
The Spartan who became a God

Disclaimer I do not own the right to any image included or the halo franchise and all credit goes to there respective owners I only own characters from Oblivion Team as they are my own Creations This story is based around a halo fan called John who was reincarnated into the halo universe. the main character will be the same generation Spartan as master chief just that he has been in Cryo due to his destructive abilities as unlike master chief this one was put through more experiments by Halsey giving him abilities beyond the norm so much so that he has to have an Ai that can help control him however as John is a reincarnater he has a system that has modified the Ai so that it help John who goes by the Spartan Name Dark. This story takes place during Halo 2 and after since he was in Cryo on earth during the events of the first game. The Ais name is Destiny and is represented by a female voice John's Spartan code Is 909 also he uses his Spartan name after reincarnation never using his previous name or the name of the body before becoming a Spartan also due to the system he has he will get stronger over time although he is already powerful also due to the system he is immune to the flood infection as his body is modified by the system making it impossible for flood to control him. Any constructive criticism is allowed this means suggestion on how I can improve the chapters writing quality also please include an example of you do this so I can see how it's suppose to look thank you in advance also in future I may be open to suggestions on some events but that's in future for now I am currently following the events of Halo 2. Do note I have note read any of Halos extended material this may mean some events in the story may contradict what those say I apologise if so but I only plan to use the events of the games if in future I decide otherwise I will let you know. You can read ahead on patreon will still upload here but patreon will be ahead. I will try to upload two chapters every week. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · Video Games
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76 Chs

Chapter 17 Arrival in the Control Room and taking the key

Dark Pov

The first thing I do as I enter the hallway is look the way I have to go and see a strangely large flood infected I am not familiar with must be from a race that was not in the games just hope the gas will effect them as well as the usual flood well that's my hope while I slowly make my way in it's direction and to my surprise the flood seem to move away from me as if they are fleeing the plague so this confirms the vials potential to protect me and on a larger scale it could be used to protect worlds but for now it's better to hurry as I am not sure how long has passed since I arrived but it appears I still have time since the mission has no indicatited as I was thinking this the system popped up in my helmets viser


Hidden Mission complete

Find and test the Forerunners failed experimental vaccine

Find the one and only vial of experimental vaccine left by the Forerunners that was intended to to prevent flood infection but ended up a failure however not all is lost the liquid in the vial releases a gas that appears to prevent flood infected and other flood forms from coming close if used right it could prevent flood from coming close to a person or the location of the vial

Rewards: 500 Divine Points and ammo for select weapon

After seeing this I had to blink twice to make sure I am not seeing things the system really gave me ammo for a weapon of my choosing does this mean that the item reward for missions have something to do with what I need or lack in the situation or is there some other variable I am not thinking off well at least this reward came in time incase this vial runs out with that thought I use the method of thinking which ammo type I want and to my suprise it worked

SYSTEM DISPLAY: Reward Distribution

Ammo type selected putting 50 magazines of SMG ammo into inventory

I was not expecting that many magazines so I check my inventory to confirm and low and behold there was indeed SMG ammo magazines with a number 50 next to it [ it's not surprising since ammo of this calibre only come in units of 50 in the system shop so getting 50 magazines worth of ammo is expected although even I was unaware that hidden missions were a thing in the system I suppose it's to prevent me from telling you them since that would no longer make it hidden I suppose but it's best to pay attention to everything from now on incase other hidden missions are available] this makes sense and her last comment on paying attention is valid too since this one gave me something I needed mayby others will do the same and could turn impossible mission possible with that I continue to walk down the flood infested hallway while enjoying the effects of the vials gas allowing me to preserve my new ammo supply.

After walking for what seem like forever I arrive at the indicated room on my map " this should be the room with the gravity lift that takes me to the control room where the key is located" after saying this to myself I wait no longer and head into see the gravity lift is shut down but luckily there's a terminal not far from the entrance so I head to it and connect my helmet like I have done with the other terminals [ do you want the good new or the bad news] after hearing her I sigh I knew it was not going to be that easy [ the good news is that this terminal controls the gravity lift and can be used to activate it the bad news it that once you take the key the facility will restart that means the lift will shut down again for 30 seconds if that's not bad than what I say next is the moment you take the key the facilities defense mechanism will activate activating every sentinel in the facility as well as initiating the cleansing protocol which will well cleanse the entire facility of anything organic that includes you] listening to this i am just getting annoyed how paranoid the forerunners were why go this far with this facility unless this was put in place to get rid of the Gravemind but it already left here an way in the library so why.

For now these questions can wait I need to finish my mission " how long do I get before the cleansing protocol activates" this is the only question I need an answer to [ 10 minutes it can be done but you would have to not stop for anything if you plan to use the portal device since it will only become active again after the restart and that will happen with 30 seconds left on the countdown so it will be close] that's cutting it close I have no time to spare but I need to do it I need to complete this mission " activate the gravity lift than create a program that will hold enough power to keep the gravity lift active during the restart as long as you can give me enough time to descend it during my escape we should be fine" with that comment Destiny gets to work and she does not let me down although it's not alot of time she was able to create a program that would hold enough power to keep the gravity lift powered for 20 seconds after the restart but after that's up the gravity lift will be fried and will not work anymore with the gravity lift activated I walk in and ascend to the control room on my arrival in the room I see it's deserted but at the centre of the room it what I came for connected to a pedestal device I walk up not waiting for anything to stop me and take the key.

A/N thats it for this chapter I hoped you liked it just so you know this segment will include both getting the key and taking it to that library but will be uploaded to wattspad in two segments when I uploaded them to it in the future thats because I do not want to rush through events since that would not make it enjoyable at all with that thanks for reading this chapter.