
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: Mirajane was made to cry.

"Has the president assigned us a mission?"

After the exchange was over, Mirajane and the others also came over to ask.

After all, Makarov communicated with Loya alone and didn't let a few people know about it, so it was inevitable that there would be some curiosity.

Wendy Carla's white fluffy cat ears also stood up.

"It's nothing."

Loya spread his hands and said, "It was the Magic Council who gave us a mission, asking us to continue guarding the capital of Fiore."

We're going to stay in Crocas for a while.


Lisanna and Wendy cheered.

Due to the reason of the mission, those who have just arrived have not been able to take a good stroll in Garden City, and it is rare that they can continue to stay, so they are naturally happy.

What's more, living in the palace, such a thing is a girl's heart that is greatly satisfied.

The next second, Loya's words made them even more happy.

"Go play if you want, don't worry about money, just remember not to leave the capital.

"Mmmm, brother Loya is the best."

Lisanna leaned in and kissed Loya's cheek fiercely, turned around and grabbed Wendy and ran out of the palace.

Unexpectedly, Carla didn't follow Wendy, but flew into Erza's arms and left quietly without knowing what to say.

Loya and Mirajane were the only two left in the empty room.

Seemingly aware of the strangeness in Loya's eyes, Mirajane couldn't help recalling the scene in the Dragon's Graveyard before, and Bai Nen's face instantly flushed red.

She, who usually competes with Erza, has no confidence or arrogance before, and only panics.

"I, I, I'm going to see Lisanna and the others…

Before Loya could speak, Mirajane turned to run.

But no matter how she ran, how could she run into Loya's palm.

"Ugh, bastard!

the next day,

The sun shines lightly,

It was three or four in the afternoon the next day when Loya and Mirajane got up.

"Brother Loya, where did you go last night?"

"Yeah, Wendy didn't find you last night, and thought you left Wendy and went back first."

Lisanna and Wendy found that they had not seen each other overnight and walked over,

Wendy, who was used to sticking to Loya, didn't see Loya all day, and immediately rushed into Loya's arms. Loya picked him up and rubbed his long smooth hair to comfort him.

"It's nothing, I just went out with your sister Mirajane to do some business.

Just because Loya looks good doesn't mean Mirajane is the same.

Thinking back to last night, Mirajane's face flashed a blush again, and a small hand of Bai Nen landed on Loya's waist, twisting in revenge.


The one who was holding Wendy Loya immediately gasped.

"Huh? Brother Loya, what's wrong with you? Do you need me to help you heal?"

This moment caught Wendy's attention, and because of the perspective, she didn't notice anything.

"No… nothing, just some minor problems in cultivation…


Wendy looked at Loya with her innocent eyes.


With that, Loya turned her head and gave Mirajane a vicious look.

He didn't pay attention to it suddenly, not to mention that he was holding Wendy in his arms, but he didn't dare to use strength or anything.

In addition, Mirajane's strength is not weak, this time there is still a lot of pain.



Loya's anger was ignored by Mirajane, with a smug look in her eyes.

But in the next second, the smile on Mirajane's face froze, her face flushed instantly, and tears were about to fall out.

Because a certain salty pig's hand was falling on her long leg.

This scene happened to be seen by Lisanna on the side.

A few years of growth Lisanna is not a child anymore.

She was also gradually understanding some things, and her thin face immediately showed the same expression as her sister.

As for Lisana's reaction, the two of them also saw that Loya quickly changed the subject. ,

"Ahem…what about Erza and Carla?"

"They seem to have gone to practice together, and mysteriously went out early in the morning."

"Is that so? When was the relationship between the two of her so good?"

Loya is a little different,

During this time, Erza and Carla always gave him a mysterious feeling, hiding together every day and not knowing what they were doing, their relationship was a little unusual.

Thinking of Erza, Loya didn't care about them too much,

It's a bit outrageous just to practice together now.

It's not that their relationship is bad, but their cultivation methods are fundamentally different, and they can't cultivate together at all.

But that goes with them.

Cultivation is a good thing.

With Erza around anyway, Loya doesn't have to worry about anything.

At this time, Lisanna also recalled something and hurriedly said: By the way, I almost forgot one thing, Brother Loya, the king seemed to be looking for you in a hurry just now.

"The king has something to do with me? What is it?"

Wendy added: "I don't know, but it seems to be very urgent, saying that it is related to the Heartfilia business group."

"Heartfilia business group? Could it be that something happened on Jiude's side?" Loya thought to himself.

"Forget it, call and see and you'll know."

Loya waved his hand and used magic to call the guards outside the palace, ready to summon him.

It is worth mentioning that.

King Doma was almost overjoyed when he learned that Loya and the others were going to stay.

Right now, during the time of war, the army of the Albarez Empire is coming, and it is undoubtedly the most exciting to have a powerful wizard like Loya stay in the capital.

Whether it is ensuring safety or stabilizing people's hearts, it has a great effect.

What are the requirements of Erza and the others, King Doma basically has everything, just to make Loya and his party stay longer.

In the palace, no one dared to say anything about it.

In the face of strength, kingship is nothing.

Even if King Doma later learned that Loya had taken over the Sakura Knights (Arkadi, the leader of the Nuohao regiment, he still did not dare to say anything.

Therefore, it was Ya that summoned something, and King Doma would not have any temper, let alone any dissatisfaction.

All that aside, Loya's reputation is also well-known on the continent of Ishgar.

Annoying Loya is a bad thing for the entire capital and the royal family.


Under the summons of the waiter, Loya's words were passed to the ears of King Doma.

After a while, in a separate palace, Loya saw King Doma leading a blond man through the gate, and the Heartfilia Chamber of Commerce icon on him!

Loya "Sir!"

Entering the palace, the blond man hurried forward and knelt down the moment he saw Loya.

Sure enough, something happened.

Seeing the blond man's reaction, Loya also confirmed his guess.

"Tell me what happened."