
Chapter 73: Misunderstandings

"Far from being smug, I merely spoke the truth," Lin Yu shrugged, unwilling to continue the ambiguous and unclear dispute with Zhang Xinran. Without waiting for her response, he hastened to add, "Do you still want to take your parents for medical treatment? If you do, then let's go. If not, I'll leave now."


"Do you dare? I'll break your legs," Zhang Xinran suddenly leaped up, pointing her finger at him.


"A young lady should display more gentleness, less fierceness. Being too fiery might make it hard for you to find a boyfriend in the future," Lin Yu gently brushed aside her fair fingers, his tone unusually earnest.


"Are you courting death? Dare to teach me a lesson. Hmph, if I can't find one, then so be it. I don't care. It's better to be alone," Zhang Xinran huffed before forcefully grabbing his arm. "Let's go, come home with me."


"Seriously, Senior, are you really trying to seize my dignity just because you can't find a boyfriend? I'm still an innocent young lad. A tender flower can't withstand the continuous ravages of a female predator like you," Lin Yu exclaimed with shock and dismay.


"Stop being a wise guy. I'm afraid you'll run away. Quick, let's go home and see my parents for their medical checkup. Oh, I also need to make a call to my student, informing her I won't make it today, we'll reschedule that class," Zhang Xinran said while holding onto his arm, but her movements were now more tender. Perhaps Lin Yu's previous words had stirred some emotions in her?!


From a distance, the pair looked like a young couple, both exuding youthful vitality and beauty, enviable in every aspect.


Twenty minutes later, Lin Yu found himself at Zhang Xinran's home.


She lived in the Sunlight Gardens neighborhood in the northern part of the city, a relatively ordinary residential area. After bypassing a few buildings, they arrived at Zhang Xinran's home. It was on the third floor. Zhang Xinran unlocked the door, immediately got a pair of slippers for Lin Yu, then changed her shoes and announced, "Dad, Mom, I'm back."


"Ranran's back? Why did you come back so early today? Weren't you supposed to have two classes in the afternoon?" A gentle voice echoed from inside the house, and soon, a middle-aged woman slowly emerged, leaning on the wall for support. She was Zhang Xinran's mother, Li Qiuli.


As Lin Yu glanced at her, he couldn't help but furrow his brows. Her rheumatism seemed severe; her bone joints were deformed all over her body, particularly her fingers, which were twisted and swollen, unable to straighten. Even her legs couldn't stand straight, forming an 'O' shape, making it a strenuous and painful effort to walk.


This middle-aged woman, once elegant, now had a complexion that indicated the torment of illness, evident in the strain of walking just a few steps.


At this moment, Li Qiuli made it to the door, her face beaming with a smile. Just as she was about to say something, she noticed a tall young man standing at the door, smiling at her, and she was momentarily stunned.


"Who's this?" she asked while scrutinizing Lin Yu.


This young man was neither thin nor fat, with a robust physique. He had a sunny disposition and, while not remarkably handsome, possessed a charming appearance. Especially his clear, bright eyes, which often radiated sincere warmth. Judging by those eyes alone, it was evident that this young man was very amiable.


Standing there, he seemed to match perfectly with Ranran.


Seeing this, a broad smile broke across her face.


"Mom, this is my classmate, Lin Yu. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and today, since he was free, he happened to pass by and visit us for a chat and reminisce," Zhang Xinran cheerfully approached, fetched a small stool for her mother, and gently massaged her shoulders as she spoke.


Lin Yu glanced at her and silently praised her; this girl had a thoughtful side to her that wasn't immediately apparent.


She deliberately didn't mention that she'd come specifically to help her parents with their medical needs, fearing they wouldn't believe it or would have unrealistic expectations. So, she just concocted an excuse to cover it up.


This way, if things didn't work out for the treatment, it wouldn't affect her parents' hopes too much. But if the treatment went well, it would be a tremendous surprise, making her parents even happier.


Thinking this, Lin Yu couldn't help but silently commend her 'smart.' He was also deeply moved by Zhang Xinran's meticulous care for her parents, which was evident in her concern to ensure they didn't feel a tad bit unhappy.


She not only upheld the household but also showed such deep care for her parents. Such a sensible, filial, and capable girl was indeed a rare find in today's restless society.


However, Zhang Xinran's introduction inadvertently led her mother to misunderstand. After all, her daughter was already in her early twenties, and she had never brought any boys home. At the age when she should start dating and considering marriage, suddenly bringing home a seemingly decent young man and claiming he was an old classmate visiting for a chat and catch-up?


Wasn't this a joke? Moreover, a mother's perception was keen. Zhang Xinran's slight nervousness, excitement, and eagerness when she entered the house were not lost on her.


Having experienced youth herself, she naturally understood the emotions of a young girl. She believed this was just her daughter introducing her new boyfriend for the first time. The initial excitement and nervousness of bringing a boy home for the first time were expected — she just didn't know that her daughter's excitement stemmed not only from this but also from the unease, mixed with excitement, about whether Lin Yu could successfully cure her parents.


Wide-eyed, she scrutinized Lin Yu once again, her smile growing broader. "Young man, is your family from this city?"


"Yes, Auntie, my family is from this city. Ranran and I were in the same class in high school; she was our class leader," Lin Yu smiled as he crouched down.


"Oh, then which school did you graduate from? Are you currently studying for a master's or working?" Zhang Xinran's mother began to engage in casual conversation with Lin Yu, seemingly casual but actually probing for more information. At this point, even Zhang Xinran became curious.


After all, Lin Yu hadn't finished high school before dropping out, yet now he was working at the Mingren Girls' High School? That was quite a surprise.