


Austin soon spots Markus standing there too, lucky for us he hadn’t turn around to look at us yet so we had a few seconds. Now he was in my eye line, I couldn’t stop the scared feelings that were running through my body.

/"I know you’re scared Payton but trust me you’re going to be fine/" Austin whispers looking down at me as we walked, I take a deep breath in sending him a smile letting him know I was somewhat fine, even though my heart was going at a million miles an hour.

As we get even closer to Markus, you could see from the way in which he was standing, that he was also panicking. We even managed to get right up behind him and he didn’t know it, this Markus is one I’ve never seen before!

/"Markus?/" Austin says when he still didn’t turn around, this does make him jump and finally turn around to look at us standing right behind him.