


Austin just looks at me for a second, I had to try and act like I was somewhat surprised over what Markus had said. But I knew before Markus knew what was going to happen, Jacob gave me the heads up a few days ago.

/"I mean I’m happy that you’re taking us into consideration, but Payton and I can’t go on the run with you Markus/" Austin says turning back to talk to Markus, I knew Austin didn’t want to because he knew I didn’t like being around Markus but also, because of the predicament that I was currently in.

/"I know it’s not the ideal situation, but you’re going to have to if you don’t want the police to turn their sights onto you/" Markus says not getting why Austin was so hesitant, I was more shocked Austin was kind of telling Markus no for once.

/"We can’t psychical go on the run/" Austin said looking to me as he said it, I think he was trying to spell it out to Markus who clearly, wasn’t getting what we were trying to say!