
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Mischief at Night

*Tyra's POV*

With my thoughts disorganized I made my way towards the South, then along the wall until I reached the gate. It was closed up tightly. No matter, I used Phasing Eye and sent it through the wall, looking all about.

It was unremarkable, just a basic inner wall and outer wall. Sending the Eye through to the desert, I spotted a man standing out there. He wore a heavy cloak, and was pressed against the wall.

Unable to figure him out immediately, I used Ransack Mind. I had time for it, anyways. I placed myself where I wouldn't immediately be seen. After the hour passed, I gained 48 hours of his key memories.

His job was to stay there, show himself to whomever shows up, and take slaves to a noble's home, Denoir. Interestingly, there was a shipment mistakenly delivered to the Denoir's consisting of young wyvern, a silver dragonling, some death puppies- two headed dogs, and a pegasus foal. His lord was exceedingly rude to him as well. Made him feel useless. Incidentally, I also gained how to get to the household and the code to get in.

Since his usefulness had ended, I used Desiccate on him, which sucked all the moister from his body instantly. A most painful process, I'd say. He lay dead.

That done, I walked the path he used to take to deliver victims to the Lord. Once I reached the right place I performed the code while pressing my hand against the correct space. This made it let me in. I resummoned my Phasing Eye and had it scout ahead. Next, I used Danger Sense, which let me see a three dimensional map of my immediate surrounds, up to sixty feet around, as well as six seconds into the future.

The entrance led to a hall, which sloped down and let out into a basement. In the basement was five guards, and six workers standing outside of the twelve cells that lined the walls. Each cell, with the exception of four, had a single person in them, three had two, and one has the magical creatures in it. Right next to where I was going to enter the room, was stairs going up to the first floor. On the opposite side was two large double doors.

I sent the Phasing Eye past everyone and into that room. Which was alarming. In this room were five people in total surrounding a pitch black void. One of the five stood behind a podium.

I didn't know what to do about that, so I'd leave it alone for now. Tetenius had said James and Dirthin could help with that, so perhaps, I'd ask them bout that. Then again, I'm not entirely comfortable with that. Instead I'll use an item to see what I can do about it.

But for now, I entered the basement, shutting the door and standing before the door and stairs. "So, who wants to answer some questions in exchange for their lives?" I asked.

The guards charged me. That's fine. I took out my axe and used Fire Form, then I added Rolling Flame. This would hurt them all the more while they were close to me. They tried to attack me, didn't do well. I chopped the next guy, the remainder tried to hit me again, a couple did, then they dropped dead, burning.

The workers, had been cowering in the back. I walked closer towards them, "I have questions. Answer them and you may live."

"I-I can answer." One of them said.

"And the rest cannot?" I asked.

"No. They'll die." He said.

"Why can you answer, then?" I say.

"I'm a fair hand at magical enchantments. And I'm the one they had make the damn things." He said.

"What's going on here?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"The Denoirs are buying slaves and forcing us to throw them into some kind of pit." He answered.

"What is the pit?" I say.

"They don't tell us that." He said.

"How do I eradicate this?" I ask.

"Well, you'd probably have to interrogate one of those guys in that room. If you disturb them... I don't know what will happen." He answered.

"And you are, who?" I ask him.

"Doreal Taig." He answered.

"What's that rune work on the floor?" I ask.

"I have no idea." He said.

"You do magical enchantments and do not know what has been done to this room?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"I know there are magical dampeners in effect, but I didn't lay them, so I do not know what they used." He told me.

"How can the magical effect on the people here be ended?" I quizzed

"Well that's easy actually, you can either nullify the magic through your own source of magic, or kill the one it's bound to." He said.

"And who is it bound to?" I ask.

"Most of us here are bound to William Denoir. The rest are bound to Quinlan Denoir." He answered.

"And if I kill all these dogs, then what? You carry on your masters work?" I tilt my head.

"No." He said, "We'd get to go home."

"How did you come to serve them?" I say. "I'm new in town."

"Most of us came to serve due to contracts through debt. Others, such as myself, were forced because we knew too much." Doreal said.

"Have you had contact with an Erica Neferati?" I ask.

"No, we do not talk to anyone besides the guards who give the orders." He replied.

"What can I do with you lot so that you won't report to your master?" I inquire.

"That's also an easy one, if you grab anyone here with that big fiery neck and burn out necks closed. Because it's not an option." He said.

"So you are telling me it's more worthwhile to kill you all?" I raised an eyebrow.

"From your perspective it would be. Not to ours, I'm saying it's a compulsion, not a desire." He answered.

"Allow me to rephrase, then. Is there anything I can do to keep you all from running to your master for the next hour? Or will you be compelled to do so as soon as I turn my back?" I ask.

"How long can you leave fire in an area?" He asked.

