
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 59 Questioning

A car worth millions of dollars drove up the famous commercial street of Char City and stopped in front of a quaint compound at the end of the street.

The courtyard of 3,000 square meters up and down, compared to the Longquan Martial Arts Center, Longkong Martial Arts Center since it is not comparable, but in the city center of this inch of gold inch of treasure, this courtyard without hundreds of millions, do not want to take.

With this courtyard, An Daosheng's fortune is already above most of the masters, even those pioneers who travel to and from the deep mountains and ancient forests may not be able to match An Daosheng's fortune.

Li Quxian, Li Wei and others got out of the car and stepped into the courtyard, accompanied by the Secretary General Jinli and Di Jie who came to hear about it.

At this time, quite a few people had come to the courtyard with a view of small bridges and flowing water.

Longquan martial arts school deputy director Mo Fei, Fu Yi are among them, in addition there are several Longquan martial arts school sitting martial arts master accompanied.

In addition to the Longquan Martial School crowd, Ou Bi Wang, who was a witness earlier, also arrived. In front of Ou Bi Wang, there were several old men who were similar in age to him, but half inferior in qi and blood.

As Li Quxian, Li Wei and others stepped into the courtyard, everyone's eyes fell on them at the same time.

"Curator Li is here."

"Let's see what Curator Li actually says."

"No rules can't make a circle, since this matter has been mediated by the old man and the old man Ou, and reconciled in the presence of our Char City channel, no one will be allowed to violate it again, otherwise all martial artists will act according to their nature, where will the peace of our Char City martial arts community be set?"

A few people arrived, the crowd resounded a yelling sound, the tone of voice with a vague sense of dissatisfaction.

Among the crowd, a man in his thirties came forward, greeted Li Wei, Jin Li, Li Quxian and others, and said in a deep voice: "You have arrived, my master and Ou Lao have been waiting for you inside for a long time, I hope Li Quxian can say something clear about the fight on the Longquan Martial School."

Li Quxian's gaze fell on this man.

The man was over thirty, but his qi and blood were like a rainbow, up to the peak, and the whole person standing here had a feeling of landing on the ground and lofty and immovable.

Obviously an expert in legwork.

Just do not know ...

Whether he has reached the realm where flies and insects cannot fall and a feather does not add to the body.

"This is the elderly's righteous son An Oro, the reason why the elderly can be in the Shire City martial arts circle Xiang Yu is famous, on the one hand, he was famous in the Shire City when he was young, thirty-six ways of the Big Dipper Legs and Dragon Claw Hand almost beat flat Shire invincible, on the other hand ... lies in the disciples he taught out ... he received six disciples in his life, three of them engaged in business and politics and not to mention the remaining three, all cultivated success, the first disciple he received as a righteous son, but also all the elderly heritage, it is said that a year ago has been practiced all over the body, the power of the Jin, become a master of martial arts."

Li Wei whispered an introduction at the side of Li Quxian.

"Newly promoted chemistry jin ..."

Li Xuxian looked at An Oro ...

An Dao Sheng, although still retaining qi and blood, but ultimately old, Li Quxian and he fought, there is a suspicion of bullying the old, this An Oro ...

The best choice.

It will allow him to understand the true standard of a master of chemical jin.

"You are Li Quxian."

An Oro led several people in the front towards the courtyard, on the way, he also met Li Quxian's sizing gaze slightly forced to look at him.

Li Quxian nodded.

"I have heard of your performance, at a young age, the cultivation of dark jin, and defeated several dark jin martial arts master Longquan martial arts school, it is amazing, but there is one thing you have to know ... wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy the young people do not think they have practiced a little martial arts to see everything, do not put anything, anyone In the eyes, you need to know that no rules can not be squared, everything does not respect the rules to act on their own force will sooner or later lead to calamity, then regret can be too late."

An Oro indifferent said.

Li Xuxian looked at a preaching tone of An Oro, is very vain to accept.

Wait until An Oro finished his words before saying, "I wish to fight you."

An Oro frowned, his heart was disdainful.

He was kind enough to teach him the truth of being a human being, but he didn't listen to him, but he had the audacity to challenge himself with his words.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

"Why should we wait for the time? We can fight right now."

Li Quxian said.

