
The Special Path To Divinity

Alex a guy who came of age and got his system, He has a goal to become his strongest Awakened through his own designed path, though he doesn't know that there is more to this life than the power of strengthened. Will he accomplish his goal the easy way or the other way around after finding out there are stronger people in life and few are after his pathetic self. ............. Some readers might be wondering why an Eastern Fantasy Novel has an English name. Well the reason is that our MC is a World traveller, this might be considered spoiler to some people but it was because of the complain I received that I am adding this to the synopsis of the Novel. In the tags there is one that says Wastern Fantasy, it is not a mistake or grammatical error, the MC might have an English name now but he originated from an Eastern background, I will not reveal further but once we get to that volume it will be explained. I mean Volume 2, if you can wait and get your answers that is great.

Charming_Immortal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 27: Meeting The Business Genius

"What about your companion?" Jessica asked

"Well while you were calling she came out with few clothes and stuffs she liked" Alex said

'Few is an understatement' Allison added

'Yeah more like for a whole mansion' Alex said

"Well I am yet to receive my answer" Alex said continuing their conversation from where it stopped since he knew she wouldn't start or it would have been clear that she was given permission to continue talking.

Come on look at it you were talking with someone then all of a sudden you went for about fifteen minutes then upon your arrival you start spitting replies out that you couldn't give out before

"Actually I don't know much but it is said to be a Application that gives the player it desire, just like fantasy if you want to be in a game fantasy or a school fantasy or clubhouse fantasy you just have to wear the contact Lens given to you and a portal will open and you will be transported there in a instant just like now" Jessica said

"Just like the quote, 'Your desire has been fulfilled Let your Fantasy become Reality' I never that they will be so straight forward about it" Alex said

"So how do you happen to know all of this?" Alex asked because he knew it was confidential information to them

"His foolish son happen to also lust for women one of the reason his father don't trust him with his company and he is trying to court me, well since I need money all I need to do is help is business grow and pretend" Jessica said in a voice only the two of then could hear showing a slight bit of annoyance though it didn't go unnoticed by Alex

"So it seems you have a grudge against them, well you can talk freely since they can't hear us" Alex said

'Hmm how can't they hear us' Jessica thought but soon got a message saying that they can't hear what they are saying making her surprised and careful at how she should deal with Alex

'That is Two thousand Lust Coin gone one personal Jargons' Alex said

'Well at least you are taking advantage of your system well' Allison said

"Actually that none of your business" Jessica said angrily, she didn't want to be rude but she knew this guy could drive all her plan right out of her mouth without moving if you isn't careful with him

"I am sorry if I made you mad, I understand if it a personal issue" Alex said

"No I should be I shouldn't treat a customer like this, it just it a private matter to me" Jessica said apologizing

"Then I wont disturb you but you can drop the Customer-Manager relationship, I won't force out a personal issue out of you or use my Customer's right for something like that" Alex said

'It seems it is also true that he cares for his employees equally as he cares for the company' Jessica thought

'Alex, you need to know more from her because you need it' Allison interrupted

'And how will I do that she just said it private' Alex asked

'Use the Lust word she will lose her mind for a while, since she is in a state of confusion it will work perfectly then you can make a date with her' Allison said

'It wouldn't hurt to try' Alex said

'Am I seriously doing this when I am on a date?' Alex said getting no reply but he could swear he felt that she rolled her eyes at his word

"Hmm Jessica do you think someone as beautiful as you can go on a date with a guy of my caliber, It just that I think you are too beautiful a person to let go and leave with that Scumbag" Alex said in the sweetest tone

"True he is a scumbag but I also can't go out with....." Jessica said

'When using Lust Word you don't need to say sweet things or in sweet tone it will come out like that naturally but I guess it helps double the effects and also help you to talk sweetly without Lust Word active' Allison said

'Forget about that I told you it won't work....., Wait what's happening to her?' Alex asked

'Watch' Allison said

"Sure but only five hours I can give and I will pick the day and it won't be a date but a normal outing" Jessica said surprised by her reply but she was feeling kinda funny

"Fine by me" Alex said

'Doesn't he have a girlfriend since I told him it is normal outing it will look weird if I take back my words, well I guess I will play along' Jessica thought

After exchanging contact Alex decided not to push his luck any further and only talked about light topics

'So what happened to her?' Alex asked

'Well a lot changed as Helius said so your lust word has upgraded to lust/love control so you increased her love metre a bit making her like you enough to go out with you though I have to admit she did a good job of resisting or she would have said that she would offer herself during the date' Allison explained it to him

Finally Emily came back with stroller with clothes in it.