My flames bled away just that moment. "Depends. I can, however, summon a fire elemental."

"The only way to keep the compulsion away long enough to get done whatever you wish to do would be to keep us in danger." He answered.

Thinking quickly, I asked, "Literal danger or would psychological work?"

"Anything that kicks off the chemical in the brain." He answered.

"So threat won't keep?" I say.

"Only to the most craven." He answered.

I growled a little, tail swishing back and forth. Then I take out an item from my back. Pushing my Danger Sense through it, creating an effect I affectionately call All Around Sight. With it, I ran scenarios.

Scenario one: I release all prisoners and send them to a barn I'd been to with Nomad's Gate. They all read there safely with the caged animals. I then enter the room to interrogate the people, while the workers in the room flee for their lord. More guards arrive, I slaughter them, taking little damage. The people ignore me until I grab one. The circle collapses and oozy black shadow pours out swallowing everyone in the room.

Scenario two: I repeat the steps with the prisoners, destroy the door I entered through, and head upstairs, locking them downstairs. I systematically kill every guard on the first floor, finding servants and locking them in their quarters. Second floor, I kill every guard, entering each bedroom and murder each lordling, there are three, the fourth room had no one in it. Two have women in their rooms, which I also kill. Third floor is where an older Denoir and his guards are. I kill his guards and then him.

Scenario three: I repeat previous actions, except I sneak my way into their lord's chambers, rather than killing everyone on the way.

I question him, "What is the void-like hole in your basement."

"The end." he answers.

"Give more detail. I already killed everyone else in this house." I ordered him.

"Then you might as well finish the job little kitty. If you've already killed everyone else, it's just a matter of time." He said.

"Except it's not. Give me answers or I can torture you." I say.

"As soon as you touch me I will bite my own tongue off. Nothing will prevent this from happening." He said.

"Then I will just have to remove the information from your mind, like an illithid." I reply.

"I'm guessing that's supposed to be intimidating, but I don't know what that is." He replied.

"A mind reader that can make you reveal information." I shrug.

"Go right ahead. Try." He sneers.

Scenario four: I go straight up to the third floor and block the door to interrogate the lord.

"Give me information about your experiment in the basement. Erica Neferati has sent me." I say.

"Well then, allow me to just call her real quick." He states.

"Go ahead. Name is Tyra." I respond.

He contacted her. She answered quickly, annoyed. But confirmed my identity to him.

"You're approach may have been bizarre, but we are glad for the help. I am glad you are not related to one of those.. Hearthry's." He said.

"Who?" I asked, "What can you tell me about your basement project. I am short of time."

"We were contacted by a Shadow Knight from the Shadowfell. He is going to create a kingdom here on the Material Plane. All who help him will have land and be apart of his Kingdom. So, we are using the lives of slaves to expand the portal into the Shadowfell." He says.

"Is there any way to prevent this from happening?" I ask. "There must be something, or I wouldn't have been sent to help."

"The only one to stop it is to close it from the other side. But any rag-tag band of idiots wouldn't be able to survive that anyways. The only ones capable of surviving such a feat, don't even know it's happening." He said.

"Who could?" I asked.

"Well, I suppose if you are so inclined to take them out yourself it would be the Hearth-"

I took a deep breath. This was outside of my wheelhouse. Big time. Tail still twitching, I looked around the room. What's the best scenario? I didn't know. I sent the Phasing Eye out of this place and over to the Hearthry home, but who should I contact? I went through the house, checking on them all. Only Plight and Sienna were up.

*Plight* I say to him, mentally, *I realize this is alarming, but I may need some assistance. Speak aloud, if you reply.*

"Um...Hello?" He says, uncertain.

*I can obviously kill everyone here, but that won't stop the Shadowfell from being unleashed.* I tell him, *I could go in myself, after, but I'd need a rest to ensure I'd survive it. The man said the Hearthry's could stop what's going on, but they are all asleep.*

"Could wake up Sarial and have her wake them up.." He suggested.

"Who're you talking to?" Sienna asked.

"I am talking to Tyra. She is in my head. Apparently the Shadowfell will be released on the Material Plane? I need to go get Sarial." He said, standing.

"The Shadowfell??" She asks, alarmed.

*I'd love to decline such a thing, but I fear I may need to ask for that. If anything, they may advise me.* I said to him. *I'll begin the culling of dogs.*

I sent the Phasing Eye to follow Plight as he went to wake Sarial, then I opened one of the cages. I dragged the prisoner out, and ordered the workers inside, under severe duress. They complied, I locked them in. Then I followed through with my plan of getting the prisoners out. Freeing them and waking them. I set up the Nomad's Gate, which led to a barn outside the city, and ordered them through. I told them I'd send someone for them by noon, to stay put.

I approached the imprisoned workers, "Why are there those critters here?" I asked, pointing to them.

