
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · Movies
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Congratulations To Professor Moody For Getting Three One-Way Tickets To Azkaban!

The students probably didn't expect Professor Moody to actually use the Unforgivable Curse.

So after he cast the Imperius Curse, the classroom became extremely quiet.

"The incantation of the Imperius Curse is "Imperio". Many years ago, many people claimed that they were controlled by the Imperius Curse and were forced to obey he-who-must-not-be-named."

"For this reason, many people have escaped the punishment of wizarding laws, the most important work of the Ministry of Magic at that time was to distinguish whether those people were working for that man actively or passively."

Moody kept his eyes on Draco Malfoy when he said this.

Obviously, his father was one of those who used this excuse to escape punishment.

After saying this, Moody waved his wand, causing the spider to stand up in two legs and tap-dance in his palm.

Most students were amused by the funny appearance of the spider, but their laughs managed to piss off the fake Moody.

As a representative figure of moodiness, he needed no reason at all to get angry.

"If I cast this spell on you, would you still find it funny?"

His ferocious face successfully made the classroom fall into silence again.

He stopped controlling the spider, looked at everyone with a cold expression and said.

"The Imperius Curse, the person under the curse will be completely controlled by the caster, if I tell you to jump off the stairs, you won't hesitate."

"I can even make you swallow this grown spider alive in your throat, this is the horror of the Imperius Curse."

The magic eye of Moody spun quickly, taking a panoramic view of everyone's terrified expressions.

But when he saw Lucas, the magic eye paused.

"Don't worry, I will teach you how to resist this curse, of course, this requires a certain amount of willpower."

"If you feel that you are not strong enough, try to avoid the person who might cast this spell."

He then actually taught everyone how to resist the Imperius Curse.

Lucas didn't know if that counted as training the enemy. After all, when they fought against Voldemort later, many of the people present were the main force.

What's even more ridiculous is that the only person who has taught the students how to fight in so many years of school is actually a Death Eater.

Once the teaching of the Imperius Curse was over, Fake Moody looked at the students in the classroom again.

Probably because they felt the "sincerity" under his fierce appearance, many people raised their hands to answer questions this time.

Lucas even spotted Neville among the raised hands.

The same Neville that besides answering questions on Herbology never raises his hand in any other class.

"You, I think your name is Neville Longbottom, right?"

Neville stood up and nodded.

"Come on, tell me what you know about the Unforgivable Curses."

"The Cruciatus Curse."

Neville's voice was very low, not even Seamus next to him heard it, but the fake Moody clearly heard what Neville said.

He looked at Neville with sympathy, as if he wasn't the one who tortured Neville's parents back then.

That's right, Barty Crouch Jr. pretending to be Mad-Eye Moody. In the past, he was a member of the Death Eater squad led by Bellatrix.

It was also Bellatrix's squad that was responsible for torturing Neville's parents into insanity.

So it's very disgusting for him to put on this look of sympathy now.

But when it comes to acting skills, he might actually be deserving of a few oscars.

"The Cruciatus Curse is a very terrifying curse that makes life worse than death."

Moody picked up the enlarged spider again.


As soon as the words fell, the spider started screeching in pain.

Its eight legs were bent upwards, its body was constantly twisting and twitching, and people could feel its pain just by looking at it.

And the other person who suffered was Neville.

Looking at the appearance of the spider, he seemed to think of his parents going through the same torture.

At this moment, Neville finally realized what kind of torture his parents had endured.

The spider's screeching made everyone in the classroom uncomfortable, and some even covered their ears.

But Fake Moody didn't intend to end it just like that, he seemed to be caught in some strange memory.

Looking at the tortured spider, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.


A spell hit the spider in Moody's palm with precision making it explode and the viscous liquid stained Moody's jacket, which was quite disgusting to watch.


Fake Moody was furious when someone interrupted his enjoyment.

Seeing Lucas slowly retracting his wand, a malevolent gleam flashed in his good remaining eye.

"Lucas Grindelwald, tell me about the next Unforgivable Curse."

"The Killing Curse, also known as the Avada Kedavra Curse or the Death Curse, is a powerful curse that can kill you instantly."

