
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

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The Howlers; Deathday Party Begins

"Ginny, would you like to tell me your story? Like how you met him."

Beautiful cursive characters appeared in front of Ginny.

Ginny felt a little shy just being asked about it.

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone."

"Well, it's not like I can really tell anyone in my current state, can I?"

Ginny glanced at the diary and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Then she wrote down the process of meeting Lucas in her diary.

Ginny wasn't sure when she first came to like Lucas.

The object of her admiration and longing should have been the famous Harry Potter.

In fact, when Harry came to her home, Ginny did feel shy.

But when did that feeling go away?

Probably after the opening ceremony that caused a sensation in the entire British wizarding world.

The first thing that attracted Ginny was Lucas's outstanding appearance.

Then what made her fall deeper was probably his elegant behavior when he presented her with the prize.

Accompanied by chance encounters again and again, Ginny found that all the admiration she once had for Harry Potter had been transferred to Lucas.

The blond boy was obviously only one year older than her.

But he was able to make achievements that even her parents were incapable of doing.

With such a comparison, Harry Potter seems to not be very good in other aspects except for his famous name.

Tom Riddle patiently let the girl tell her story.

Immediately, a person who is both good at character and learning comes to mind.

The image of a boy who is very popular with teachers and classmates.

In fact, everyone will meet such a person when they are students.

Back then, Tom Riddle was also someone else's dream.

So Tom, who is very good at deceiving people, sensed the inferiority complex in the girl's words.

Then he responded through the diary: "After listening to your description, the boy is indeed very good, and then? Have you tried to pursue him?"

Seeing the word "pursue", Ginny's face suddenly turned red.

She wrote in a panic: "How is it possible..."

She spent a whole week anxious and restless until she finally boarded the train to Hogwarts.

Once she was at Hogwarts she came to realize just how truly dazzling and outstanding the name Lucas Grindelwald is.

As she asked her big brothers and senior schoolmates about him, but the more she knew about Lucas, the more Ginny felt inferior.

Her family was not well off, and her academic performance is not particularly outstanding.

The only thing that can be said to be good is her appearance.

But beside Lucas, there are two girls who are not inferior to herself which made Ginny very distressed, especially seeing Lucas' intimate behavior with those two girls today.

She knew those two girls, Hermione Granger and Cho Chang, two top students from Ravenclaw.

After writing down all of her troubles during this time in the diary, Ginny felt much better.

Just when she was about to say goodnight to Tom, a sentence suddenly appeared in the diary.

"Do you want to be better than those two girls? Do you really want to get that boy's attention? Maybe I can help you."

Tom in the diary believed that Ginny must not be able to resist such a temptation.

Love blinds and can make people crazy and irrational, just like his mother back then.

In order to make a muggle fall in love with herself, she used a love potion, after some time when she was pregnant she started to think that muggle was truly in love with her and stopped giving him the potion, only to be heartbroken when he left her as soon as the effects disappeared.

That's why he scoffed at Dumbledore's obsession with love.

But he has to admit that there are times when the power of love does work, like now.

When Ginny Weasley wrote the plea for help, Tom Riddle felt a tiny breath of life enter the diary.

He finally had the hope of resurrection.

Under the night, inside her room, the naive girl looked at the words in the diary and was overjoyed.

Also on the seventh floor, there were violent explosions from time to time.

The sun is rising.

Hogwarts is back to life.

Lucas followed the Slytherin snakes to the dining hall in a good mood since today is the time for what Vinda promised to be a good show.

He wanted to see what a good show it would be.

"Chief, have you heard?"


Lucas picked up a piece of bread and spread some jam on it while he kept his eyes on Blaise Zabini who was speaking.

"I heard that Gilderoy Lockhart seems to be held accountable by the Ministry of Magic. He needs to explain the origin of the Red Caps."

Speaking of Lockhart, Lucas had to admire the exuberant vitality of the man.

It's only been a couple days and he already returned to Hogwarts from St. Mungo's.

When Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary learned of this, she was very surprised.

A normal person would have to stay in the hospital for over a week with all of his injuries.

"It's not surprising, what he did put the lives of his students in danger, several among them being from important families. If the Ministry of Magic doesn't handle it well, its reputation will be affected again."

Lucas still hadn't spoken, when Draco answered for him.

This surprised several others and Pansy Parkinson looked him up and down.

"Are you really the Draco Malfoy we know?"

"Of course." Draco rolled her eyes gracefully, he just didn't like thinking about these things before.

Plus being so well protected by his father, he doesn't need to worry about family affairs.

But after over a year of being in contact with Lucas, he found that he could no longer be so childish.

Whether it's for his best friend, or for the Malfoy family, he is not allowed to be the same as before.