Doreal said, "I don't know."

"What do you know about the Shadowfell?" I ask.

"No, I don't." He said.

"How long will this cell contain you all?" I ask.

"Hard to give an exact figure on that." He says.

"Do any of you have a way to open it?" I say, patiently.

A few answered they can pick locks, but that they don't have materials to do so. That would be good enough. I headed upstairs. At the very least I can kill those responsible.

I noticed, Plight had woke Sarial by now, after a brief explanation, she got up and asked, "Where is Tyra?"

*Mentally, with you're household. Physically in another.*

"So you can do mental stuff. Cool. But that doesn't answer me." Sarial says, sarcastically.

*I am up to mischief at the Denoir household.* I answered.

"Oh," She says, "I'll wake Father." And she headed to do so.

Meanwhile, I fought the guards. I managed to kill them, taking only a few hits in the process. Threatened the few servants that had came out to see what was going on back into their rooms. Locked them in with heavy furniture. Then, headed to the next floor.

I hadn't paid much attention when I'd entered in All Around Sight, but this house was gaudy to the point of being almost painful. The guards stood on the outside of each door. As soon as they saw me, they'd rushed me. I killed them. This time taking no damage. I entered the first room, where one of the lordlings slept with a mistress.

I murdered him, then heard Sarial waking her father, telling him that I needed him for something bout the Shadowfell. He wasn't even disoriented from having been asleep.

I went into the next room, killing that sleeping lordling. While I did so, James had sent his daughter out of the room and left his wife sleeping. Exiting the room then asking for details. Sarial explained what little she knew, while I entered the final occupied room, killing the man and woman in it.

I went towards the next floor, when James said, "I am going to gather some people, make sure no one enters the home."

*Almost everyone is dead over here. I haven't entered the ritual room.* I told him.

He paused and said, "I will need information on how this is happening later... Ritual room. What information can you give me on this Ritual room."

*Thank you for responding aloud. The ritual room is in the basement of the Denoir household.. I can explain why I ended up here, though Dirthin could also.* I say, *The Ritual room has five people maintaining this void hole in the middle of the room. One is at a podium. If they are interrupted the Shadowfell will spill out of the room and consume all. William, I assume he is, said that the Hearthry's could easily close the portal... I would have to enter, myself, to learn anything about it, so I thought you all were the safer option. I am sorry. He said to close it, it would need to be entered and the person to survive the crossing. I don't have the experience with this sort of thing.*

"Oh, we have someone with plenty of experience about going to places he shouldn't be." James replied.

*If I could be told what to do, I could do it. I just lack the knowledge.* I told him, apologetically.

"Lacking knowledge is nothing to be ashamed of. It's the lack of desire to better your knowledge, that is what I find deplorable." He said.

*They've been smuggling slaves through the Southern gate to feed to the void to increase it's strength.* I told him. *Is there anything else you need to know?*

"No, that should be about all. We've had plans for the Denoir household for a while now, we'd just hoped we wouldn't have to use them." He said.

*Should I leave the old fat one living, then? I've killed the rest.* I said.

"Hoh. That's going to be fun to explain. Yes, leave the old fat one alive for now. Make sure he stays in his room." He said.

*Not that I'd like to, but I can revive them, if you'd prefer.* I offer.

"For how long after death can you revive someone?" James asked.

*A minute.... Unless I use an item from my bag.* I replied. *So, minutes, hours or years? I haven't used it before.*

"Then it would be for the best that they are alive for their court date. But it would be good to make sure they cannot escape. A lack of legs usually helps with that." James recommended.

*Ok. They have people bound to them via magic that will die if they speak, if they are brought back, will that magic be reformed? Or is it gone?* I ask.

"Once the connection has been severed in such an extreme manner, there should be no way in which it can be reconnected without being reestablished with such terms." James said.

*Much thanks. I'll complete what I was doing then, and trap them all naked in a cell.* I reply, cheerfully. *The man who laid the enchantement on those people is locked in one already.*

"It's a good start, we will be there soon." He said.

With that, I canceled the Phasing Eye and went back to work. Killing the guards and Denoir. Then, I took all their bodies down into the cells. Stripped them naked of everything, sliced their achilles tendons, and revived them, locking them in their cell.

"You. Fucking. Bitch." Denoir said.

"Incidentally, the one who sent me was Erica Neferati, from Gold Pride in the South." I tell him, truthfully. "It's almost like you allied with the wrong bitch, hm?"

"Your whole clan. All gone." He replied. "He will come whether you fools help me or not."

"Yawn." I tell him. "See, you've already told me how to stop that from happening."

"You have no idea how to stop anything." He said.

"Heh. You said enter it and shut it from that side." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, and who do you plan on having die to have succeed that feat. There is an army on the other side. No one is going to go in there just to die." Denoir said.

