
The Special Path To Divinity

Alex a guy who came of age and got his system, He has a goal to become his strongest Awakened through his own designed path, though he doesn't know that there is more to this life than the power of strengthened. Will he accomplish his goal the easy way or the other way around after finding out there are stronger people in life and few are after his pathetic self. ............. Some readers might be wondering why an Eastern Fantasy Novel has an English name. Well the reason is that our MC is a World traveller, this might be considered spoiler to some people but it was because of the complain I received that I am adding this to the synopsis of the Novel. In the tags there is one that says Wastern Fantasy, it is not a mistake or grammatical error, the MC might have an English name now but he originated from an Eastern background, I will not reveal further but once we get to that volume it will be explained. I mean Volume 2, if you can wait and get your answers that is great.

Charming_Immortal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 29: The Mysterious Love Tunnel

After entering the boat, the boat continued for one hour without stop.

"When are we going to stop?" Emily asked worried

"Probably when we solve the riddle" Alex said

Both of them were getting tired and sleepy now.

"But we have to have a clear and reasonable question for us to give answer" Emily said

"Then let get a question out of his Gibberish" Alex said

After twenty minutes of trying they finally got it.

"I think I got it now it is a poem 'Many has entered but few has succeeded, The path ahead leads to dread but almost all life has ended' that should be it" Emily said

"That sounds like a riddle questions but how did you get it?, A poem isn't easy to get out of that rubbish so how did you get it within twenty minutes?" Alex asked

"Well it was a rhyme we recited regularly as a kid in a place the Goddess of Love set in the mortal world to test people who are made for each other and their love will last forever" Emily said

"So how do you know the Goddess of Love?" Alex asked knowing the answer but still asking to find out if she was ready to tell him

"About that I think while we are here I should tell you everything now" Emily said looking sad

"Actually am from the God and Goddess Races cause am a..." Emily said but was interrupted

"I figured... An Angel or also known as Junior Goddess i know, actually I am the one that is supposed to tell you something" Alex interrupted

"If you know then why did you ask me?" Emily said

"Well I wanted to confirm something" Alex replied

"So How did you know?, The day I healed you did you see my wings?" Emily asked confused

"No, did you heal me in your full form?" Alex asked now confused

"If you don't know that then how did you know?" Emily asked

"You know you have to let me explain right and stop the question for now?" Alex said

"Alright get on with it" Emily said nonchalantly

"So at age five my parents were gone leaving Mr Song as My butler to take care of me and the house also the company cause he is a strong awakened, at age seventeen when my bloodline was supposed to awaken but it didn't so Mr Song had to send me to the Strengthened Governing Body to try and awaken it by forcing it out so at age eighteen I went there but they couldn't awaken my bloodline but they said I had something like a guide which few people get and since I was not a strengthened yet it is rare for me to have it that it has a chance of awakening my bloodline that in the next ten years, I was so happy that I was not concentrating while driving so I bumped into someone and then you showed up I had to make you lose your memory so I won't have to go to prison and go through those annoying procedure then my butler won't let me go out on my own unless company matter so I got my guide and my system which were two different person I may have used a tiny bit of sexual act to make you lose your memory and then you became tired and you slept so I had to bring you home that night, I forgot and slept in the room I put you while wiping your memory and then you know the rest about what happened to us" Alex explained

"When you mean sexual act what did you do?" Emily asked getting ready to pounce on him

"Well groping,fingering and some other foreplay" Alex said smiling stylishly getting ready for a long day which is to be expected


"Okay, Okay, Okay, but you thought I slept with you while you were drunk so I said nothing, also I had to do something if I ended in the SRMO prison it will really be a pain" Alex tried to defend himself

"That is what I thought but you could have told me what really happened, Also with that rich of yours you could get out anytime" Emily said angrily

"You were threatening me and when I saw that you were a member of the strengthened organization I was being careful, also I have a company that deals both with awakened and normal people so I have had problem with the SRMO a lot and beside if not for that encounter I would have not have met you" Alex said trying to calm her down

"That doesn't still explain how you knew I was an Angel" Emily said

"The day I dropped you at work I wanted to test out my skill to see your love metre so I saw some other information which surprised me" Alex said

"So that how you were able to level up multiple times because of your guide right" Emily said

"Actually it's the system and I level up by sexual act with ladies so I happened to come across the girl you saw outside during the school assessment and she healed me when I broke down during the test so we exchanged Qi through the help of my system plus the Qi I got from you" Alex said

'Aye I did something you know' Allison said

'Yeah Yeah' Alex said

"So how did you have a perverted system or whatever it is called" Emily said

"Well I wanted to take a different path to becoming a God which is the lust path which also made me not to be able to awaken my bloodline early since if I am taking a path different from that of this world" Alex said shamelessly

"I can't believe you can say that so freely, Pervert by character, Pervert by levelling up" Emily said

"You need to do sexual acts to level up so all that you did to me was it because of you wanted to level up?" Emily asked

"To be honest I didn't know what I was supposed to do to level up, I wanted to use the voice to escape then deal with it later since I didn't want to be in trouble because of it also I did it because I found you beautiful and interesting because if not I doubt... no I am sure I won't do that stuff to you, I would have found another way to deal with the problem, If I did something like that to a woman I would surely take responsibility so doing it to I woman I don't like is out of it, I think you are beautiful, powerful and smart to be my woman so I went for it" Alex said as Emily smiled

"Why are you smiling?" Alex asked

'I think for once you used your brain and gave a satisfactory answer to her question so she is happy confirmation can be her Love meter that rose again' Allison replied

"Nothing I am just happy that is what you think about me" Emily said

"So do you just find an interesting woman and do what you want or their is a standard by the system?" Emily asked

"Some of the times it comes as a mission other I find a beautiful woman and is rewarded coins by the system and Qi by the woman to level up but so I can understand better it is set as EXP so I can know how much more I need or is needed to level up" Alex explained

"So about you I got a mission to make you my woman and also be rewarded but I already wanted to do that so my system rewards me for doing it, extra bonus wouldn't hurt right" Alex said

"So it just makes things easier for you" Emily said

"Also the most important thing is that you won't be my only woman it will get much as I level up and will have a harem of beauty" Alex said

"I agree with you and I am also happy you told me about it but you don't just drop it on someone like that and I am happy that I am your first woman we may have met on a absurd condition but things can get better" Emily said taking it lighter than Alex thought

"I knew you would understand" Alex said

"But If you bring any woman that is lacking in beauty or power forget about doing anything with anyone in your harem for one month as a punishment and we will kill that girl" Emily said coldly

'Wow she speaks like she is the most powerful woman in this world' Alex said

'Actually she is' Helius replied

'She has been hiding her true strength with an artifact, I can explain better later' Helius added

"Taken note of but there is still more to it" Alex said

"Yeah I still don't know about about your system" Emily said

"Love uhn how smart of you" Alex suddenly said