Seeing that a few people still intend to continue teasing Draco, Lucas put down the bread and said, "Okay, hurry up and eat, there will be a good show soon."

They looked at each other with curiosity, but still listened to him and sped up their eating.

Just when they were about to finish eating, countless owls flew in from above the great hall.

A very small portion of them flew to the students, while the remaining hundreds of owls all flew towards Dumbledore who was sitting on the teacher's table.

Lucas catched the Daily Prophet thrown by Hestia

The headline on the front page was Lockhart's class incident.

The reporter is sharp, pointing at Hogwarts headmaster Dumbledore for mismanagement.

Several passages refer to his advanced age of over a hundred years and questioned whether he was still sound of mind or had already become senile.

Pointing out that the greatest wizard of this century is no longer suitable for the post of headmaster.

Then proceeded to publicly criticize the inaction of some Ministry officials.

It's hard to imagine that in the official newspaper of the Ministry of Magic, there will be remarks criticizing the Ministry of Magic.

This newspaper has made a good start, but the main event will not come until the basilisk wakes up.

Lucas looked towards the end of the article and Rita Skeeter's name popped off the page.

It was a wise choice when he decided to recruit her as his subordinate.

"Lucas, look at the teacher's seat!"

Draco patted Lucas' arm with a little excitement.

At this moment, those owls had come to Dumbledore.

They're like bombers that drop their bombs with precision, dropping the Red envelopes in their claws and beaks.

Dumbledore had felt a very bad premonition when he saw so many owls flying in his direction, and when he saw what they were carrying it was confirmed.

He was soon inundated with hundreds of Howlers.

At this moment, all eyes were on Dumbledore and Professor Snape even smiled a little.

Perhaps he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Before Dumbledore could make a move, those letters unsealed themselves, and turned into mouths one by one.

"Albus Dumbledore!"

"I very much doubt whether your brain is filled with sweets. Why do such dangerous creatures appear in school?"

"Dumbledore, I am so disappointed in you, and if my child is hurt by this, I will definitely recommend that the Ministry of Magic fire you as Headmaster."

"Headmaster Dumbledore, we all know that Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts are hard to find, but please also think about the children."

"You are so stupid and stubborn! Dumbledore, you just wait for me to propose your punishment at the school board!"

Hundreds of mouths speak at the same time, and speak very loudly.

Not to mention Dumbledore up close, even the students in the farther part of the great hall couldn't bear it.

Lucas was the first to get up and leave with a spring in his steps.

The arrangement of Vinda's play was really wonderful, the old bee had probably not received a Howler for decades.

The venerable Headmaster Dumbledore has been sent hundreds of Howlers!

That will most probably be tomorrow's Daily Prophet headlines.

When the Slytherins saw their chief leave, they immediately got up and followed him out of the great hall.

Not long after everyone left, the figure of Professor Snape appeared at the front of the corridor.


"You go to class first, I have something to say to Mr. Grindelwald."

When everyone left, Professor Snape said in his characteristic tone, "You did this, didn't you?"


Seeing Lucas trying to play dumb, Snape gave him a cold look.

"Don't make trouble, one time is fine, but if there are too many times, even Dumbledore will get impatient."

"As punishment for playing tricks on the Headmaster, go to my office after dinner and take away the things you need."

Watching Professor Snape walking away quickly, Lucas suddenly felt that the dour man's awkward personality was quite interesting.

What he said about punishment, isn't it that the high-level potion that has been brewed is ready.

Now that there is Wolfsbane potion, the plan to subdue the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest is also on the agenda.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye it's Halloween.

Lucas was crazy busy during this time.

Since he became the Chief of Slytherin, Professor Snape has entrusted him with all matters of the House.

"F**k!" Lucas doesn't even have time to go to the Room of Requirement.

Fortunately, those days are coming to an end.

Due to his busy schedule recently, Lucas didn't accumulate many achievement points so he can only give up the Halloween lottery.

It's better to wait until Christmas time to draw more at once.

What is also gratifying is that in the hourglass of Slytherin in the corridor, the emeralds surpassed those of other houses by a lot.

It seems that his housemates have followed his orders seriously and were working hard to get points for the house.

Of course, the support of other houses is also indispensable.

Mr. Ron Weasley, for example, had fifty points deducted for attacking his classmates on the Quidditch pitch.

At the end of the day's classes, Lucas changed into a set of wizard robes suitable for attending a banquet.

When he reached their meeting place at the dungeons, Hermione and Cho had been waiting for a long time.

The three just chatted for a while as they walked to the party.

Harry and his friend Ron also ran over, but seeing the three of them, Harry's face darkened.

It seems that he didn't want to meet Lucas at the moment.