team but nobody had gone to Timi. Blake on the other side was looking at Timi in disbelief.

'How did he survive it.' He thought as he keeps staring at him and seeing Idan standing there smiling had brought bad memories for him of how he had disgraced him, he wanted to charge forward and beat the hell out of him here and there but Jake who was by his side quickly calm him down. Idan look around the room and that's when he saw Temmy who was leaning against the wall.

"Hey over there, that's your girlfriend." He said as he drags Timi and Diana, Timi was hesitant because Idan have told him how of she used to visit with Sunny and Idan had been referring her as his girlfriend.

'Are they coming to me.' Temmy thought as she quickly repositions herself.

"Hey sis, how are you doing." Diana said, they have all known each other well since the day they first encounter her in search of Timi.

"Do you have a team already." Idan asked.

"No, I was just looking for one to join." She replied.

"Then come and join us." Diana said as she pulled her towards the middle of the group.

"So we need one more person now." Idan said.

"Thanks for checking on me." Timi said to Temmy as he slightly bowed down, the whole group went silent as he said those words because Timi hadn't said anything since they got there. To make the situation less awkward Timi pointed his hands at the front.

"Over there, I think that boy doesn't have a group yet." He said as he pointed his hands towards a redheaded boy who was sitting on a chair alone. They all walk over to him and ask him if he has a team or not and he was surprised as they told him to team up with them.

"You mean you want me to be part of your group." Gary asked in shocked, he had been sitting there alone as he knew nobody will choose him and people he had asked to join had rejected him so he decided to just be alone and when the assessment day had arrived the teacher will add him to any group but seeing this people asking him to join them was a huge surprised.

"What? You don't want to join us?" Timi asked as he could see the look on his face.

"No, I'll join you, I'll be happy to join your group." He said with a smile on his face, it was indeed a blessing to be in a group with three high ranking student even if there already a lower rank with them.

"Okay, so the group is completes now." Diana said, Gary introduce himself to them and they did the same. They all look at their group and smile as they noticed that it's a strange group, the only group with mixture of higher rank and lower rank student, not any higher rank but the highest rank in the school and not any lower rank but the lowest rank in the school, they all knew it's a strange group indeed.