


In no time, we arrive at the sea front, my anxiety still off the charts at this point. One thing that I have learnt about Markus, you never know what his next move is going to be and there really isn’t much point trying to predict it either. Whenever you think a situation is going one way, Markus sweeps it from under you and sends you in a complete spin!

We drive up and down for a few minutes, I was hoping we would be able to spot him and be able to stay in the car while we talk. That way if the conversation for whatever reason was to go south, we will be able to make a quick getaway. But I couldn’t catch sight of the man even once, even Austin said he couldn’t see him anywhere.

/"I think our best bet would be to park the car and look for him on foot/" Austin says after a few more minutes with no luck, that plan was definitely not what I wanted.