
Chapter 72: Gaining Advantage and Pretending to Be Innocent

"Lin Yu, you're shameless, despicable, and base..." Zhang Xinran screamed as she desperately shook Lin Yu by the neck.


"Where have I been shameless, despicable, or base?" Lin Yu kept coughing as he tried to explain.


Someone unaware might assume these two were rehearsing lines for a drama in an alleyway.


"You... you've taken my purity, my innocence..." Zhang Xinran's earth-shattering cry left Lin Yu drenched in cold sweat. If someone didn't know the situation, they might think he had committed a crime and was attempting to flee after cleaning up.


"Squad Leader, nothing happened between us. You're taking this too far, aren't you?" Lin Yu called out while pulling her hand to the side—this girl practiced martial arts regularly, with an impressively fit body and unexpectedly great strength.


While Lin Yu wasn't the sort of person to resort to such actions, an ordinary person, given her current strength, might have easily subdued him.


Lin Yu was genuinely unwilling to engage in this endless back-and-forth—this situation seemed to have no end.


He pulled Zhang Xinran's hand and attempted to rise, but she adamantly resisted.


"Lin Yu, you rogue, thinking of running away? No way!" Zhang Xinran screamed, using her muscular legs to firmly encircle Lin Yu's waist, clasping him tightly, locking him in her grasp.


Her flexibility, honed from practicing martial arts, made her quite agile. However, in this unique scenario, being overly quick and flexible wasn't necessarily advantageous—it was rather disadvantageous...


But the current posture was excessively ambiguous and precarious. Looking from afar, Zhang Xinran's legs were completely entwined around Lin Yu's body, her arms coiled around his neck, holding tightly. Lin Yu, on the other hand, was firmly pressed against her, creating an inseparable bond, leaving no room between them.


Unaware observers might think they were a passionate couple enacting a scene from a romance film, apart from their clothes, it was as if they were in a martial arts fight with a supernatural entity.


Their eyes locked, noses inches apart, lips almost touching. Lin Yu's strong yet compact chest muscles compressed Zhang Xinran's well-endowed chest. Meanwhile, due to Zhang Xinran's specific movement, the lower parts were pressed firmly together without any gap.


In a moment, they were petrified again, both unprepared for this outcome. Lin Yu only wanted to stand up, while Zhang Xinran feared he would escape, leading to this situation.


Zhang Xinran's gentle breath brushed against Lin Yu's face, while the surging heat on Lin Yu's body caused palpitations, leaving both silent, frozen in this pose without moving.


However, this position was incredibly intimate and dangerous. Lin Yu suddenly felt an overwhelming heat emanating from within, rendering him disoriented, unsure of how to react.


Taking advantage of the situation, a certain part of Lin Yu responded, capitalizing on the moment.


"Ah..." A simultaneous cry rang out, yet this time from both parties.


Zhang Xinran cried out in shock and embarrassment, while Lin Yu suffered discomfort from an untimely and forceful reaction. Though the timing of this reaction wasn't ideal—while it wasn't painful to hit the unopened 'wall,' the front and back pressure was quite uncomfortable, causing him to scream in pain.


"Lin Yu, you're not just a rogue but a shameless one. I swear, I'll make you a eunuch today, a complete eunuch," Zhang Xinran, being an adult, knew full well what the situation below indicated. Filled with shame and anger, she struggled to climb up and give Lin Yu a piece of her mind.


Finally seizing a rare opportunity, Lin Yu managed to turn over and hurriedly escape. Later, a figure dashed out of the alley, legs moving like a whirlwind. Behind, a red-faced, determined, and exceptionally fit girl, reminiscent of the fitness coach Ma Hua who had once popularized nationwide gymnastics, aggressively chased. One fleeing, the other pursuing, they soon disappeared into the distance.


"Squad Leader, you're truly adept at martial arts. After running for so long, aren't you tired? You have an incredible lung capacity," Lin Yu panted, leaning against a tree. Honestly, she was quite the runner; without using his elemental power, he had a hard time keeping up with her, completely exhausted.


"Quit the nonsense. Today, I must subdue this perverted scoundrel," Zhang Xinran, her face flushed and covered in sweat, pinned Lin Yu's right arm against the tree, panting with exertion.


"Heavens above, what have I wrought? Alright, I yield, truly I do. Speak your mind, how do you wish to incapacitate me?" Lin Yu was in such anguish that he contemplated banging his head against a tree. It was a pity; how did he find himself in this predicament?


"I'll castrate you, ensuring you can never again demean women," Zhang Xinran bellowed with fury.


"Very well, castrate me. I concede," Lin Yu reluctantly turned his body halfway, adopting a martyr's posture.


"I...bah..." Zhang Xinran's face flushed even more, but eventually, she released him, playfully kicking his leg lightly. It was a pardoning gesture, as continuing this charade seemed futile.


"Hey, Lin Yu, I've noticed, why have you become increasingly ruffian-like? You weren't like this during our school days," Zhang Xinran sat on a nearby cool chair, fanning herself with her hand, glancing at him askance with a smirk.


After the vigorous chase, Zhang Xinran was drenched, the small strap sticking to her body, outlining two prominently raised cups, appearing both perfect and thrilling.


"I'm not a ruffian, on the contrary, I feel I've encountered a female rogue today, nearly plundered and seized by a female rogue," Lin Yu chuckled while brushing off the footprints on his trousers.


"Hey, Lin Yu, don't act so smug. You're truly taking advantage and being contrary," Zhang Xinran jumped up, infuriated beyond measure.