
the spread of Nightfall

cold and calculated badass mc follow the mc while he fights his way to true strength ensuring he is never at the whims of another again. builds a name for himself and vows to protect his loved ones. While also trying to understand the world he starts living in. fast pace action, adventure, kingdom building, romance, tasteful and very spread out r-18, dark, magic, *no ntr no yuri no female lead cheating* hey guys as you can probably tell I am a brand new writer! just doing this as a hobby as I’ve had the idea for this novel and premise for so long and no novel out there has really been able to itch that scratch if that makes sense. ** I hope a few take the time to read and please let me know your thoughts as I want to improve and be able to create the novel I envisioned while doing it justice. ** while of course there will be some clichés, I want this to be more original and I promise in the later chapters you won’t be able to predict what will happen! thanks again! artwork made from AI

Xavier_Nightfall · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Their shock

Once we all finished eating we started heading back to the guest house.

'Today wasn't that bad' I thought to myself seeing everyone smiling especially my mother who was beaming and still not letting me leave her lap while in her embrace.

'She's definitely a clingy .. but for some reason I don't really mind. I feel more at peace with her then I ever have since my parents died in my past life. I forgot how warm and comforting to is to be around people who care for you instead of having to be on high alert 24/7'

Once the carage stopped signaling we are back, my mother continued to drag me into the house until we reach her bedroom. As we entered she closed the door while stripping off her clothes right down to her bra and panties. After she completed that she walked towards me and helped me undress until I was in my underwear.

"I had a lot of fun today, thanks for playing with mommy ❤️" Elaine said as she picked me up setting me on the bed.

"Uh, me too." I said unsure of what is happening infront of me.

Elaine gave me a loving smile as she unhooked her bra revealing her beautiful body and perky white breasts with her pink erect nipples that looked as if they were staring at me enticing me into an action no kid my age should be doing.

Staring unblinking in a daze I heard my mothers soft giggles as she scoop me up pushing my head in between the two mountains.

' Paradise' I thought blissfully while trying to savour the soft feeling.

"You know you shouldn't look at your mother like that I might get the wrong idea❤️" Eliane said to me in a teasing angelic tone snapping me back into reality.

She laid on her back with me still on top of her as she drifted off to sleep with a beautiful smile, closing off a day I could only described as perfect.

'I couldn't have imagined I could have such a peaceful day ever again with a full stomach.. but I will never forget where I have came from or what I must do. I must get stronger and now faster then ever. I am no longer only doing this for myself but for my loved ones. I refuse to lose them … again' I thought while finally drifting off to sleep as well.


Somewhere in a void of space with nothing but enteral darkness an figure wearing a familiar dress had a small smile on her face while her reptile like eyes shined brightly for an instant.

"Yes my child, grow strong. This peace shall too pass" her voice echoed sounding more like a fact rather than prediction.


I opened my eyes to be greeted with my mothers warm smile as she looked in my eyes and said in a soft voice

"Good morning honey❤️"

"Morning mom" I answered rubbing my tired eyes trying to wake up.

When we had woken up a bit more and got dressed we headed to the dining area escorted by Ella and Bella while my mother's other maids were cooking breakfast for us all.

Seating down we all greeted each other with pleasant expressions on our faces as we had a relaxed breakfast.

My mother and her maids seem to spend most of their time working or cultivating while Bella, Ella and I also spend our time training and cultivating so after breakfast we parted ways but not before my mother forced me to kiss her on the cheek. Once I did she had an incredible smile on her face while her cheeks had a tinge of red undertone as she left after returning the favor to me. She practically skipped down the hall towards her study like a school girl which summoned some hushed giggles from all the maids and myself.

"How I wonder what your night looked like, making her so happy this morning" Ella teased while we headed to the training hall.

"Jealous?" I relied tired of being the bigger person all the time.

' I'm still a child after all why do I need to be the mature one right now ' I thought to myself hoping to catch her off guard putting in her in the same position she likes put me into.

Ella's eyes noticeably widened in shock at my response while her face turned a bright red making me wonder if steam will start coming out of her ears.

"S-So what if I am, hmm?" She retorted trying to go back on the offensive.

I halted my steps making them both almost crash into me as I turned my head staring into Ella's eyes. I could see the nervousness, confusion and then a hint of anticipation flash across her blue eyes.

Taking a step closer I went on the top of my toes and gave her a swift kiss on the cheek causing her to freeze even more and entering a daze of surprise. Understanding she needs time to process the events that just occurred a glazed at Bella who shyly looked away but with jealous clearly written on her face.

'These woman' I thought while signing and also giving Bella one to make it even.

"Happy?" I asked knowing I won't get a reply.

Leaving them behind while I started walking again while hearing them both mumble incoherent words still in shock I found myself alone in the training room and began to do my normal routine with new vigour. Wanting to become as strong as possible in all aspects.