
the spread of Nightfall

cold and calculated badass mc follow the mc while he fights his way to true strength ensuring he is never at the whims of another again. builds a name for himself and vows to protect his loved ones. While also trying to understand the world he starts living in. fast pace action, adventure, kingdom building, romance, tasteful and very spread out r-18, dark, magic, *no ntr no yuri no female lead cheating* hey guys as you can probably tell I am a brand new writer! just doing this as a hobby as I’ve had the idea for this novel and premise for so long and no novel out there has really been able to itch that scratch if that makes sense. ** I hope a few take the time to read and please let me know your thoughts as I want to improve and be able to create the novel I envisioned while doing it justice. ** while of course there will be some clichés, I want this to be more original and I promise in the later chapters you won’t be able to predict what will happen! thanks again! artwork made from AI

Xavier_Nightfall · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter 9: Encounters

Weeks pass as my training intensifies, I reached senior stage 1 but became stagnant, although the spars i constantly had helped they weren't enough for the real danger I needed to progress my battle experience while using magic.

Thinking this I start planning on how I can sneak out without all of them noticing so I can try to fight some monsters in the nearby forest. Knowing full well that if they found out or I asked to go they'd all freak out. Not wanting to worry then I made my decision that I'll sneak out later tonight saying I'm tired and sleeping in my room tonight.

As I finished my thoughts Ella and Bella walk into the training room with a towel and glass of water.

"Please drink this young master" Ella said as she was handing me the glass while Bella patted my forehead with the towel in her hands.

"Thank you girls" I relied out of breath

"I am pretty tired today. I'll be showering and going to bed please make a light meal for me and bring it into my room while I'm in the shower" I instructed them

"You're not staying with Madam tonight young master? I don't think she'll like this.."

Said Ella softly while also confused

"Please do as I asked I don't have the energy right now to continue this Ella" I said a little harsher than I would've liked to.

"I understand.." Ella replied slowly still confused while her and Bella went off to do as I had said.

Later that night once I showered ate and "went to sleep" I started to prepare. Although I don't have any real combat outfits I still

Opted to wear an all black outfit consisting of a long sleeve shirt, pants, shoes and a thin long coat with a tall collar going almost up to my now more defined jawline and with two long slits in the back so my two swords can hang from each side of my waist uninterrupted.

Standing in front of my mirror I had a satisfied look on my face 'this outfit is definitely the best' I thought to my self as I walked calmly towards my window. Unlocked the hinges I push the window as it opens as if it's a door and with one step I leap out and land two stories below in the west side of our guest home.

Staying low to the ground as I run out of our manner checking the perimeter for any guards. I make my way down to the city streets standing at 5"4 I look older than my age but not enough that I don't look odd as I'm confidently walking through the streets towards the forest. Thankful not too many people are out as it's 10pm.

Getting closer the the exit I hear noises coming from an alleyway to my left.

Wanting to check it out I start my detour with steady steps as the muffled voices start to become more clear ..

"P- Please .. w-what do you want from me" said a girl sitting on the ground that couldn't be more then 14 years old. Her violet hair a mess as tears fill up her matching eyes and roll down her pearl like skin. Her black shirt and pants covered now in dirt from being thrown.

"Your scum of a father, the general, thought we could no long do our duty as men of the military, while that might be true I want him to know we can certainly still do our "duty" as men! Haha" a chubby man replied standing in the middle with two other men as they starred lustfully at the teen who's surely started puberty early.

"Enough talking I want to get to the main course already. I'm tired of waiting" a Lanky man on the left said as he stepped forward reaching out his hand.

"Please! Stop I haven't done anything! Please!" The girl closed her eyes sobbing almost making her voice inaudible.

"Gross" I declared to myself as I quickened my pace eyeing the lanky mans extended arm reaching for the girl.

Running silently towards the back of the three scum I unsheath my sword hanging from my left side with my right hand as I get into range.

with one seemless movement from my blade getting out of its cage to connecting with the lanky man's neck, I follow through cleanly separating his head from his body. With the help of my momentum of my blade swinging to the top right I grab my second blade on my right waist side with my left hand and swing at the remaining two men's neck in my second and last movement cleanly decapitating the last two men.

While having both swords drawn and up in the air I spun them simultaneously flicking the blood off them on the wall as I brought both down making sure to stop the spin while they were pointed down, angled to the sheath closest to them. As they slid in I turned slightly only enough for the girl to see the right side of me, while the girl was still closing her eyes sobbing.

"Your fine now … stop crying" I said in a matter of fact way without any of the usual warmth I'd speak with towards my new family.

"…..huh?…" the girl whispered to herself as she slightly opened her violet eyes meeting my own.

Thinking this was done here I began walking back to where I was coming from while deep in thought. 'Feels good to let lose a little again, it's a pain having to control my killing intent even while I do this but that girl would've created an even bigger scene if I hadn't' I pondered to myself as I countiued to move out of the alley and back onto the Main Street.

"WAIT!! Wait!" The girl screamed rushing towards my back

"What?" I spoke calmly while turning back

"Uh… thank you, my names Erin Strave. I - I don't want to even think about what would have happened if you didn't come … " she replied meekly while bowing

"Go home, don't be out this late alone again" I spoke again trying to end this bothersome situation.

"Y-Yeah, I promise I won't do it again ...

C-Can I have your name..?"

"Xavier" I spoke bluntly while turning back around heading for the exit which was my original target.

"…Xavier.." Erin echoed softly to herself while watching the back of Xavier disappearing into the night.

"Fufu this boy is interesting, he shouldn't be so use to killing yet there was no hesitation, just cold and efficient… I like it" a shadowy figure thought as they were standing on the roof of a building in the distance watching the whole thing as a midnight black tail continued to quickly sway side to side.