
The snow demon

Sinentlahla_Noku · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The snow demon

snow's pov

I ran until my legs couldn't carry me anymore . I was in the middle of nowhere and had no idea what to do. I kept reminiscing mom's words . Was I really a curse? I kept asking myself in my mind. If not , then why was I so different from other people?

"why are you belittling yourself Elena?", a voice said behind me and I froze before slowly turning around. The woman was just like an older version of me. " who...who are ...who are you?", I stammered, blinking my eyes in surprise. She laughed . Her laughter was beautiful but behind it all I could still feel the evil aura around her.

" I'm Elena. I am you snow.", she said and I scoffed in disbelief. " how is that possible?"

She smiled and locked her purple eyes with mine. " you're still too young to understand but I hate seeing you this miserable so I'll show how to live a happy life. follow me .", She ordered and just like that I followed her like a lost puppy.

writer's pov

Snow found herself following Elena. She didn't know where she was going or why she was following her. When Elena had smiled at her , she felt a different feeling within her. She felt an unknown warmth and fulfillment .

They went deeper and deeper into the woods . The tall trees were starting to drown the glow of the sunlight and it was getting darker.

After minutes of walking , they finally reached a beautiful river. There was a fresh fragrance of flowers. Birds were chirping around freely.

"wow!", snow breathed out. " you like it snow?", Elena asked with a happy smile. Snow nodded, still looking around the tranquil place in awe.

" Now sit down dear let me tell you a story.", Elena said , drawing snow's attention, who sat down without hesitation. Although she just met the woman , it felt like she had known her since forever.

" once upon a time..." , Elena started. "there were two sisters who were living in a small village just like yours. the two sisters loved and cherished each other. they had no enmity or envy for each other but one faithful day the younger sister heard her parents discussing. Now can you guess what they were talking about?", Elena said and snow shook her head pouting. The story was interesting and she wanted to hear the end of it.

" they were discussing about the girl. They were saying that they couldn't keep such a curse as they're daughter so they were planning to marry her off. The girl was very aggrieved. Her heart was broken into a million pieces. She had thought that her parents loved her. After the girl heard that conversation she was never the same again. After that day all her family started to be distant from her, even her beloved sister. This depressed her and as a result she was always angry. Then destruction started. The girl destroyed everything she could. She killed and destroyed but at the end she was killed by her own sister.", Elena finished her story with a sad sigh.

" do you blame the girl snow? Do you blame her for being so cruel huh?"

" I don't blame her. After all it was her parents that made her do such cruel things and her sister.... I don't even know what to say about her.", Snow said looking in a distance. She was thinking of how much the girl must have suffered. " if you had a chance snow, only if. Would avenge the girl.", Elena looked into snow's eyes expectantly. Snow thought for a while then nodded her head. " If I had the power to , then I would surely avenge her."

"you have all the power you need but you just need to bring it out from within you . Are you willing to snow?"

"yes !yes!",snow said excitedly.

" then there's only one thing you need to do. Think about all the baddest things that had ever happened to you. Think about blood snow. Think about destruction and destroying. ", as Elena said those words , snow's heart was darkening and her eyes glowed and became a darker shade of purple. She thought of all the bad thing she could do to ruin everyone's life and make then miserable just like hers.

"And remember snow... no one loves you, only yourself. ", after saying that Elena vanished into thin air , living snow with an evil smile.