
The soul-less mirror.

The Mirror Without a Soul. ISBN 10 1694527743 ISBN 13 978-1694527745 August 1, 2019 September 20, 2019. Author: Alfonso Vazquez Herrera. Pseudonym. Yurik Vazquez. This is the story of a man who already entered his 40s, after having lost all his lifestyle, his friends, his economic belongings and even his family, being left alone in life, a man already expert in being alone, since he was an only child, and his parents had also been only children, And so, with no brothers, cousins, nephews, no uncles, he decided to restart his story at the end of a fatal event in his life, with a few coins in his pockets and a pair of old sports shoes, She began a long journey always trusting in her good luck, which at the same time was not so good, because apparently such good things begin to happen to her, that you will think she has it very easy, and as a reader you will want to be in her place, and as a reader in the place of one of the co-stars of the story, But when the plot is triggered, you will realize that it is actually not so easy, and in the middle of some exciting events, such an exciting drama will unfold, In the middle of 2 intense impossible loves and one almost non-existent, I assure you that you will not want to be in the shoes of him, or any of the co-stars.

YurikVazquez · Urban
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65 Chs

Travolta vs the dolphin.

And so they spent the weekend, like the great friends and lovers knowing each other, until the boys arrived in the transport, with the group came other workers of their age and some older ones who perhaps had already hired before, but the rumor was given when the youngest, who were getting off the buses and greeted the Travolta friendly, until the eyes of Mayrim and Luz María met, who, gently kissing each other, They chuckled each other.

—Well, you took advantage of the weekend, licensed.

—Wonderfully, engineer, I assure you that you will not be bored at all on the boat during the two full weeks.

And addressing Martín, she stood on tiptoe to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, reaching to moisten the corner of his lips, this time Mayrim was placed on another floor, while Martín picked up his bags from one of the buses, checking relieved that his personal papers were in her backpack and her old laptop in her suitcase, Luz had already settled in the room next to hers, which had a special access door with interior locks on both sides, which guests could use to interconnect rooms when it came to family components, so no one would realize that she would actually spend the nights in the neighbor's room, instead of hers.

It was already the second day of the training and Mayrim had an opportunity to approaching Martín who was always surrounded by companions, but that time he found him alone near the pool and dressed in light white clothes, since underneath he had a two-piece bathing suit, she approached him smiling and friendly with a cooler where barely 10 or 12 boat beers fit.

- Hello Travolta! Can I accompany you? –she asks the distracted person who did not see her arrive.

-Yes clear and gladly; How have you been?

—Well, and somewhat busy with this courses just like everyone else; Do you already know that I am going to be your chemical engineer and you my driller?

-Well, no, I didn't know and I hope you'll touch me on my shift and on my boat because there are so many people to crew two boats.

Martín says as she uncovered one of the beer canisters that drained cold.

-No thank you, pretty, you know I'm lousy for alcohol and then it change the name.

—Don't worry Travolta, I'm going to take care of you. —Mayrim tells him while she couldn't hold back her laughter.

-Among other things, I remember very well that you took me out to dance in the bar of the Gaiatt, but that's it; Could you tell me what happened?

—Well, it happened that while we were dancing you fell to the ground, and together we got you up, and took you to your room, by the way, before you fell you kissed me.

Martín bowed in embarrassment and vaguely recalling, he remembered kissing the beautiful girl, that she was already taking off the white dress to stay in a swimsuit also white, that although it was not very tiny, the two pieces let her wear a beautiful spring body of a twenty-year-old girl, very well proportioned, but remembering his twins when they were 15 years old, he only set out to admire her beauty while she swam near him, mentally stripping himself of all morbidity, he was also very well cared for by Luz, who although that night was not going to sleep with him because he had to go to Isla de Tris for personal and work matters, she was in charge of stripping him of all sadness leaving him very well served, but not before warning him that visits to the room were prohibited.

- How old are you, Mayrim?

-Well, in a few days I turn 24; What are you going to give me?

- Did you know that I have a couple of daughters your age?

-Well, I didn't know, but that's okay, let's see when you present them to me.

The girl tells him as she left the pool to uncover another bottle of beer and return to the water.

-I tell you because I am sorry, you are very pretty, but you are a girl and I should not have gone overboard, I do not know who kissed who first, but if I was, you should have prevented it by giving you to respect, and if you started it was also wrong.

Martín says to her resting one knee on the shore, so that no one would hear what he was saying, although no one could be seen near the pool.

Mayrim dived as if not wanting to hear him, but surprising him, she jumped from the water hanging from his neck, to hold on to his lips with a kiss, and while he tried to get rid of the embrace, the kiss and also to fall, he did not achieve one or the other, much less the other, since the girl dragged him into the water and like a mermaid devouring her sailor, she took him to the bottom of the pool prisoner of her lips without letting him breathe, although Martín only had to stand up to get his head out; Mayrim didn't stop kissing him, until she felt that he was overcoming his resistance.

- Not my dear Travolta! The girls are 17 years old and I'm not anymore. –she says, kissing him again. —And the day I want you will be mine, I am young, I am pretty, I am your co-worker, I will be your chemical engineer and you will be my driller.

And he released it, to swim across the pool, like that dolphin that releases its prey to play with it before devouring it.

Martín resting his arms on the shore went out to take off his shirt and squeeze it, the girl also went out to uncover another couple of beer cans and drinking a complete one said: before uncovering the other.

-Look closely at me, Travolta, I do not care about your age, or that you are going to be my boss, or what you have done in life, look closely, because the day I decide that you are mine your true happiness will begin, because with me you will never be a second table dish, you will be mine the day I feel like it, but I would rather that you make me yours any day of these without me objecting, because without you noticing you caught my attention and entered into my thoughts; Now tell me what you plan to do with it?

Martín was shocked by the words of that beautiful young woman of just 24 years, so sure of herself that she was challenging him to conquer her, and not knowing how to refute him because contrary to everything it seemed, he did not have so much experience with women's,  Taking the last drink of the boat, he threw his wet shirt on his shoulder and heading towards the corridors, he said:

-Of course I realized that I caught your attention, but right now I don't feel like doing anything with it.

The girl, who was already expecting a disdainful response from that expert conqueror, shouted to him, as he walked away.

- So, cute daddy, so I like you more so that when you are mine you You'll be more delicious, you do not know what awaits you! 

And she let it go.
