
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 73 - Arriving in Kiri and Alliance with Suna.

Chapter 73 - Arriving in Kiri and Alliance with Suna.




After the Konoha army to support Kiri came to the battlefield, they killed their way through, depleting quite a bit of their staminas. 

As Konoha's deployed ninja army was deployed immediately without any long term preparation, The Kirigakure's Hokage, Yakura's camp was caught by surprise.

2 days later, the army was nearing Terumi Mei's camp, Kakashi then announced "We're near the coordinates Godaime-sama has given us."

Sasuke nodded as he casually killed another ninja that was on the way, same with Sakura. After 2 days of all out war, they've gotten used to it. If they didn't kill, they would be killed, it was only natural to get used to it to avoid being killed.

Haku nonchalantly nodded as the sight was not foreign to her, she had experienced the same things when she was a beggar living in Kiri before Zabuza picked her up. On top of that, she had experience of being a spy and killing.

Kakashi returned their nod with a nod of his own and said "Prepare yourself mentally and physically, the best time to attack is now, so I expect us to be deployed again after we reach the camp. The current Kiri's camp has probably already been alarmed with our sudden appearance on the battlefield. I expect the Coup's camp will not let Kiri prepare for the attack."

They nodded as they followed Kakashi's back.

Suddenly a ninja from the side appeared jumping with a [Wind Style: Vacuum Blade] in hand. Kakashi saw it from the corner of his eye and crouched to dodge.

Sasuke also saw the ninja that appeared and immediately equipped [Lightning Chakra Mode] instantly and beheaded the ninja with a chop to the back of the neck.


Kakashi smiled and asked "You've been spamming that jutsu for a while now since we've arrived on the battlefield, how much chakra do you have left?"

Sasuke replied, waving his hand away to get rid of the blood, "I have about 76% left. I've been working on chakra control recently with Naruto's advice."

Kakashi was surprised at Sasuke actually following Naruto's advice but nodded as if it did make sense, Naruto's advice would help him control his chakra more properly. He then continued to ask as he turned his attention to Sakura and Haku. "What about you two?"

Sakura raised her hand and replied, "I have 63% left."

"I have 86.6%, the ninjas we've encountered are… weak." Haku also replied indifferently.

Kakashi's face twitched at their precise accuracy of how much chakra they have left but nodded as he also read the notebook Naruto left for him. He then continued to run in the direction of the Coup's camp while thinking 'I also need to work on my chakra control or else, I wouldn't be able to call myself Sasuke's teacher… hah… It's a good thing that they have the power to protect themselves but now… I have to work harder too… How troublesome…'

Sasuke who followed asked "How about you? Kakashi."

Kakashi sighed at Sasuke's casual call at his name but replied anyway "Hm? I have somewhere around 90% too just like Haku."

Sasuke clenched his fist thinking 'Not enough. I have to become stronger! When Naruto comes back he'll probably be even stronger than before!' Although Sasuke has read the notebook, he's completely thrown away the fact that Naruto could die.

Kakashi merely smiled at Sasuke's frustration but thought it was good for competition to exist even within the same team.

Haku then thought as she forgot 'Oh right, I can see Zabuza, Zabuza is in Kiri's Coup camp right now.'

A few hours later, they arrived at the camp. Konoha ninjas + Anbu ninjas were on standby with Terumi Mei, Zabuza, and her other allies waiting for them.

Zabuza laughed out loud as he called out "Kekeke! Sharingan no Kakashi. Long time no see. And Haku, are you doing okay?"

Kakashi sighed and replied "You're calling me as if I'm an enemy, just call me Kakashi, Zabuza."

Haku nodded with a forced smile and replied to Zabuza's question, "Yes."

Zabuza frowned and approached with a smile, headpatting Haku, "It'll be okay. That kid is strong."

Haku looked down in sadness before replying with a smile of her own "I know, I'm just worried."

Zabuza chuckled and said "You should be more worried about yourself than that kid. That kid is a monster, it's impossible for him to die."

Haku blushed at Zabuza's praise as if she was the one being praised, making Zabuza's face twitch.

Terumi Mei approached as well and said "This is my daughter-in-law? So cute!" As she hugged Haku in excitement.

