
The snow demon

Sinentlahla_Noku · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The snow demon

50 years later

In a remote area , screams of a woman could be heard . She seemed to be in labour . Outside the small house , a young girl of about 5 years kept pacing around her eyes wide with fear. " what could be wrong with mom?" , Ruby kept asking herself but her young mind couldn't just find an answer. After few hours of the woman screamed , dark clouds gathered around and loud lightning strike a tree that was nearby. Then a cry of a baby followed.

" It's a girl , please hold her.", the midwife said handing the baby to the mother. The baby was beautiful indeed but she was not like any other baby she has ever seen Her hair was pure white and her eyeballs were purple. When Clarissa saw this , her eyes widened. The words of the seer rang in her ears. " A prophesy must be fulfilled. The child you're carrying will cause disasters in this land. No ordinary man can kill her , only her sister.", The seer had said shaking his head with pity and she had laughed it off thinking it's some silly joke. " Snow... your name will be snow.", Clarissa said stroking her daughter's cheek fondly. She loved both her daughters and wished none of them could die.

With that aim in mind , she was determined to find the solution but little did she know that Snow's fate was decided even before she was born