
The soul-less mirror.

The Mirror Without a Soul. ISBN 10 1694527743 ISBN 13 978-1694527745 August 1, 2019 September 20, 2019. Author: Alfonso Vazquez Herrera. Pseudonym. Yurik Vazquez. This is the story of a man who already entered his 40s, after having lost all his lifestyle, his friends, his economic belongings and even his family, being left alone in life, a man already expert in being alone, since he was an only child, and his parents had also been only children, And so, with no brothers, cousins, nephews, no uncles, he decided to restart his story at the end of a fatal event in his life, with a few coins in his pockets and a pair of old sports shoes, She began a long journey always trusting in her good luck, which at the same time was not so good, because apparently such good things begin to happen to her, that you will think she has it very easy, and as a reader you will want to be in her place, and as a reader in the place of one of the co-stars of the story, But when the plot is triggered, you will realize that it is actually not so easy, and in the middle of some exciting events, such an exciting drama will unfold, In the middle of 2 intense impossible loves and one almost non-existent, I assure you that you will not want to be in the shoes of him, or any of the co-stars.

YurikVazquez · Urban
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Returning the Soul to the mirror.

Meanwhile in La Cruz, his two daughters had already reviewed all the videos of their father's YouTube channel, and read and read all the reviews of his books that they could get for free on Amazon, although they had enough money to buy some of them to read them in ebooks even if it is, they preferred to save all their money for the search and rescue trip they were organizing, although they had been left in charge of the De La Cuesta family, they had never been an economic burden, because they did not have money problems, because their father left them a life insurance that would be paid monthly, sure that their mother demanded when he bought his first bike, with which her studies and maintenance were insured until both turned 25, sure that it was activated with the death of Alma, and of which they still had a little more than 2 and a half years of validity, since both had turned 22.

 Did Dad become all these years? — Melissa asked.

-I think so because the date of upload of the oldest of his videos and his books, is from 2012, although there is one that he uploaded just a few days ago.

Says Julissa locating the video of the navigator of your wet skin in the middle of a storm of kisses that Natalia had baptized, in one of those few nights they spent together, while discovering their feelings on Isla Guadalupe.

And they listened attentively and melancholic, enjoying the well-toned voice between the notes of that classical music in the background, without paying attention to the suggestive erotic words of the words in verse of that ghost that one day escaped from the cemetery of his father, the one he signed as: The mirror without Soul.

"He is the Mirror. –says Julissa.

-And the Soul who lost the Mirror is mom; Can you imagine? Dad has no dads, he doesn't have siblings, he doesn't have cousins, he doesn't have nephews, he doesn't have uncles, lost to mom, and to top it all off we who are his daughters, practically the only thing he had left in life, and we left him alone in jail; That's why he didn't look for us when he came out, and don't be surprised that when we find him he turns around without even talking to us! —Melissa says. —Dad ran out of soul.

- No sister! I assure you that he will not despise us, now more than ever I feel that dad is alive, that the León Martin Jáuregui we met became the Mirror without Soul because of us, because we will look for him and rescue to return that soul that has lost the Mirror, because we are his daughters and everything he has left in life, then we are part of that soul that he lost and we will return it to him.

Julissa says that being the more emotional of the two, she hugged her sister to give her back the strength that had lost that soul, which was part of the one that would return to the mirror when they found it.