
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

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The First Task Is Coming

"Merlin's beard! How did Professor Moody become like this?!"

Professor McGonagall exclaimed and walked towards the fake Moody.

Just when her hand was about to reach him, a white light passed over her shoulder and hit Moody in the stomach.

Under the gaze of everyone, he instantly turned into a white and fat pig.

But this fat pig only had three legs.

"Mr. Grindelwald, what are you doing?"

While questioning, Professor McGonagall drew out her wand to dispel the transfiguration on Moody.

But even after her wand was waved several times, Moody was still a fat pig.

"It's useless, Professor McGonagall, you can't undo the magic I set with your Transfiguration spell."

Professor McGonagall's head snapped at Lucas' words, she looked at her best student in surprise.

Although she has long been expecting Lucas will surpass her one day, she didn't expect this day to come so soon.

He is only in fourth year for Morgana's tits!

Professor McGonagall gasped.

Suppressing the surprise in her heart, she looked at Dumbledore not far away.

"Lucas, no matter what happens, you should not use transfiguration on a professor."

Dumbledore drew his Elder Wand to undo the fake Moody's Transfiguration.

But then he saw Lucas standing in front of the fake Moody blocking his path.

Not only Lucas, but the Slytherin students who received the message all came behind Lucas.

"Headmaster, why don't you ask what Professor Moody did first?"

Dumbledore looked at the young wizards from the other houses.

When the professors heard what Moody was up to, they all looked at the big fat pig on the ground with surprised eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Dumbledore said: "Well, what Alastor did was indeed wrong. I told him that our school will only take House points and give detentions as punishment."

"But judging from the current conflict, Alastor didn't listen to my words. I promise in my capacity as Headmaster that such things will never happen again in the future."

"Mr Draco Malfoy, I will ask Alastor to apologize to you, please forgive his recklessness."

At this time, Draco's mood has already improved a lot. He glanced at Lucas, then nodded in agreement with Dumbledore's suggestion.

Seeing this, Lucas led his people back to the side.

For Dumbledore managing to break his Transfiguration spell, he wasn't too surprised.

The quasi-legendary pinnacle plus the Elder Wand, if that doesn't break his transfiguration it would be weird.

What's more, Dumbledore was a professor of transfiguration before becoming the headmaster.

After Moody recovered, he looked at Lucas with fear. But still, his hatred was much bigger than his fear.

"Alastor, apologize to Mr. Malfoy."

For his master's plan, Crouch Jr. limped forward and apologized.

Seeing the fierce appearance of the professor, although Draco accepted the apology, the hatred in his eyes did not dissipate.

"Okay, everyone, go back, dinner will start soon, and today our house elves have prepared some very nice dishes."

Dumbledore clapped his hands and dispersed the young wizards surrounding him.

As for Lucas using the Unforgivable Curse just now, Dumbledore was silent.

Before you know it, the time has come to November 22nd.

There are still two days until the first task.

Harry finally figured out what the first task was about from Hagrid.

Even though he behaves differently from the original Harry, his core personality keeps being the same, someone who is kind and likes to help others.

On the same day, he told Cedric the content of the task.

So far, all five participating champions have learned the content of the competition in advance.

In fact, cheating is also a tradition in the process of the Triwizard Tournament.

As long as cheating is not detected, even if the judges know this well, they will not stop it.

During this time, Lucas received advice from the Slytherins every day.

They have found more than a dozen kinds of spells to deal with the dragons.

Look at the methods that everyone has worked so hard to sort out, Lucas felt the need to test them during the task.

Otherwise, wouldn't he feel sorry for everyone's hard work this month?

Of course, Lucas is not alone in his happiness troubles.

Fleur, Krum and Cedric were all receiving help from their companions.

Only Harry… He looked at the empty bed beside him, and turned his head aside angrily.

If it wasn't for Neville telling him why Ron was angry the other day, Harry would still think that he didn't believe him.


That guy Ron actually chose to betray their friendship at such an important time just because of jealousy.

He didn't understand this behavior at all.

In addition, Neville is not very good at talking, which makes the relationship between the two best friends who should have reconciled long ago become worse and worse.

Finally, November 24th arrived.

The students have been very excited since the early morning, because the first task of the Triwizard Tournament will be held today.

Everyone put on thick cloaks and warm scarves, and walked towards the Forbidden Forest in groups.

The venue for the competition is the paddock where the fire dragons were imprisoned in the Forbidden Forest.

It's just that after a month of construction, the relatively small paddock has turned into a huge arena.

In Lucas' eyes, this is no different from those medieval arenas for watching bloodsports.

The surrounding stands were filled with spectators.

And those of them who were chosen are to fight a dragon. Thinking about it so carefully, Lucas lost interest in the task.

At this time, the five champions were waiting for the task to start in a tent.

Krum's face became even more gloomy than before as he sat alone in a chair without saying a word.

It's hard to figure out what he's thinking.

His Royal Highness the sparkling Prince of Hufflepuff kept walking up and down the tent. Looking at the sweat on his forehead and his tightly clasped hands, you can immediately tell just how nervous he is at the moment.

Lucas looked at Harry then, he was just slightly better than Cedric.

Maybe it's because of the way to deal with dragons that he got from the fake Moody.

Finally, the beautiful Miss Fleur Delacour

She sat quietly on the chair, her eyebrows tightly wrinkled together.


Hearing Lucas' voice, Fleur nodded subconsciously.

"What about you? Are you nervous?"

After Fleur asked, she looked at Lucas who was sitting beside her.

Seeing his relaxed face, she laughed at herself: "Yeah, with your strength, how can you worry about a simple Dragon."

"Don't be afraid, I will watch at the exit when you come on stage, if you are in any danger, I will protect you."


Lucas looked into her eyes and nodded seriously.

With his reassurance, Fleur's body relaxed, and her face, which was pale because of fear, became much more rosy.

At this time Ludo Bagman was walking around the stands.

As the commentator and also a judge of the tournament. He didn't stay where he was supposed to be, and there was only one reason.


The Triwizard Tournament is a grand event where not only students from the three schools came to watch, but also many adult wizards.

Especially some wealthy wizarding families, a lot of them like to bet on such exciting games.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the competition is about to start, and I have to draw lots for the contestants!"

Bagman shook his pocket impatiently and there was a clunking sound coming from the pocket.

The Weasley twins asked suspiciously: "Mr Bagman, you don't intend to use leprechaun's gold to settle the pay again, do you?"

Bagman blushed.

"How is it possible, didn't I give you galleons during the World Cup?!"

"That's because we discovered the leprechaun's gold first!"

"Can't you just put your bets? If you don't want to, I'll just leave!"

Annoyed, Bagman turned around and planned to leave, but Fred quickly stopped him.

"Of course, we bet 124 Galleons on Lucas Grindelwald to finish the task the fastest and get the highest score."

Collecting 124 Galleons, Bagman's smile widened.

"Very well, let us wait and see!"

He himself betted on Harry Potter to win.

Because in everyone's eyes, he has the smallest chance of winning, so the odds are also the largest.

Bagman has already thought about it, as long as Harry Potter can pass, he will give full marks.

As for the others, he had no choice but to apologize to the others in his heart.

Although there are a total of five judges scoring, as long as the calculation is good, it is not impossible for Harry Potter to win.

Ludo Bagman gave a smirk, and carrying a Purple dragon leather bag in his hand, he walked into the tent.

"Hello, champion, it's your turn to draw the guys you will have to deal with and the order of appearance."

Bagman's loud voice attracted the attention of the five people in the tent.

Seeing the dragon skin bag in his hand, everyone got up and surrounded him.