"Daughter-in-law?" Haku looked at Zabuza in confusion.

Zabuza simply scratched the back of his head and replied "Well… things happen…"

Haku nodded and said "I see… things happened too at Konoha and... I'm pregnant, Dad."

"What?!?!?!" Zabuza reacted in shock. Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura also looked in shock. Naruto impregnated her already?!

Haku chuckled and replied "I'm kidding. Hehe~"

Zabuza breathed a sigh of relief, but looked at Haku weirdly seeing how Naruto had rubbed his personality into her.

Terumi Mei chuckled at Haku's playfulness but put on a serious face in the next instant and said "Alright, Is everyone prepared? You know the situation, right now is the best time to attack."

They nodded in agreement, already prepared to be deployed even as soon as they arrived.

Terumi Mei nodded as she led the battlefield "Let's go!"

"Yes!" The Konoha ninjas followed behind Terumi Mei and his allies.

Under Terumi Mei's command, the army was divided into 2. Terumi Mei's group who will proceed with the assassination of the 4th Mizukage, and the other group who will hold back the other ninjas in the village.

Terumi Mei then heard Kakashi who was leading the squad leaders along with their squads. "Terumi-sama. We will go ahead and clear a path for you."

Terumi Mei merely nodded knowing she must conserve strength for the fight with Yagura.

Kakashi also nodded before going ahead, with his team and other squad leaders.

[Chidori!] Kakashi

[Lightning Chakra Mode!] Sasuke

[Water Needles!] Haku

[Chakra Gauntlet!] Sakura

[Ash Release!] Azuma

[4th Gate! Release!] Gai

Different types of jutsus were released from all over the place as ninjas from the enemy's camp die one by one making Zabuza whistle in satisfaction "As expected, Konoha has a lot of strong ninjas."

Terumi Mei nodded and proceeded to hurry up "Let's go! Zabuza! Ao! We have to do our part well!"

"Yes! Terumi-sama!" her allies replied as they followed Terumi Mei who fastened her speed.


"You will give back our Jinchuuriki…? You will help us with our economy…? Trade us food…? And even help us when foreign ninjas attack…?On top of that you will not send ninjas to watch our village making it remain autonomous?"

"Yes, just like we've said, we merely wish for peace." Shikaku smiled calmly.

The Suna's Jounin Council looked at each other in disbelief, this deal was too good for them. More like, they reap all the benefits without them risking anything in disadvantage.

"Are you sure about this?" The Suna's Jounin Council asked once again.

"Yes, Godaime-sama, Senju Tsunade has decided so."

The Suna's Jounin Council nodded simultaneously and replied "We agree with the alliance."

What more could they say? They badly needed help and Konoha was willing to offer it to them!

Shikaku stood up and replied with a smile as he stretched out his hand for a handshake. "Wise decision. We would like to have a representative of Suna to go to our village and fetch the Jinchuuriki, Gaara."

The representative of the Jounin Council stood up and shook Shikaku's hand. "Of course, you've already promised us a lot, we couldn't ask for more. We hope for a peaceful alliance."

Shikaku smiled and replied "We hope for that too. We'll leave tomorrow, please prepare your representatives."

"No problem."

After shaking hands with the Suna's council, Shikaku smiled in satisfaction, it was easier than he thought.

Under the lead of the new hokage, it's become more efficient. 

The Sandaime was playing a passive game and the Godaime was playing an aggressive one, which is good in his opinion despite the drawbacks it would incur.

War is not an option but if it does happen, Konoha can survive it! Especially now, Suna was now an ally, if the Coup in the Kiri is successful, it would make an alliance between 3 villages.

The balance in the ninja world was about to be broken. But… this is necessary, the scale needs to be controlled for a moment to be balanced perfectly.

Back to Kiri…

"Huff… huff… huff…" Sasuke was feeling the intensity of war as Kakashi asked "Chakra?"

"56%" Sasuke

"45%" Sakura

"76%" Haku

"Good, don't let it drop more than 30%. Make sure you have enough to protect yourself as we retreat. We will be done soon." Kakashi commented as he observed the surroundings. Most of the Kiri ninjas are dead, the only thing left is the Mizukage.




(A/N: Um… Leave a power stone… Thanks~)