Let's see what future this deck of cards gives us. MC reincarnates as Basil Hawkins years before the start of the anime. I do not speak English I speak Spanish.
"My name is Basil Hawkins," I said as I put my hand on the captain's shoulder.
Squeezing his shoulder hard I threw him backward causing him to break through the wall of the rewards office and past a few more walls.
He looked at the marine who had given the information.
"If only you had closed your mouth for a few more minutes you would not have caused the destruction of this marine base" I said while in a quick movement I took his face with my hand and raised him in the air, it was not difficult with my 2.10 meters.
"In your next life don't be so diligent" I squeezed his face tightly causing him to scream in pain, ignoring that I slammed him into the ground causing the back of his skull to crack, a pool of blood forming in its place.
I turned around and looked at the bounty clerk.
"I think now I deserve more than those 55,000,000, don't I?" The scared guy started taking more money out of the safe and putting it in the briefcase.
With the commotion caused it shouldn't take long for more men to arrive and the captain is already coming here again I can feel it with my weak observation Haki, I turned to look at the hole I had caused and saw how the captain ran towards me.
Change of point of view:
Captain Tetsugaya was running towards Hawkins at a high speed, it seemed like it would be a frontal attack, but when the distance seemed like a few meters, the attack changed.
"Soru" Tetsugaya said these words and in a blink he was behind the Hawkins.
He quickly turned 180 degrees on himself to attack Hawkins by surprise, but Hawkins reacted with an identical action, causing him to collide with his forearms.
Hawkins' arm turned to straw which was directed at Tetsugaya's face, but Tetsugaya anticipating the action put up his other arm as a defense.
"Tekkai" His arm was as strong as steel.
Then an exchange of blows began between the captain and Hawkins, a clear winner could not be seen.
As the exchange of blows continued, more marines began to arrive, among them was a lieutenant, who was second in command at this base.
"Captain, I'll help you" the lieutenant who was a thin man who used a sword attacked Hawkins from behind.
"Hmph! Let's finish off this bastard quickly, Shinsho" It seems that both of them had been fighting together for a long time because they coordinated in a spectacular way, it seemed that they shared minds.
Hawkins quickly found himself at a disadvantage.
At one point Tetsugaya strongly grabbed Hawkins' hands preventing him from moving them, Shinsho took advantage of the moment to cut off Hawkins' arms.
But what was expected did not happen, it seemed that the sword had only pierced a ghost because there was no visible wound on Hawkins' arms.
To the horror of the lieutenant and all the other Marines present, the severed arms fell to the ground were those of Captain Tetsugaya.
"AAAAHHHGGGG!!!" Tetsugaya let out a cry of pain and surprise.
"BROTHER!" Shinsho yelled, for Tetsugaya was not only his Captain, he was also his older brother.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Hawkins cut off Shinsho's head with his sword.
"SHINSHOO!!" Tetsugaya seemed to forget his physical pain when he saw his brother die.
When Tetsugaya was about to attack Hawkins, he moved quickly and launched a kick to the side of the captain's face.
Instinctively Tetsugaya raised his arm to block, but this time there was only a stump, allowing the kick to connect directly, knocking him out.
"Okay, it's your turn" Hawkins said as he now prepared to fight with all the marines in the base, said marines trembled in fear.
Hours later
Hawkins point of view:
I was in the base captain's office, I had two of my pirates in front of me and the only marine survivor of the base, surprisingly the marine turned out to be a young Fullbody of only 17 years, a recruit.
"So I took a picture of myself and you sent it to HQ, at the same time you reported killing everyone on base and that my name is Basil Hawkins."
"Yes sir, but please forgive me, don't kill me" Fullbody was crying as he begged for his life.
"Oh no need to kill you, I need a test subject for my devil fruit training" I said giving him a slight smile, he just paled and continued crying
"Take him away" I told the two pirates who dragged him away.
I had decided to officially take Edward Bones's pirates as my subordinates, at least as my cannon fodder.
There were 20 in total, I had 10 painting the base black and changing the navy symbol for my Jolly Roger (the one from the manga/anime).
I decided to take this island as my base, I need a place to train, at least until someone stronger is sent to eliminate me.
He had 5 other pirates getting rid of the marine corps, there were about 70 of them this was a base maybe the same size as Capt. Morgan's.
He had had the remaining pirates round up the civilians outside the base.
I walked at a leisurely pace, once outside I could see around 100 civilians not counting children.
"My name is Basil Hawkins, and from now until my death I declare Grudge Island my territory." All the civilians looked very scared and some children were already crying.
"I will not do anything to them, their life will continue the same as it was before my arrival, the taxes they paid to the navy will now be paid to me, their whole life will continue normally, but now I am their lord" Everyone seemed distrustful but they could only resign themselves to accept it.
None had the strength to face me, the one who was able to kill all the marines.
"Go home, by the way, now every house must have my Jolly Roger on the door." Finishing my short speech, I went back inside while the civilians returned to their homes.
I decided to take this island lord idea to slowly but surely claim money while having a spacious place to train.
Once in the main office of the base, I opened the window and saw a bird arrive from the newspaper.
After paying for the newspaper, I proceeded to read it, there was some interesting news like Jinbe became one of the Shichibukai.
But in North Blue news there was a headline about me, saying that I had attacked and destroyed the naval base on Grudge Island.
Along with the newspaper was my reward poster.
