
The soul-less mirror.

The Mirror Without a Soul. ISBN 10 1694527743 ISBN 13 978-1694527745 August 1, 2019 September 20, 2019. Author: Alfonso Vazquez Herrera. Pseudonym. Yurik Vazquez. This is the story of a man who already entered his 40s, after having lost all his lifestyle, his friends, his economic belongings and even his family, being left alone in life, a man already expert in being alone, since he was an only child, and his parents had also been only children, And so, with no brothers, cousins, nephews, no uncles, he decided to restart his story at the end of a fatal event in his life, with a few coins in his pockets and a pair of old sports shoes, She began a long journey always trusting in her good luck, which at the same time was not so good, because apparently such good things begin to happen to her, that you will think she has it very easy, and as a reader you will want to be in her place, and as a reader in the place of one of the co-stars of the story, But when the plot is triggered, you will realize that it is actually not so easy, and in the middle of some exciting events, such an exciting drama will unfold, In the middle of 2 intense impossible loves and one almost non-existent, I assure you that you will not want to be in the shoes of him, or any of the co-stars.

YurikVazquez · Urban
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The story no one would want to tell.

In Campeche, Luz only laughed and laughed at all the occurrences that her dinner partner told her, since they had missed lunchtime and between talking about work things and stories of their lives, they knew each other.

- So the women you put as beneficiaries in your life insurance are your daughters? —Luz asks as they walked to the pool. - And where are they?

That's the part of my life that I haven't told you and I wouldn't want to tell you either, Because the more you know about me and I know about you, the sooner we will know when we will have to leave.

-Let me tell you something, little lion, that those words do not work with me, you know that I am married and although I like you very much and I love being with you, I feel very happy with my life, I love my husband very much and the only bad thing he has or maybe what I love most about him, is that he goes to work on a boat for 28 days, So you and I can remain co-workers, friends and lovers, As long as you want, as long as you don't ask me to leave the man who is an excellent father to my children and the best of husbands to me, now tell me yes now that you know all that I just told you about me; I gotta go?

-I do not believe Lucecita of my life, now is when I most want you to stay, but there is a part of me that I do not think you would like to know, because you will stop giving me that beautiful smile you have.

-Go my love, tell me, you know perfectly well that I will insist until Let you tell me everything about you. —The girl says, offering him a drink of her drink.

-See? That's why I didn't want to tell you.

He tells her after telling her in broad strokes the tragedy of his life, and Luz María had stopped smiling at him by wiping the traces of the makeup run with a napkin.

- So you are alone in this life? No more my heaven, now you have me, I will locate your daughters and talk to them, It is time for someone to tell them who their father is and not who they think he is.

- Please don't! If they hate me they are right, I left them orphans and I have no right to approach them, now tell me, now that you know all that about me that I just told you; I gotta go?

Luz María could not say anything more, because turning away so that I would not see her crying, she only sobbed very moved, because she had never imagined so much suffering together, in a single person and even with a sad look, His lips without smiling and tears in his eyes, she stood up and took his hand and said:

- Come love, let's make love so that this sadness is taken away from us!

Martín was going to refuse because he thought it was not the time to think about sex, but as he walked to the room, being taken by the hand by that beautiful woman, who only thought of a remedy to relieve sadness, he realized that there was no better remedy than that, make love, Because love led you to happiness and happiness is the best cure for sadness, and when he thought that the vampiress was going to pull out her claws and show him her fangs, a strange and tender woman began to undress him gently and carefully, laying him down as if he were a child, while removing his shoes and socks, stroking him while kissing his knees, legs, shoulders and lips, covering him with her breath slowly and completely, like fog would cover a ship on the high seas.

-You do not move love, do nothing, do not say anything, act as if I did not exist and this was a dream, let me take your sadness with my kisses, let me make it mine and devour it, let me drink it slowly and close your eyes, close your mind, relax, surrender to me and you will see that you and I will always be those best friends who will never have to leave.