
The snow demon

Sinentlahla_Noku · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The snow demon

snow's POV

I entered mom's room. She was infront of the mirror combing Ruby's hair. " look how beautiful you are my angel.", she said , putting on a little flower pin on her hair. I just stood by the door and watched while jealousy brewed inside of me. Mom never seemed so tender and loving with me. She was always so strict but when it came to Ruby , she would melt just like an ice cream.

My name is snow. I'm 15 years old and my sister Ruby is 5 years older than me. I live I a small village with my mother and sister. Some people think our family is the happiest one but I don't think I've ever been happy in my years of living.

" Hey snow , come here.", Ruby said smiling and her face broke into adorable dimples. I envied everything about her. She was beautiful and had mom to always remind her of that. No one had ever told me that I'm pretty. I didn't even have friends because my peers called me " the purple eyed demon" . That always broke my heart but I smiled anyway.

I slowly made my way into the room and gulped when I met mom's cold gaze on me. " Good morning mom.", I said nervously and she scoffed. " And what is so good about this morning snow? Today is your birthday and the day I regret the most in my life. This same day my husband left me because of you.", she said disdain clearly visible in her voice. " Do you know the pressure I meet when I'm trying to explain to the people why my daughter is like this. At first I thought I could change this but now I know that you're a curse in my life...", she continued talking and talking but I couldn't hear her anymore. Tears were already clouding my vision.

I knew the pain mom was going through. I knew that she was always the center of ridicule to other women and it was all my fault. Sometimes at night I could hear her cry and asking God to end her sufferings. I was a curse. I caused all the disasters the befell this family.

I wiped a hand across my face trying to stop the tears from falling bug i couldn't. Mom was also crying and Ruby just stood there not knowing what to do. When I couldn't bear it anymore I ran out of the house . I didn't know where I was running to but I knew that I needed to be away. Away from the rest of the world so I just let my feet lead me anywhere.

How i wish i had supernatural powers so I could end all of these sufferings.