"The Magician" Basil Hawkins
Captain of the Hawkins Pirates
Reward: 65,000,000 Berries
Alive or dead.
Wow, I didn't expect such a big reward, I guess it's because of the power this captain had, after all he knew how to use some rokushiki techniques and there's also the fact that he killed all the marines, maybe they also think he killed entire population of the island, which increased my bounty level for danger to civilians.
Well it doesn't matter, a high first reward isn't that bad either, but I have to focus on training, when they find out that I took over the island they will surely send several captains, or even a commodore.
Maybe I can win against a captain or two thanks to my skill, but more than two captains is very difficult and I think I'm still far from the strength of a commodore.
One month after
Pov Trafalgar D. Water Law
I had recently started sailing with my new companions, leaving Wolf behind.
Shachi and penguin are sleeping right now, Bepo and I are watching the sub's radar as we surface.
Our next destination is Grudge Island, we need to stock up on our food.
This island is known to be under the control of a novice pirate, "The Wizard" Basil Hawkins.
It seems that the island continues to function very well, the merchants who leave the place say that it even seems that nothing has changed with respect to who runs the island because everything is as calm as when the marines were there.
Speaking of the marines, they are known to have sent out two ships with two captains 15 days ago, but Hawkins defeated them both, as did some pirates who tried to stir up a stir on the island.
It's like Hawkins seems to be one of the strongest in the North Blue, I hope I don't find problems with him.
Hours later.
Penguin and Shachi are carrying supplies up to the polar tang while I'm checking out some stores with Bepo.
"Could you come with us? Captain Hawkins is calling you." A man's voice catches my attention and I turn around.
I guess it's one of the Hawkins pirates, damn it and I didn't want to fight.
"Captain what do we do?" Bepo asks me and I see him tense up, ready to fight if necessary.
"Let's see what he wants, no need to make a problem now" I give a nod to the man who begins to lead the way, we enter the naval base and go up to the main office.
"The captain is waiting for you inside" The man says and then proceeds to turn around and leave.
"Come on Bepo, let's go in" I tell Bepo who nods.
Pov Basil Hawkins:
I see a 15-year-old Law and the polar bear Mink enter the office door, I don't remember his name.
I had noticed it when I was in the market thanks to my Observation Haki, I couldn't fully recognize who it was, so I sent someone to look, after describing the appearance of Law and the bear, I was sure who they were.
"One of your men said you wanted to see me" Law said with some suspicion.
"Oh yes, you know as soon as you set foot on my island I was able to recognize your strength and it's just what I'm looking for for my crew" I told him with a slight smile.
What can I say, I want a good doctor at my service.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in serving anyone again." His tone was very serious and for a small moment I could see anger in his eyes.
"I see, you seek revenge isn't it? If you join me I promise to lend you my strength to achieve your goal" what better way to tempt him than helping him with his revenge against Doflamingo.
"I admit you're strong, but you don't know who you're talking about... Doflamingo is someone you can't dream of defeating" He said with frustration on his face.
"Doflamingo? If he is strong, but not invincible, with time and training I will be able to defeat him, I already took my first step in mastery after all" I blurted out the Haki information to get his attention.
"Haki?" Confusion was visible on both of their faces.
"Haki is a power possessed by all creatures in the world: 'presence', 'fighting spirit', 'intimidation'... Nothing different from things that humans can feel naturally... But most humans they don't realize this power... Or maybe they spend their whole lives trying to wake it up without success... 'Not giving up', that's the strength." Sorry Rayleigh but I stole your explanation.
"I understand, I suppose that with this 'power' you were able to feel my presence and measure my strength" Law seemed to be analyzing everything he had said, he is a smart boy.
"That's right, boy I can teach you all this on one condition, give me your loyalty and I will reward you, I will give you the power to kill Doflamingo with your own hands." I don't know if I sound like Orochimaru now.
Law thought about it for a few moments and then turned to look at Bepo.
"Can my Nakamas join in too?"
"Sure, but tell me your name first." I couldn't just say his name if I don't technically know him.
"Trafalgar Law and this is Bepo," he said, obviously withholding his name.
"I can tell when someone hides things from me, but it's okay Law, when the time comes you will tell me, welcome to the Hawkins pirates, now you are my first officer" I told him and I could see his surprised face, obviously he did not expect such an important position .
But his future is very bright, I think he is ideal to be my second in command.
"Captain!! A navy ship is approaching, and a commodore is in the lead!! IT'S COMMODORE BASTILLE!!
A pirate comes running and screaming, he is very scared, understandable, a commodore in one of the four blues is the most powerful force you will see because the vice admirals are in paradise and the new world.
"Good time to test your loyalty Law, at the same time it will be your first Haki class." Law looked sorry for having accepted because now he would fight against a commodore, taking an Oni mask from the desk and passing it to Law.
"Use this, I guess you don't want Doflamingo to know your whereabouts yet." He nods and takes the mask.
"You are a troublesome captain, you know that?" He says while putting on the mask.
"I see no shadow of death over us today," I say as I hold up my cards.
End of chapter 2
Here it ends, Law Vice captain of the Hawkins pirates, I already have in mind "the arch" of the North Blue.
I'm not very good with fight scenes, I'm trying to improve.
I also have the second and third members of the Hawkins Pirates in mind.
I hope you liked the chapter, any suggestion is welcome.
bye bye =)