
Chapter 71: Catching a Round

This isn't a threat; it's more of a negotiation, Lin Yu. Oh, Lin Yu, I implore you, come home with me and help my parents with their illness, please?" Zhang Xinran shifted to a pleading tone, adopting a pitiful appearance, swaying her body back and forth with her words.


Surprisingly, when this spirited young woman turned coquettish, it was quite heart-stirring.


However, Lin Yu immediately broke into a cold sweat, not because of Zhang Xinran's coquettishness but because... heavens above, Zhang Xinran was sitting right on his hand now. As she shifted to and fro, waves of indescribable sensations surged up his hand, streaming all the way to his heart, causing it to palpitate and nearly give him a heart attack.


But, he couldn't deny that although the feeling was lewd and base, it was... incredibly enjoyable.


"If I had known earlier, why bother now? Weren't you acting all skeptical when we were at the Light Rail Station? Now that you've seen my capabilities, you've come pleading. I finally decided to help and take action, yet you ruthlessly wounded my pitiful self-esteem. It's truly disheartening. Isn't it unfair, Squad Leader?" Lin Yu remembered the recent incident and huffed in frustration.


Yet, in reality, he wasn't such a petty person. The real issue was the incredible sensation his right hand was experiencing now. He wished this wonderful feeling could last a little longer.


"Lin Yu, if you keep playing hard to get, I'll let you regret it. Do you think I won't twist your hand again?" Zhang Xinran, seeing her soft approach failing, reverted to a tough stance. She knew persistence was key until Lin Yu agreed.


Seeing she had pushed far enough, Lin Yu couldn't bear to torment this filial and caring girl anymore. He sighed, "Alright, I'll agree, reluctantly, to go and have a look."


"Really?" Zhang Xinran ecstatically exclaimed, squeezing Lin Yu's hand with unrestrained joy.


"Of course, it's true. Would I lie to you?" Lin Yu replied without much enthusiasm. Yet, empathizing, he recalled his own parents. If there had been someone like himself or someone with the ability to save his parents, perhaps the joy would be akin to Zhang Xinran's elation now? Lost in these thoughts, his mood turned melancholic, drifting off.


"However, don't expect too much. I'm not sure about your parents' condition; after all, I haven't seen it myself," Lin Yu added, feeling it prudent not to raise high expectations.


Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, wouldn't Zhang Xinran hate him for a lifetime? After all, the higher the hope, the greater the disappointment.


"No, no, with your medical skills, Lin Yu, everything will be fine. You're amazing!" Overjoyed, Zhang Xinran lowered her head and impulsively kissed Lin Yu on the forehead, her lips soft and supple, plump and elastic, carrying a faint aroma of mint from a Green Arrow chewing gum, leaving Lin Yu somewhat perplexed.


"Hey, what's with that? I told you, don't easily thank others like this. It might lead to misunderstandings. Although, it's alright if it's to thank me, a few thanks here and there won't matter," Lin Yu's initial statement sounded acceptable, but his later words bordered on shamelessness.


Surprised at her own actions, Zhang Xinran was also startled by her overwhelming excitement. Did she really get that worked up? Biting her lip, she decided not to make a big fuss about it at that moment, clearing her throat and regaining her composure, "Hey, Lin Yu, you won't trick me, will you? If I let go, will you run away?"


"Come on, I'm a Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac. Do you think I'll just run away like that? Moreover, you've practiced martial arts for years; with your strength, could I outrun you?" Lin Yu rolled his eyes. Was his integrity really in question?




"Then... let's make a pinky promise. You won't run away if we make a pinky promise," Zhang Xinran suddenly suggested, smiling.


"Come on, Squad Leader, we're both in our twenties. Is it really necessary to play childish games?" Lin Yu chuckled with a mix of frustration.


"I don't care; I want to make a pinky promise. Will you do it or not? If you don't, I'll twist your hand!" Zhang Xinran threatened.


"Fine, fine, I'll make a pinky promise with you. Haven't seen someone so insistent about seeing a doctor," Lin Yu grumbled, raising his hand...


Both froze.


Lin Yu stared blankly at his right hand—his left hand was restrained by Zhang Xinran, so he lifted his right. Unintentionally, his hand landed perfectly like a talon on Zhang Xinran's mysterious area. With her sudden movement, did Zhang Xinran have any idea of the location of his hand now?


Zhang Xinran's gaze turned blank, slowly moving downwards.


 Then, she saw a wicked hand, maintaining a claw-like pose, completely covering her below. In an instant, an indescribable, tingling sensation surged, coupled with an unexplainable sense of complete envelopment and a damned heat that made her body tremble, rendering her almost powerless, on the verge of collapsing.


A silence, an eerie silence where a pin drop could be heard.


Then, piercing through the night, a scream arose, "Lin Yu, you lecher, you scoundrel, you pervert..." Zhang Xinran's scream was enough to stir the heavens and move ghosts and spirits, rendering all creatures sorrowful.


"Squad Leader, please don't misunderstand, I didn't mean to, really, it's not intentional. You sat on me as soon as you came over, and my hand was just there. You sat down so firmly, I couldn't pull it out. It's not my fault..." Lin Yu tried to explain earnestly, but Zhang Xinran wasn't willing to listen.


Her cherished little secret, kept for a lifetime, had been touched so intrusively by this shameless thief for such a long time.


Heavens above, just thinking about it, she didn't want to live anymore.


"Lin Yu, if you dare take advantage of me, I'll make you pay with your life today." Zhang Xinran screamed, grabbing Lin Yu's chest, her teeth gritted in fury.


"Listen to me, I really didn't mean it. It's all because of you..." Lin Yu tried to explain in myriad ways, but Zhang Xinran wasn't willing to hear any of it.