
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: The devil appears, and the person who tries the devil reappears!

"Lord Ultear, haven't the reinforcements arrived yet?"

The battle continued, and the number of people standing above the city wall became less and less. The impact of the explosion spread to the interior, and several people took the risk and rushed to the city wall to inquire.

These people are all wealthy businessmen in the city, they are important personnel for mobilizing resources, and they are also the protection objects of Ultear.

It was Jiu De himself who took the initiative to inquire about the dialogue.

Although he has pleaded for Loya's rescue, the Magic Council also pinned his hopes on it, and betting on both sides is the true nature of a businessman.

"It's coming soon, as long as you support it for a while!"

But in the face of such a problem, Ultear can only cover it up with various excuses.

There is no way.

The current situation is already chaotic enough. Once the internal military is in chaos, it will have a major blow to the current unfavorable situation.

But crisis is crisis, all Ultear can count on is that other personnel will arrive soon.

In fact, with Ultear's strength, he can get away on his own.

But the consequences of doing so will lead to a situation, which will be engraved with the title of deserter, once this label is branded.

Then she will lose everything she has gained in an instant.

This is not what Ultear wants to see.


Fate sometimes plays tricks on people like that.

Just when Ultear thought this way, a city wall below collapsed in the continuous bombardment of magic power.

With the appearance of the entrance, tens of thousands of wizards from the Albarez Empire began to pour into it, slaughtering the people inside, and the situation collapsed instantly.

War is like that.

The situation changed in an instant.

The last time the situation was chaotic.

"These are over.

The people in the city fell into despair in an instant, including those in the business group.


An explosion suddenly sounded!

The powerful magic caused the entire inner city to vibrate violently, and a large number of intruders died.

With the sound of the explosion, the momentum of the enemy's impact was directly interrupted.

At the critical moment, Ultear stood up again and blocked the attack.

"Quick! Block the hole!"

"Yes Yes!!"

Hearing Ultear's voice, the sorcerer who had fallen into despair did not regain his senses, and hurriedly stepped forward to fill the void with magic.

All the pressure was concentrated on Ultear for a while.

The little remaining magic power was consumed frantically again, and after a while, it was directly consumed to the bottom, and the empty magic ball also dissipated its brilliance.


The empty magic ball landed, and thousands of magicians from the outside rushed towards Ultear in an instant, condensing rays of light in their hands, preparing for a powerful blow.

The attacks launched by thousands of magicians at the same time surpassed the power of ordinary king-level powerhouses.

In the face of this attack, even if Ultear has an empty magic ball, it is difficult to block!

"Am I here too?"

Seeing this scene, Ultear couldn't help laughing miserably, but his eyes were not desperate.

She still has some magic left.

These are enough to use the space magic transfer in the empty magic ball brand, but she just thinks that all her efforts have been in vain, and she is even more unwilling.


Just a second before the attack fell, Ultear slowly saw a shadow appear in front of him.


In an instant, the attack of the thousands of meters mage engulfed everything and devoured everything in front of him.

"Lord Ultear!"

Seeing Ultear being attacked and wrapped, the surrounding Mage allied forces let out a tragic roar.

In contrast, the mages of the Albarez Empire let out a roar of excitement.

Haha "Haha! I finally killed that woman."

"The last trouble is gone, I'll see how you can stop it next?!

Ultear is the strongest man guarding the place.

Without her, the next step is to hunt down the remaining Ishgar mages.

However, just after the residual power of the magic power gathering beam gradually dissipated, something that made everyone stunned happened.

The breeze blows, the smoke gradually disperses,

Opposite the Albarez people, and the surviving Ishgar wizards.

In front of their field of vision, they saw a straight road in front of the city wall that had been completely destroyed. The city wall at the end of the road was still intact.

This scene is as if the roar just now was blocked by space, and the split attack led to the appearance of this spectacle.

"Lord Ultear is not dead, and there seems to be a figure in front of her!"

…for flowers…

Suddenly, an Ishgar wizard standing on the roof of a distant building shouted.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately stared at it.

Indeed, something stood in Ultear's way.

But it is not so much a figure, let alone a devil.

The head is long and double horns, and the dark body is covered with strange scales.

Behind it is a pair of black wings, and bone spurs grow on both hands, which looks particularly hideous.

As soon as a terrifying dark breath came out, it was unbearable, but he also blocked the attack.

Who else could this person be besides Loya?

Given the peculiar nature of the situation, it's obviously not appropriate to be Loya this time around, but being a demon doesn't matter so much.

He can fight whatever he wants.


And he can try it out, try the devil's power further, and see if he can make the devil further improve.

The power of demons comes from the negative influence of humans,

In order to further obtain the magic power, the demons launched the invasion of human beings again and again, creating panic.

But compared to attacking a city, the rate of negativity gained by war is undoubtedly faster.


With the idea of trying, Loya gave it a try.

As he imagined, with his strong debut, countless negative influences were born, which made every cell in his body feel happy.

"I feel the power of fear, but it's not enough, it's far from enough, it needs a darker step forward.

Just as Loya thought.

The deterrent force brought by the terrifying darkness made the Albarez Empire's magic soldiers dare not act rashly!

Not to mention the magic soldiers of the Albarez Empire, even Ishgar's side felt the oppression from Loya.

But it's also curious about Loya's identity.

You, in the end…"

Ultear from behind just opened his mouth, but saw Loya put down his hands without looking back, and walked towards the Albarez Empire on the opposite side, his voice icy.

"No name, no name, I came only for hunting."

"From the hunt, the power of the devil."

It seemed to wake up something, Ultear's beautiful eyes enlarged and looked at Loya and said.

"Could it be that you are the devil who killed the president back then!" Big.