
the spread of Nightfall

cold and calculated badass mc follow the mc while he fights his way to true strength ensuring he is never at the whims of another again. builds a name for himself and vows to protect his loved ones. While also trying to understand the world he starts living in. fast pace action, adventure, kingdom building, romance, tasteful and very spread out r-18, dark, magic, *no ntr no yuri no female lead cheating* hey guys as you can probably tell I am a brand new writer! just doing this as a hobby as I’ve had the idea for this novel and premise for so long and no novel out there has really been able to itch that scratch if that makes sense. ** I hope a few take the time to read and please let me know your thoughts as I want to improve and be able to create the novel I envisioned while doing it justice. ** while of course there will be some clichés, I want this to be more original and I promise in the later chapters you won’t be able to predict what will happen! thanks again! artwork made from AI

Xavier_Nightfall · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: family bond

POV Xavair Winters

Months pass as the day's schedule stay the same. I wake up, get ready, eat and then go along with Ella and Bella to train control of my mana and affinity, strengthen my body, grow my endurance and practice utilizing my spells in conjunction with my weapons. Once the long day ends we all have dinner together.

Ella and Bella have been more familiar with me recently and we have began to have better conversations joking around and practicing together. Bella's affinity is air and she's at the cultivator low stage which is normal as most are able to get there with enough training however after reaching the cultivator realm most stagnant for years as it becomes the first true stage.

Being a cultivator can extend your life expectancy to 200 years and keeps you in your prime appearance until 180, while mage realm brings it to 500.

After reaching high mage it will go up to 1,000, Mage lord to 5,000 and archmage to 10,000. The point is it becomes normal to see people at the same realm for a long time and the majority of people are only able to obtain the mage realm before even their extended life expectancy comes to an end even while having resources.

Ella's affinity is fire and she is at cultivator mid stage since she's older she has the best control over all of us and has help me gain better control over my body and mana.

My mother and her maids would also come a few days per week to teach us as well. I found out all three of my mothers maids are in the mage realm. This is not common at all as anyone that reaches that realm could go on to gain many resources and riches using their skills whether it's through the adventurers guild or through the army. However since they grew up with mother they refused any invitations they received, wanting to stay by her side and now mine as well.

Throughout the training I've been able to get efficient at using spells such as ice wall; ice arrows, ice spear, and more. Because they all use relatively little mana to create once I was able to gain good control over my mana. I am now able to use them a few times each without depleting my core and getting a backlash even with my low mana level.

I've been experimenting with different ways to utilize my ice and was able to create an AOE spell I call blizzard which makes everything within 20 meters of me turn to ice and snow circulates within the area. This also boosts my other spells however because of the amount of mana I need to use to not only activate the spell but also keep it active I am only able to keep it going for a minute and each spell I use while it's active with shave off 10 seconds.

"Honey, I'm so proud of you. You're control is better then most mage realms!" My mother exclaimed as I laid drenched in sweat breathing heavy to catch my breath.

"Thanks mom" I weakly replied.

'Although the only reason my control has been so good is because with out it I could barley cast a few spells without fully depleting my core. Whatever I just need to work as much as I can and perfect what I can use. This war everybody's been talking about doesn't seem it's going to end anytime soon and I don't have a great feeling about this even though mother swears there's nothing to worry about as I'm too young to join the battle. However from past experience I don't think that's true no matter what world you are in' I thought to myself as I slowly got back up to my feet.

"Okay honey, let's go have a bath and we can finally go out into the city I want to show my cute son off and you need a break so I won't be taking no for an answer❤️" my mother said in a honey filled voice as she grabbed my hand dragging me with her to the bath.

As I was being dragged I could've sworn I heard Ella giggle, so I turned around to look in her directs only to be met with her sticking her tongue out at me then giving me a sly smirk with a knowing glance..

'This women' I thought as I rolled my eyes and continued walking along with my mother.

Once we got out of the bath and changed I found myself staring into the full body mirror, wearing a white long sleeve shirt and black pants. My short back hair matched my black eyes which is strange as eye colour usually matches one's affinity. I'm still very young and only reach about 4 feet in height with more toned body then most as each of the starting realms structure one's body making sure mana in the later realms can be contained.

Walking to the main door of the house I was met with everyone staring at me.

"You're late honey come now we have much shopping to do!" My mother said excitedly as one of her maids opened the main golden double doors revealing a black and gold carage waiting to pick us up.

'I wonder what the city is like anyways' I thought as we all gathered in the carage and started to head into the city.

I have yet to really leave the count's property as I've only been training and don't really know how normal people spend their time or what you would do in the city.

For the next few hours I was dragged from store to store watching my mother act like a teenager changing outfit to outfit and pouting if I didn't give her a compliment on each one.

'Cute' I thought as she finished up buying the last outfit she tried on beginning yet again she started dragging me off with the maids now not even trying to suppress their laughter.

Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves so I tried to let it be but I can't seem to understand their feelings, I feel nothing towards these things and the only time I feel emotions is when i see the reactions of my mother or the maids. I got a warm fleeting feeling for a moment each time it happens. It's not bad though, I kind of like it.

The last stop we made was at a large restaurant with wooden tables and red table clothes decorating them with high ceilings and wooden beams giving it a nice atmosphere. Once my mother showed up they immediately escorted us into a private room leading me to believe she comes her often.

We started to sit down while I was headed to the chair opposite of my mother, I felt hands under my arms pick me up placing me on her lap.. I tried to get up however she is too strong for the current me, making me having to admit defeat.

She started ordering dishes from the menus the waiter who looked no more then a 20 year old women gave us.

Once the food arrived it was an assortment of healthy dishes looking something akin to rice, potatoes, steaks and other random meats. My mother started feeding me, refusing my attempts to feed myself and pouting saying I'm growing to fast and she waits to do this forever.

It was kind of nice being feed and since she was so insistent I resigned again letting her do what she wishes, which also made the maids giggle and then they started to feed me too. I allowed them to not be rude and even shy Bella did it once giving me a piece of steak while her face was bright red.

Ella made some comment while Bella did it almost making her drop the fork when she flinched hearing it but I ignored her and ate what was offered.