
The Straw Wizard

Let's see what future this deck of cards gives us. MC reincarnates as Basil Hawkins years before the start of the anime. I do not speak English I speak Spanish.

King_Ryuma · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


As we walked with Law and Bepo out of the base I was thinking about what we would do to get out of this situation, I'm not stupid, I still don't have the strength to defeat a commodore and less one who will become a vice admiral like Bastille.

"Law I understand that you did not arrive on a ship" This is the information that my subordinates had given me, I suppose they must already have the submarine.

"That's right, we have a submarine with which we can travel under the sea" Law seemed to be loyal enough not to hide that from me

"Very well, if you want, send Bepo to prepare everything for an emergency escape, and he can also keep all the treasure that I have obtained from the base and from the pirates that have arrived here, everything is in the vault that is under the desk in the main office." We paused for a moment as I explained the plan.

Law nodded and turned to look at Bepo, who returned a nod before running back to the office to retrieve the treasure.

"Preparing everything shouldn't take more than 10 minutes, we must endure that time while we fight with the navy"

Once we got off base I sat on the front steps as I pulled out my deck of cards, Law was standing next to me.

At one point marines began to arrive at the scene, I just looked up slightly to watch them.

It should be about 30 marines, there was also an extremely tall man with a mask covering his face, he also had a giant sword, this is Bastille.

"What do you order captain?" Law asked as he readied his sword for the fight.

"Take care of the cannon fodder, once you're done with them help me fight the commodore" I said as he just nodded.

"`The Wizard` Basil Hawkins, I have been sent to capture you no matter if I capture you dead or alive" Bastille said this and in the next instant with a speed beyond what I expected she appeared above me raising her gigantic sword.

He proceeded to bring it down with all his strength, I could barely get my own sword to stop his.

Change of point of view.

Hawkins was unable to stop Bastille's sword for long, as to Hawkins' surprise his sword was cut in half and his torso was also sliced diagonally.

"This was easier than expected, this is my last mission as Commodore, I thought it would be more interesting" Bastille seemed to look a little disappointed, but he looked surprised when Hawkins stood up.

"Last mission as commodore?... I see, you have the necessary power to be a counter admiral" Hawkins stretched out his arm from which a voodoo doll came out, which had a diagonal cut on its torso, said voodoo doll fell inert to the I usually.

"That's right, once I return to the headquarters with your head I will be promoted." Bastille took up her sword again.

"Law, can you help me take his sword from him? Then you can take care of the other marines" Hawkins told Law who was still behind him, as he had not been able to follow Bastille's movement with his eyes.

Law was a bit surprised and intrigued by how his new captain had managed to survive the commodore's deadly attack.

"Alright, let's go together, if you feel a tug on your body don't resist, it's me using my ability" Law unsheathed his sword and stood next to Hawkins.

They both looked at each other and nodded in acknowledgment, then proceeded to run towards Bastille.

"Soru" Hawkins had practiced a few techniques this month, and the Soru was the easiest for him to use.

With the speed of the Soru, Hawkins appeared behind Bastille, for it was better to attack from two different angles.

"Room" Law said as he activated his ability in the area of the fight.

Hawkins attacked with his sword pointed at Bastille's back and Law attacked from the front.

Bastille turned to parry Hawkins' attack first, but just then.

"Shambles" Hawkins and Law exchanged places, Hawkins's sword made a cut on Bastille's back which she couldn't get out of her surprise.

Taking advantage of this, Law attacked Bastille's face with his sword, but Bastille regained his senses and interposed his own sword.

"What an interesting ability, I guess I should take care of you first"

Bastille made a quick move and tried to make a horizontal cut towards Law, but at that moment Law and Hawkins exchanged places, Hawkins brought his sword vertically to stop Bastille's sword.

Hawkins took advantage of the moment to kick Bastielle in the chin upwards, Law jumped to side kick Bastille launching him a few meters.

Bastille dropped the sword as she rolled on the ground, Law quickly grabbed the sword to prevent her from retrieving it.

"Okay Law, take care of the other marines and I'll fight Bastille" Hawkins said to Law and he nodded to proceed to leave to fight against the other marines.

"I guess I should get serious." Bastille stood up, raising her fists into which she concentrated her haki.

'I must bring my will to my fists' Hawkins thought as he also raised his fists, he did not use his sword as it seemed easier to concentrate haki on his fists than on his sword.

Hawkins ran towards Bastille at high speed when they were close they both landed their punches, fist to fist, but Bastille had the upper hand due to her Haki, Hawkins had to backflip back into the air.

'That feeling, I must try to replicate that feeling' Hawkins's hand hurt like never before, but he was still excited as he felt closer to armor haki, as Rayleigh said haki improves with battles.

Hawkins ran back to Bastille, they quickly engaged in back and forth punches but it was obvious that the most affected was Hawkins.

At one point Bastille punched Hawkins in the chin causing him to be thrown backwards into the air.

Seizing the opportunity, Bastille ran over and grabbed Hawkins's face with her hand, squeezing him tightly and repeatedly slamming him into the ground over and over again.

Voodoo dolls fell one after another.

Hawkins knew that he wouldn't hesitate much longer, and the only way to free himself would be to cut with his sword because only his blows, even if he managed to use haki, would not be effective against Bastille's great strength.

'I can't fall here, c'mon haki shit, it works like hell!!!' Hawkins tried to replicate the feeling of haki he felt from Bastille's strikes, also the feeling of when he used his observation haki.

