
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Demon Hunters

In a planet full of life, beasts were running around the bush, the trees were waving left and right, people living in peace and soldiers stationed all over the border of the planet, although they don't have any entrance to the planet or borderline because they used a magic teleporter that was being powered by high level beast core, there's a large magic circle drawn on the ground and a strange container with different beast core in it, the circle was not activated because nobody is coming through it. A station was built for this teleporter, all the planet that belongs to human race has their own teleporter station either one or two and each kingdom on earth also has their own teleporter station and it's well guarded.

This very planet belongs to Plateau Kingdom, the planet called Makgi, a planet full of mountain and forest, this is one of the very best planet for Plateau kingdom. A man in white robe walked over to the station and five guards were behind him.

"We welcome you, Sir Wyatt." One of the soldiers that was guarding the station said.

"Activate the teleporter now, they have called me already, they are coming from planet Naeryo." The man said and the soldiers quickly got to work activating the portal, the man is the Mayor of this planet, Dean Wyatt.

If anybody want to come through a teleporter they have to communicate with the Mayor of the city or the Planet they're going to, although there are some mages who can draw a magic circle to open a portal and transport themselves but thanks to magic some strange magic wands were placed on every planet and cities on earth which will detect an opening of portals, if a person come through an illegal portal they will be detected and captured immediately but thanks to this very magic again there are some high level magicians who can counter this magic wand, they can teleport themselves to any place without being detected.

The very special unit called the Demon Hunters are example of these high level magician, they can teleport themselves undetected and now they are visiting Makgi planet although they can teleport freely but they didn't because they were being invited by the Mayor of this planet himself because there have been some sight of stray demons roaming around the planet and there have been news of people missing so they knew it's the work of these demons and the people were afraid, so the Mayor decided to call the Demon Hunters because they have dealt with many issue concerning demons occurrence on other planets.

The Demon Hunters is a group of people with special ability they are the mixture of grand mages and adventurers with special ability from each kingdom on earth and they have come together to form a unit known as the Demon Hunter, this was the decision of the officials when their average soldiers were unable to best these demons, they have invited the man named Hood from Plateau Kingdom but he refused.

The Demon Hunters has branches all over earth, they have branches on each kingdom and they go on mission of killing any stray demon found on any planet or earth, they always go out in five and among these five there will be a mage who can use teleporting magic to teleport them and if a backup was needed they will communicate back with the branch they had come from, the reason they take a teleporting user with them is to go on an emergency mission where demons attack so they will quickly be there but when it's not an emergency mission they will go through the teleporter station like now they are coming from the station on planet Naeryo to this planet, Naeryo belongs to another kingdom. They went through the portal and appear on Planet Makgi.

"We welcome you members of the Demon Hunters to Maekgi Planet." Dean, the Mayor said as they come through the portal, Five men in black with gold trim from the neck to the wrist and red sash on their waist, that's the demon Hunters uniform.

"It doesn't look like demon is disturbing them on this planet." A man with shining black hair said with two large axe on his back. "Everyone feels happy and lively, they aren't panic at all." The man said. Children were playing all around, people selling market and having fun. 

"That's because not everyone knew about the situation and we don't want to spread it because we don't want our people in a panics state." The mayor said. "If you get to some part on this planet you'll see they're more quite than others." He said as they walked forward.

When they got out of the station, two horses with carriages was already waiting for them outside, one for the mayor and the other for the Demon Hunters members, two guards walked towards the two horses and they climb on them, then everybody got on the carriage as they headed to the Mayor's domain and as they got closer they noticed that some places were really quite and soldiers stationed everywhere.