On the side, Li Wei had the intention to see Li Quxian's real combat power so that he could determine the strength of the Long Sky Martial School's support based on his strength at that time, so he just smiled and said, "Since Martial Master Li has such ambition to ask Master An Oro for advice, please ask Master An Oro to instruct him so that he can understand the severity of the 36 Heavenly Dipper Leg Techniques."

An Oro's figure paused.

He turned around and gave a slightly deeper look at Li Wei for a moment before turning his gaze to Li Quxian.

"Good! You, Li Quxian, have ambition, Director Li Wei, your Long Sky Martial School, have the same ambition!"

An Oro said slowly, sweeping a glance around at the many fellow martial artists who still had their eyes fallen on him, "Go directly to the backyard, there is a martial arts training ground there, to exert your body."

After saying that he also greeted a man not far away, "Talk to Master and Old Man Ou, Martial Master Li of the Long Sky Martial School wants to practice with me, we will go there later."

The man swept Li Quxian with an insouciant expression and quickly answered, "Yes, I'm on my way."

At that moment, a group of people marched towards the inner courtyard.

On the way, it seems that the man's mouth spread the news that Li Quxian was going to fight with An Oro, a stir soon came from the crowd, and by the time several people arrived at the backyard, at least a dozen martial artists surrounded them, including many people from Longquan Martial School.

On the contrary, An Dao Sheng, Ou Bi Wang do not know whether it is self-respecting identity, or absolute confidence in An Oro, but did not show up, a posture of allowing the young people to play.


The backyard of An Dao Sheng is not large, about a hundred square meters square, only barely enough for two martial artists to spread their hands and feet.

"Martial Master Li, although Master An Oro is famous for his legwork, his clawwork is equally amazing, so be careful."

Li Wei reminded Li Quxian when he was about to step into the field.

Li Xuxian nodded and came into the field.

"I am a false elder of more than ten years, therefore, you and strike first."

An Oro stood in the middle of the field, his right foot slightly protruding half a foot forward, striking a pose.

His language was quite disparaging to Li Quxian, but he did not dare to underestimate a young martial artist who was able to sweep the Longquan Martial School's dark jin martial artists and force Director Jaz to admit defeat.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his might.

He did not want to lose his master's face because of today's battle.

"Be careful!"

Li Quxian said, in the middle of speaking, he slightly lowered his voice, sound waves induced the power of qi and blood on his body, causing the qi and blood to buzz, directly crossing the warm-up stage to be ignited in one fell swoop.

The next moment, he has pounced on the front, without any fancy, a punch out, relying on the essence of the stimulation, this ordinary frontal punch but as if attached to a huge force of a thousand pounds, when hit out actually gives a person a sense of heaven and earth collapse unstoppable.

"Good! I have heard that you have practiced the fist intention, I do not want to really have some way, but unfortunately ... useless!"

An Oro eyes a flash of light, in the face of Li Quxian hit a punch he did not show weakness, the right hand a shake, five fingers bent, rapid lightning along with Li Quxian hit a punch wrist buckle to.

This strike ...

Fast to unbelievable.

In his five fingers buckle Li Quxian wrist at the same time, his right foot is also blatantly step forward.

This foot is just a prelude, as he successfully clasped Li Quxian's wrist, his right hand will be seriously injured, and then pull it, itself relying on the power of the right foot, can instantly bully up, then with the force of the knee impact is bound to Li Quxian seriously injured.

Even if you can't hit him hard, but because of the huge force of the knee, Li Quxian crossed his arms to resist, his body will certainly be shaken back, he can also take advantage of the opportunity to double the feet together, flying kicks, with the advantage of the 36 ways of the Big Dipper Legs will easily be able to completely defeat him.

Winners and losers ...

It seems to have been decided at this moment.


However, when An Oro grabbed Li Quxian's wrist with a swift move, intending to pull him against himself and then rise up and knee him, he suddenly found that ...

Li Quxian is like a vajra, by his force a pull actually motionless.

And he clasped Li Quxian wrist, in the vain hope that the force of the five fingers will be his wrist injury is also met with a very strong resistance, as if he clasped not at all flesh and blood, but a tough cowhide ...

The perfect plan ...

In the moment of the exchange of hands, has been all disrupted.