At one point Hawkins drew his sword and slashed at the arm that held it, the blade was imbued with armor haki, the blade pierced Bastille's left forearm like butter, even his haki couldn't stop the slash.

"AAAAHHHHGGGG YOU SON OF A BITCH" Bastille screamed in pain as she held her stump where her half of her forearm and hand were previously connected.

Hawkins tried to attack again, but Bastille full of fury kicked the hand with which Hawkins was holding his sword causing him to drop it and the sword fell meters away quickly and with his only hand Bastille squeezed Hawkins' neck and slammed him against the ground, there he only increased his grip on Hawkins's neck as he choked him.

"Naturally pirate trash will always remain trash, die once and for all scum" Bastille looked at Hawkins with hatred because he had amputated his forearm.

'NO NO NO NO NO NO NO… I DON'T WANT TO DIE, I CAN'T DIE' Hawkins was desperate, he had already lost all his voodoo dolls and now he was on the verge of death, only after a little over a month of being reborn.

Law who was still fighting the other marines wanted to help Hawkins, but he still wasn't strong enough to take on 30 marines in the blink of an eye.

'I DON'T LET MYSELF DIE TODAY!!' Hawkins who had his eyes closed from one moment to another opened it forcefully, for a moment there was a flash of red in his eyes and then there was immense pressure for all the people present.

The marines fell to the ground foaming at the mouth, Law fell to his knees from the pressure, and Bastille released her hold on Hawkins as she took a few steps back.

"King's Ha...King's Haki" Bastille was too surprised.

"Captain the ship is ready!!" The cry of Bepo who was approaching the battlefield reached the ears of the three, Bastille, Law and Hawkins.

Quickly Hawkins ran to Law, he stood up and also ran with Hawkins, they were both running away.

"I can't let someone with King's Haki escape, I must kill him now before he gets more powerful" Bastille started chasing after Hawkins, Law and Bepo.

"Law, you can make me appear in front of Bastille and then bring me back to you, I'll buy a few seconds of time" Hawkins told Law his plan.

"Very good captain." Law nodded.

As Bastille chased them a few meters behind with the idea of catching them, in an instant Hawkins appeared in front of him with his foot raised, and kicked him with armor haki directly in the face, taking him by surprise and rolling him back several meters behind.

Hawkins disappeared from his position before appearing next to Law and continuing his escape.

When they reached the submarine and quickly entered, the submarine began to submerge and disappeared into the sea.

When Bastille arrived at the port there was no sign of Hawkins and the others.

"Basil Hawkins...not only could I not capture him, he also became stronger...another monster has appeared in the sea"

Hours later

Navy Headquarters

"I see, thanks for your report Bastille" Sengoku hung up the call from the denden mushi.

"What do you think of this Garp?" Sengoku asked his friend and partner Garp.

"That Hawkins boy looks like he gave the marines a lot of headaches and especially you Sengoku Bwahahahaha." Garp laughed as he ate some cookies.

"Tsch, shut your mouth if you're just spouting nonsense Garp...I'm talking about what do you think would be a suitable reward for this pirate?" Sengoku was exasperated by Garp's taunts.

"I don't know, I think he's easily the strongest pirate in all of North Blue and he wouldn't have a problem getting to Sabaody if he could fight a commodore, especially considering the Bastille boy has the strength of a counter admiral."

"It is true, but it will be a scandal that a pirate who has not even set foot on the Grand Line has such a high reward"


Next day

Basil Hawkins was covered in bandages, Law had already treated his wounds but he had to rest to recover quickly.

They were currently on the surface of the sea, as Hawkins didn't much like being locked up underwater.

"Captain, that power that I used at the end of the fight, what was it?" Law was full of curiosity.

"It's called King's Haki, This power comes from the willpower of the one who possesses it, This type of haki cannot be achieved through training and only one in several million people is born with this ability" Hawkins explained, the he didn't expect to get this power either, as the original Hawkins didn't seem to have it.

So this is why I didn't see a shadow of death in my charts, Hawkins thought.

"I see, so it seems that I decided to follow the right guy" Law said with a slight smile.

"It seems that yes, because Doflamingo also has this Haki" Law was surprised to hear this, but then he calmed down.

At that moment a bird from the newspaper arrived, after paying for the newspaper Hawkins skipped all the news and only looked for the reward posters.

Aside from a few minor pirates, he found his own.

<The Magician> Basil Hawkins

Captain of the Hawkins Pirates

Reward: 270,000,000 Berries

Alive or dead.

There was a news section where he talked about his fight against Bastille and how he had become the pirate with the largest bounty without entering the Grand Line.

The first pirate in history to get 100,000,000 in one of the four blue seas.

"Congratulations Captain, now you are someone more wanted" Law said with some grace.

"Fate willed it that way" was what Hawkins said.

End of chapter.

Okay, this chapter was kind of short, but it was the best thing I could come up with.

As a spoiler, the next enemy will be Shiki.

After that Hawkins will go to the Grand Line, or that's the idea, many things can happen.

Why 270,000,000? I think Hawkins has at least the same strength that the original had when he came to Sabaody, I think even a little stronger if we consider that he has a little progress in all three hakis, he just needs training.

By the way, Hawkins didn't beat Bastille, they fought evenly for a while before Hawkins started losing and then ran away.

If it had been with another commodore if he could have won, maybe with much more time invested but he could have won considering the awakening of the king's haki and the armor haki.

Please leave your questions and suggestions in the comments.

Cheers! 