
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: The partnership collapses and Ultear is in crisis!

"Encountered a surprise attack from the Albarez Empire?"

Hearing the Heartfilia personnel who came to report, Loya's eyes showed a little bit of difference.

No wonder he had such a reaction.

Although the city mentioned in the information is also in the western region of Ishgar, but it is closer to the central region, the speed of this advance is a bit too amazing.

You must know that Loya encountered Judge Wall in the coastal area of Fiore some time ago, and after a little bit of resistance, someone went deep into such an area in a blink of an eye.

It is not necessarily so quick to dispatch the personnel of the Holy Shield class.

And are the guys at the Magic Council just a show?

Loya asked directly: "Do you know who the main person who attacked the town was? And did the Magic Council not respond?"

The Blonde Man Hui reported: "It's not clear, now that the Al "Nine Thirty Zero" Barres Empire is in a full-scale attack, the Magic Council can't allocate its staff at all, and can only catch up as soon as possible."

Lord Jiude is asking you for help by connecting his subordinates with magic. There is the headquarters of Heartfilia. If it is destroyed, the industry of the Heartfilia family will disappear.

"I know, I will do it."

Loya responded directly.

Not to mention that he had promised asylum, the Heartfilia business group helped him a lot anyway, and the existence of the Heartfilia business group was also beneficial to him.

In terms of love and reason, he should make a move.

"Thank you Lord Loya!"

The blond man in charge of the communication was happy.

On the other hand, King Doma was not happy. After listening to Loya's words, his heart suddenly fell into a trough.

Loya's departure means Crocas is in a dangerous situation.

Using Magic Council regulations to persuade Loya or something doesn't exist.

Loya has a reputation for doing whatever she wants.

The Magic Council will not affect his judgment, and will only usher in malice.

What's more, Loya still helped to solve the dragon cry problem, and the king of Doma is not so troubled.

At this time, just when King Doma looked worried, he heard Loya speak slowly.

"King, you don't need to be so nervous, my other companions will stay and defeat the enemy with their strength, but it is more than enough to protect a city."

"I'll be right back after finishing the task.

King Doma breathed a sigh of relief.

After the discussion was over, Loya was about to leave.

Of course.

Before leaving, Loya still needs to arrange something, and at the same time, he also wakes up Mr. Robin Lu, who has been sleeping.

"Grandpa Patriarch."

As soon as the play came out, Wendy and Carla rushed up with excitement on their little faces.

It's no wonder that they haven't seen each other for a long time, and after three years of cultivation, Mr. Robin Lu is not much weaker than Erza and others.

"Here, this is the space ring that holds the interior of Nirvana, how to operate it, I will ask the old man.

"I will.

Robin Lu, who was rarely awakened, naturally wanted to play his role.

And this time, he used nirvana for protection, and he couldn't refuse it.

Erza worried: "Are you sure you want to go? If the Magic Council knows about your actions, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle."

This is not to worry about Loya.

After witnessing the battle between Loya and the Animus, she deeply understands the power of Loya.

She is full of confidence in Loya's strength.

What really caught her attention was the Magic Council.

After giving in time and time again, and now disobeying the order, Makarov's side is not easy to explain to the Magic Council.

Loya smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I won't make it difficult for the old man, this time I will change my identity and act."


"That's right, I'll go back quickly.

Distance from destination.

It took about ten days to ride the magic airship, but with the explosion of strength, Loya arrived in only half a day.

As soon as you arrive, you can see a magnificent city, which is being violently attacked.

The mages on the two sides are not of the same level at all, and the mages on Ishgar's side are basically just being slaughtered.

This is a real sorcerer, not an ordinary robot.

The death is constantly being staged, and a large number of people die every minute and every second, and most of them are on Ishgar's side.

"It's really not bad! It's more resistant than the previous ones, but it's still a waste,

"Damn, if it wasn't for this stinky woman, we would have occupied this city and continued to attack the next city.."

"It's okay, what about Saint Ten, it's just a joke in the end, she can't support it for long.

Originally thought that the attack would be difficult for a city that would not be imagined, but it was found that it was too overestimated. The battle was unexpectedly smooth.

The intruders showed hideous and excited smiles one after another, and looked at a figure in the inner city wall ahead, who was still supporting the battle.

In fact, there was a battle here long before Loya arrived.

Fortunately, a Saint Ten arrived at a critical time to barely contain the spread of the defeat.

And that person was none other than Ultear himself.

As a member of parliament, she is also a Ten Wizard Saints.

According to the arrangement, she was responsible for defending this place, and then mobilized resources from here to support all parties, and she never expected to encounter a large number of magic soldiers attacked.

It's good for a few waves, with Ultear's strength combined with the power of the empty magic ball, this magic can be easily defeated.

But the problem is that these people are amazingly powerful, and there is a steady stream of them.

Even though Ultear had super strength, he still couldn't resist the invasion of the army. The outer city quickly missed, and he could only retreat to the inner city.

Although you are safe in front of you, defeat is a matter of time.

Ultear contacted several times during this 3.3 period. Jellal support from the nearest location.

It's a pity that none of these news came to fruition, or they shied away, rejecting Ultear's request with various excuses.

Without further ado, Ultear could see that Jellal was taking revenge on him.

She knew there was a crack in the relationship between the two, but she didn't expect Jellal to be so reckless.

No matter what, both of them are in the same camp,

At the critical moment, he betrayed himself.

The matter of wrapping up the last time he was promoted to Heavenly King seemed like he was concealing it.

Invisibly, Ultear always had a feeling that was beyond her control, which was obviously not what she wanted to see.

But no matter what, it is the most critical issue to stop and overcome the difficulties in front of you.