
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 58 Revealed

"Wait, snipers? Skywolf squad?"

This matter was born so far less than half an hour, Li Wei obviously did not know.

The sniper who had survived not only did not disappear, but also moved a second assassination shortly afterwards to kill Li Wu Shi, who eventually carried his sniper and quickly closed in, killing him."

Red Leopard told in a few words what happened.

"Sky Wolf Squad? That team that had sniped and killed a Transformation Master?"

"Martial Master Li was actually able to survive the sniper's sniping unharmed and kill the sniper?"

Qiu Ji, Lancelot and the others among the team were shocked, and their gazes all fell on Li Quxian.

Martial artist ...

Dodging firearms, strength occupies half, the remaining half, can only depend on luck, pinned on the opponent's poor marksmanship.

But the sniper of the Sky Wolf Squad ...

Obviously not some generalist, sniping over the master of chemical jin is his best gold sign.

He can carry such a sniper sniper close to the other side before killing him ...

The company's main goal is to provide the best possible solution to the problem.

In contrast to other people's surprise, Li Wei is the first time to seize the focus of the matter: "Li martial arts master, the wolf squad why people went to snipe at you? Does it have anything to do with the Longquan Martial School?"

Li Quxian glanced at Li Wei and nodded: "When I killed the Sky Wolf team members, I learned that the person who hired them to snipe me was none other than the director of the Longquan Martial School, Jas."

"Jas? He hired the Wolf Squad members to kill you?"

Li Wei had some difficulty understanding.

At this time, Kunna, who was fiddling with her smartphone, suddenly said, "I just contacted a friend, and there is indeed a bounty on the black list for Martial Master Li at 30 million, and the one who took this task is the Sky Wolf Squad."

"This Jas ... is interesting, Long Sky Martial School and Longquan Martial School two obviously already considered to be turned into a good thing, he is still unrelenting? Now, the Longquan martial arts school have people to make the matter to An Dao Sheng, Ou Bi Wang, what do they want? What are they trying to do? They want to use a knife to kill someone after they failed to hire a murderer?"

Qiu Ji said in a somewhat unashamed tone.

"Murder for hire ... This is our evidence!"

Li Wei's mind suddenly came alive: "Li Wu Shi, the Sky Wolf squad can still have survivors? Can we ask for testimonies from their mouths, so that the elderly, Ou Lao, and even the other martial artists in the entire Charl City martial arts circle can see the true face of Longquan Martial School and make Jaz lose his reputation?"

"I did not leave anyone alive at that time."

Li Quxian said.

"That ... would be a problem ...."

Li Wei could not help but frown: "If we can't get evidence to prove that it was Longquan Martial School that tore up the agreement in the first place, as a witness of the elderly and Ou Lao will definitely not easily rest ... messed up ... Li Martial Master from now on The martial arts circle in Xiaer will become difficult ..."

"So what? With Martial Master Li's strength, what places are not available?"

Red Panther sneered.

"You can't say that, the city of Xiaer is after all the largest city in the Kingdom of Xiaa, and the martial arts circle is also one of the largest circles in the whole of Xiaa after the capital and the border city. Once Martial Master Li is excluded from this circle, it will be a big blow to his reputation ..."

Li Wei said.

"This matter does not need to be interfered with on the part of the Long Sky Martial School."

Li Quxian calmly said, "A martial artist's reputation is never beaten out, An Dao Sheng and Ou Bi Wang want to question me, let them come."

He is now ready to fight to the death with the masters of chemical jin despite the fact that An Daosheng and Ou Bi Wang are two people ...

But ...

The actual moment he will not be afraid of half.

The heart of the martial artist, should be fearless and fearless.

"Good point, the martial artist's reputation relies on his own strength, not to mention that things are brought up by the Longquan Martial School first, even if not, as long as Li Wushi has enough strength, An Dao Sheng, Ou Bi Wang and can helpless Li Wushi half a point?"

Red Leopard greatly agreed with Li Quxian's statement.

"We need to face not only An Dao Sheng and Ou Bi Wang, but also Longquan Martial School. In addition to a Jas, Longquan Martial School still has three major experts of Hua Jin, a force that cannot be easily fought by any one Dark Jin martial artist."