"I am done picking" Emily said

"If you have chosen we can go to the dressing room now"Jessica said

"Okay let's go" Emily said

All of them walked to a place filled with less cloth then Emily entered the room to change while Alex waited for her as she came out with a lot of Cloths, shoes, jewelry and even some Makeup Kit Alex knew nothing about but only agreed, After some time she came out with a sky blue mini dress with black heels.

"Is this okay?" Emily asked

"Yes it is perfect and the Aura feels light" Alex replied

"So are you done?" Alex asked

"Yes what about you?" Emily asked

"Well I have picked some clothes while you were dressing" Alex said

He brought out caps and other trousers with Polo and round neck from a bag.

"Don't tell me those are the cloth you bought" Emily was surprised by what he bought

"Yes are they okay?" Alex asked

"They are okay but you need to start wearing real clothes, why don't you go and pick some clothes and dress up while I wait for you" Emily said while dragging him to the dressing room.

After couple minutes he came out dressed

"What about this?" Alex asked

He was wearing a light blue shirt and black trousers with the suit hanged on his shoulder.

"See you look more handsome now" Emily said

"I don't feel comfortable" Alex said trying to shift the cloth on his body

"It okay that way" Emily said straightening it for him

'If he is this handsome why hide it' Jessica thought

"Now I get all the attention I don't want" Alex said

"I think you should get used to it cause from now on no cap, keep your Polo but no caps" Emily said sternly

'She right you should get used to it if you want to level up' Allison added

'And how does that help me level up?' Alex asked

'To get more girls, can't you see Jessica's love metre has risen from fifteen to thirty' Allison replied

"Okay I will try to get used to it" Alex said

"Now that much better" Emily said while standing on her toe to peck him

"See I pick one for you" Emily said bringing out a cream suit with white shirt and black trouser, also with black shoes

"Yeah that looks nice" Alex said his voice full of sarcasm

"Are you being sarcastic?" Emily asked glaring at him

"No not at all on our next outing I will wear just that" Alex said

"Good" Emily said smiling while Jessica tried her best not to laugh at how quick the situation turned

"So are you going out straight or you still want to stroll?" Jessica asked

"Can we go out straight from here?" Alex asked

"Yes you can, the VIP and VVIP price includes the payment for whatever things picked so you can even arrive in your car" Jessica said smiling

'Nice so even if someone comes here and just sit they wouldn't lose anything' Alex thought

"Well I don't think you can take us to my car" Alex said

"What about we make a bet that you will be taken into the car seated nicely, if I win you will do whatever I want you to do for one whole day but if you win you get to pick the day we meet and I will be there for double the time I agreed on" Jessica said

"It seems you are too confident on your company's technology well then be my guest" Alex said

"Alex are you sure? I don't think you will like the idea of being controlled" Emily asked worried

"I don't but Yes I am sure" Alex said as Jessica led them into a machine

* Set Your Destination * The machine said

"Input the details of your car then place your finger on the sensor for it to scan" Jessica said as Alex did exactly that.

Emily was surprised cause one second they could see the Inside of Alex's car and the other they were falling but Alex who expected it caught Emily.

"Ouch, Ho...How come?" Jessica asked

"Well for starters I know about this machine and this car was created specially for me by my Company as a gift, it can wash, clean, drive and protect itself, the machine tried to use my fingerprint to take us to my car but my data are classified in this car, I use a key" Alex said bringing out a key holder and placed his finger on the sensor then his car door opened

"Also next it tried to use my car details but if it fails to see my data registered in the car then to match the car and teleport us inside should be easy for the car to block and since the machine was getting violent on getting us inside the car took it as hacking and threw us away making us fall" Alex added

"So I win this bet that means I will be expecting you exactly one month from now" Alex said as he took Emily in and he also entered as they drove off leaving a completely stunned Jessica outside

Hey Guys, This are two chapters more is coming soon I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to Rate and vote for the story to cheer me up.

Thanks Charming Immortal

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