Fake Moody actually praised him after hearing this: "Very good."

"The Killing Curse is different from the Cruciatus Curse just now. The Cruciatus Curse is more suitable for torturing others by causing extreme pain in your whole body."

"As long as you learn the Cruciatus Curse, you will no longer need those instruments of torture or knives."

"And the Killing Curse is a good way to kill people, as Mr. Grindelwald said, the person who gets hit by the curse dies."

"The Killing Curse, a very vicious curse," said the fake Moody, taking another spider out of the jar.

He limped up to Lucas and placed the spider on his desk.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The sudden incantation startled everyone.

A green light flew from the tip of the wand and at the same time, there was a miserable howl.

The sound made the students in the classroom shudder.

The person who feels the deepest about this is probably Harry, he seemed to hear his mother's scream in the green light just now.

"Harry, are you okay?"

Harry looked at his friend and shook his head: "Yeah, I'm fine!"

Even though he said this, his hand touched the lightning scar on his forehead unconsciously.

Back to fake Moody.

When he was casting the Killing Curse, his eyes were fixed on the blond boy in front of him, as if he was regarding the spider on the table as Lucas himself.

When the Killing Curse demonstration was over, he said in a cold tone: "The Killing Curse requires strong magic power and intent to cast successfully."

"If you were to cast it at me, I would probably only have a little nosebleed at most!"

Lucas saw the fake Moody staring at him and guessed these words were probably meant for him.

Watching the spider that had curled up as it died, his expression didn't change and he even gave the fake Moody an appreciative glance.

"Professor, I remember you said just now that no matter which of the three Unforgivable Curses you use, you will get a one-way ticket to Azkaban, right?"

Seeing the fake Moody nod, Lucas suddenly smiled.

"Didn't the professor get three one-way tickets to Azkaban just now?"

When he had finished speaking, he drew his wand again.

Accompanied by the appearance of a silver light, his long dragon patronus quickly flew out of the classroom.

"This is..."

"Of course I sent the Patronus to inform Headmaster Dumbledore that someone has used the Unforgivable Curse in the school, and it's three in turn, so I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic must be notified."

Fake Moody's expression changed.

Was he afraid of being held accountable for using the Unforgivable Curse?

After all, with the credit and fame of Alastor Moody, there is nothing wrong with demonstrating the Unforgivable Curses in class.

What Fake Moody is afraid of is giving away a tell by being in too much contact with Dumbledore and people from the Ministry.

Looking at the kid who was staring at him with a smile on his face, Fake Moody gritted his back molars hard.


"Just now we talked about the issue of instant death under the Killing Curse, as far as we know, the only person who has survived the Killing Curse is the one in front of me."

At this point the fake Moody had already walked in front of Harry, and he looked at the savior with pity and distress in his eyes.

Sadness flashed across Harry's eyes when he saw this, and he couldn't help but think of his parents.

They died to protect him after all.

Then he thought of Peter Pettigrew's heinous behavior of betraying his parents, but immediately afterwards he felt a sharp pain in his scar.

"Hey kid, are you okay?"

The pain came and went quickly.

Seeing Harry shake his head to indicate that he was fine, Fake Moody turned to look at the other students again.

"As I said just now, the Killing Curse requires powerful magic power and intent to cast. If you use too little magic power, it will only cause nosebleeds."

"And even if you have the magic power, if you don't really want to kill, it won't kill anyone."

"Then I'll pick someone and let him tell you what it's like to be under the Killing Curse."

"Lucas Grindelwald, it's up to you!"

Hearing the fake Moody calling Lucas' name, Hermione nervously took her boyfriend's hand.

"Don't worry, it's fine!"

Soothing her, Lucas stood up and looked at Mad-Eye across the way.

He knew that the other party was just trying to find fault so he could punish him or something.

If he gives in, then this matter will be over.

But if he is not convinced that Fake Moody might really dare to cast a weakened version of the Killing Curse on him.

"Professor, how about we cast spells on each other to be fair?"

He didn't wait for Moody to answer and swung his wand, sending a disarming charm at him.