
The Special Path To Divinity

Alex a guy who came of age and got his system, He has a goal to become his strongest Awakened through his own designed path, though he doesn't know that there is more to this life than the power of strengthened. Will he accomplish his goal the easy way or the other way around after finding out there are stronger people in life and few are after his pathetic self. ............. Some readers might be wondering why an Eastern Fantasy Novel has an English name. Well the reason is that our MC is a World traveller, this might be considered spoiler to some people but it was because of the complain I received that I am adding this to the synopsis of the Novel. In the tags there is one that says Wastern Fantasy, it is not a mistake or grammatical error, the MC might have an English name now but he originated from an Eastern background, I will not reveal further but once we get to that volume it will be explained. I mean Volume 2, if you can wait and get your answers that is great.

Charming_Immortal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 28: Going on a date

Around 7:00pm Alex and Emily finally got to the park. It was decorated with light that were glowing and outlining the shape of the park even in the dark.

"Wow it beautiful" Emily couldn't help but admire the beauty of the park

"You put so much effort in this right?" Emily said but Alex only smiled

"So which one do you want to go for first?" Alex asked

"Let go to the Garden to pick some flowers and rest for a while" Emily said

"Okay, no problem with that" Alex said

When they got there Emily picked some flowers together and tied it together and also kept some for decoration and then sat down to rest, she wanted her and Alex to rest so nothing will happen to him but he was no where to be found.

"Here" Alex said taking two different flowers out and placed it beside her ear

"This is Rose and this is Sunflower, I infused them with Qi, The Rose smells nice but no matter how nice it smells people are cautious because of the Thorn, so with this Rose you will smell nice but I will be that Thorn protects you from evil, and the Sunflower blooms in the sun so I will be that Sun that makes you bloom always, with this by your ear when you are on trouble I will know and I will be there to protect you and be there to make you bloom with joy" Alex said and immediately after putting it by her ear it disappeared.

"Now you will never miss me too much while am gone" Alex said smiling

"Thank you I will make sure to always stay happy and wait for you" Emily said while smiling with a teary face.

"Now Now, you don't need to cry and spoil the mood let go for another thing already" Alex said while walking away with her

After one hour of different activities they were starting to get tired of playing.

"See we missed this one" Alex said

"Hmm it seems creepy and lovely at the same time let check it out" Emily said

Immediately they entered everywhere was shot and someone voice spoke.

* Welcome to the Mysterious Love Tunnel, you have been fated to go in beware no one made it back in one piece*

'Yeah such nice word of encouragement' Alex thought

"Wait, isn't this supposed to be a love tunnel then why can't we get out.... in one piece?" Alex asked

* That is your riddle to deal with Beware if you try to break out of this cave by any other means deadly things shall be unleashed upon you *

Soon enough they found themselves in a cave filled with beautiful lights.

"I think we should start enjoying this place then we find our way out later" Alex said

"If you say so, as long as we can get out" Emily said

They went to a spinner where both of them sat together and then it was continuously spinning after it ended they both got down.

"I am not taking that ride again" Emily said with a dizzy face

"But it was fun, one more time" Alex said

Emily didn't answer but only glared at him coldly

"Okay, okay no need for the cold glare we aren't going to go again" Alex hurriedly said

"See a movie is playing in that room let go and watch" Alex said

"Okay, but how did we get here?" Emily asked

"I told you let worry about that later" Alex said

"Okay" Emily said

Once they got there they were showing an action film.

"For a moment I thought they were going to show love film and let everything get bored" Emily said

"I am surprised I thought you would would want a romance movie....Wait, I think I found out something" Alex said

"This place is working according to what we think, as long as it is available it will work for us" Alex continued

"Why do you say so?" Emily asked

"Cause I knew I heard a different voice coming from the room" Alex said

"Well we may never know now" Emily said

"Let enjoy the film for now we can check later" Alex said while smiling

After watching film for one hour they went outside of the room.

"Wait don't go, if we go far the cinema will disappear see, the ride is no more there" Alex said

"Okay so what do we do now" Emily said

"Let go inside again" Alex said

When they entered another film was playing

"See it works that way" Alex said

Emily was shocked by what she saw it was about two people making out.

"Seriously I knew you will play a prank" Emily said

"Now let go" Emily said sternly

After trekking for about 200 metres they finally found a sign saying : * The way out of the tunnel is this way *

"Is it me or is something wrong here?" Emily asked

"Something is wrong but this is our only lead for now" Alex said

After entering the tunnel they found a boat at the shore and the place was filled with water while dry land was beside it

"So this is supposed to lead us out uhn" Alex said

* You have found the way out but this is another journey from here where you will have to solve the riddle * The voice spoke again

"I think that a confirmation but we need to be more careful now" Emily said

'Allison, is there a way out here?' Alex asked

'Well I sense a portal near but no door it as he said I think the riddle is the key' Allison replied

'So do you happen to know it?' Alex asked

'It only those who enters with their physical bodies that the answer will be revealed to if I try to tell you things may get complicated' Allison replied

'So we have to solve it ourselves by all what we sensed or saw happening right?' Alex asked

'Yes except if you want to die here also there no food here' Allison replied

"Let's go there's a portal but the key is the riddle" Alex said