"Li curator, you think, you have been mistaken about a problem."

Red Leopard looked at Li Wei and gave a laugh, "Until this moment, do you still treat Martial Master Li as a dark jin martial master?"

Red Panther's words caused Li Wei to be slightly stunned, and then immediately afterwards, he was already enlightened.

Dark Power Martial Master!


Was he able to treat Li Quxian as a dark jin martial master?

Which dark jin martial artist was able to sweep the Longquan Martial School, which dark jin martial artist was able to annihilate the Skywolf team, which dark jin martial artist was able to kill the Skywolf team head-on under the sniper's sniping?

The first time when Li Quxian had not yet developed dark jin, he had the experience of killing Shi Dan, the great martial artist of Longquan Martial School who was sitting in the town of Keli province.

Against a master of Chemical Power ...

The most important thing is that it is not a good idea to have a good experience.

And a master of the Transformation Energy ...

The world is so big, where can we not go?

A Master of Chemical Power is not something that An Dao Sheng or Ou Bi Wang can suppress by virtue of their reputation?

Not to mention ...

The incident at Longquan Martial Arts Center was the first provocation by the director of Jaz.

Longquan martial arts school really want to disregard to Li Quxian shot ...

The price paid is also absolutely extremely heavy.

"It's us who took the bull by the horns, Martial Master Li, don't worry, I will contact Pavilion Director Fan, this matter will be handed over to our Long Sky Martial School, our Long Sky Martial School will definitely stand on your side and let the Longquan Martial School give you an explanation."

Li Wei gave a correction immediately after noticing his mistake.

And after realizing that Li Quxian could no longer be viewed in the same manner as a dark jin martial artist, he also immediately strengthened his stance and tied the Long Sky Martial School to him.

"In fact, things are not as troublesome as you think, An Dao Sheng and Ou Bi Wang's side is very well resolved."

Kunna raised her cell phone and smiled, "Although Jas is a master of chemical jin, but he is different from us, the pursuit of comfort, he does not want to become a pioneer, unwilling to go to the ancient forest of the wilderness to take risks, his fortune is lower than the ordinary masters of chemical jin, liquidity is limited, we only need to investigate his liquidity, we can prove his side of the problem, set this matter off, and then combined with Li martial arts master was People 30 million bounty, it is easy to speculate the real identity of the bounty payer, as for no evidence, it does not matter, I do not think An Dao Sheng, Ou Bi Wang really willing to for the so-called face will be Li Wu Shi and Changkong Martial Arts Museum completely offended."

"Both sides are sticking to their guns and not backing down from each other, they will most likely choose to stand by and not care."

Langslow added with a smile.

"That's true ... however ... I don't understand why Pavilion Director Jass actually chose to spend 30 million to offer a bounty on Martial Master Li? Even if Martial Master Li swept the face of Longquan Martial School, he is not so much as to throw away his family to retaliate, it is not like there is any deep hatred between the two sides ..."

Li Wei did not understand.

"I should know the reason."

Kunna said: "According to my friends from the medical system to inquire about the news ... not long ago, that is, Li martial arts challenge Longquan martial arts school of that period of time, Jase went to the hospital, after the diagnosis determined that his heart damage is serious, from now on can no longer do to intensify the heart load exercise In other words, ... the master of the ... chemical force ... is ruined!"


Li Wei was stunned.

And Li Quxian ...

On the other hand, he looked up expansively.

"Jas ... he is not unharmed!?"

All along ...

He had always judged the strength or weakness of the masters of chemical jin by the standard of Jaz ...

According to the conversation between words with Li Wei and other dark jin martial masters he speculated ...

The first time I saw him, he was not even a strong master.

But this is such a master of chemical jin, under the counter-attack of his full strength to run the secret art, but is unharmed calmly retreat ...

The power of a Master of Chemical Power immediately left a deep impression on his mind, so much so that until now he was not sure enough to defeat a Master of Chemical Power.

But now it seems ...

His judgment standard ...

Just like a mistake!

Jass ...

In his counterattack, he was not unharmed.

In other words ...

Master of Chemical Power ...

was not as strong as he thought he was!