"No? You said the Hearthry's could easily do that." I shrug.

"I know the Hearthry's and you are no Hearthry. They don't stick their necks out for random people in the street." He sneered.

"Excellent. But they are merchants, no?" I ask.

"Everyone knows that. Do you mean you can just walk up and buy their services?" He demanded to know.

"Yes. Easily." I tell him. "Want proof?"

He grunted in dissatisfaction. The sons looked traumatized. I shrugged with a light laugh and walked towards the workers. "The enchantment you did is gone, yes?"

"Yes. Very much so. No one is compelled to tell them anything." Doreal answered.

"If I am so commanded, I will release you all." I tell them. Then I went to check on the animals, "Hey Fatty, why do you have these animals?"

"Shut your filthy mouth." Denoir snapped.

"Just tell me." I replied.

"No." He replied.

"Such a fat little child. I'll be letting them go." I told him. I took the silver dragonling out and asked it in Draconic, ":Little One, can you speak yet?:"

":Yes, I can speak:" It answered.

":Do you know your family?:" I asked, ":Where they are?:"

":Yes. I do not intend to return to them:" He replied.

":Then, if you so choose, you may stay with me.:" I tell him, ":Can you polymorph yet?:"

":Yes. I believe I can.:" He said. He struggled a bit to change his appearance to a human.

After a moment, I pulled the item back out and placed it in it's hands. ":Work your shifting magicks through this item. It will enhance it significantly. But, I must have the item back.:"

Following my advice, he shifted easily... into a Leonin cub. One that closely resembled me. He copied my heterochromia, making the eyes shaped different. He also took on my outer fur color for his outer fur color, with the inner being more silvery. His nose was a soft pinky color, and his ears were smaller than when I was a cub. I was quite charmed by the appearance of this dragonling turned cub.

":What is your name, little one?:" I asked as he gave me back my item. I then lifted him up and onto my hip.

":Sky Piecer.:" He answered.

":Let's call you Sky Silvershale, hm?:" I asked him.

":Yes, that will work.:" He answered.

I petted his head and looked at the other cages, just as the doors opened. James and Dirthin entered.

I turned and looked at them. Heart hammering, mystified by Dirthin once more. I wasn't sure what to say. So I elected to be quiet. I looked back at Sky to be sure he wasn't startled. He didn't seem so, just curious.

James headed over to Denoir, giving me a slight nod as he passed. "The great gobbledy one said there's an army on the other side." I tell him.

"I would certainly hope so. I've paid quite a few people to be here." James commented. Then he spoke to Denoir, greeting him as William, like I'd assumed he was.

"I would love for this to be a social visit, but unfortunately, I am here for work." He said.

"I'd assumed so." I told him, touching his shoulder, gently and using Restore Vigor on him, making him feel very rested.

"Who needs sleep, when I can just come talk to you, apparently. I feel amazing." He said.

"Yes, well. I had to do something for you since you'd only just gone to bed." I replied.

"I am trying to let you keep your powers secret. And you go and say it anyway." He said, looking at me.

"Oh, I don't think I have a choice in that. Not after how I contacted James." I sighed. "I stayed out of trouble, and instead only got into mischief."

He laughed heartily and said, "Your definition of mischief is adorable." After a moment he said, "When did you pick up the tag along?"

I tilted my head for a moment, looking at him. "Just now. His name is Sky. He was in the cage just there."

I saw, with the Danger Sense that was still active, that more men were marching in. I warned Sky bout them in time for the multitude of men to come in. The basement filled with them quickly.

"Well, it would seem MY army has arrived. It will be lovely seeing you in court." James said to Denoir. "Do try to stay alive till then."

He then began to address his people for what was about to occur. I didn't listen much, at all. It didn't have to do with me. Instead, I investigated the other critters, talking to the wyvern in Draconic, trying to figure out where it belonged, though, I didn't get much of an answer past a hissed threat. The pegasus foal couldn't communicate. Though, it understood when I tried to speak to it.

When James had finished speaking, Dirthin had said something to him, then approached me.

"We should have dinner when we get back. I know you intended to accompany Sarial, but please keep her at the Estate. There are enough enchantments on it to keep even me out. Hell, probably even James." Dirthin said.

"Yes, I can do that." I answered him. I wanted to give him something to make it easier on him, to get this done, but I didn't know what to give him. So, instead, I petted his face and said, "See you soon enough."

He nodded, returned to his brother, and then they entered the ritual room. I lost sight of what they were doing, but soon they were all gone. City guards had entered, at the tail end of the army.

I was deeply saddened by them going. But in my current state, I wouldn't last long. The Guard Captain greeted me, briefly and questioned me about the workers in the cell. I explained that they were workers magically compelled to obey or die. I also pointed out Doreal Taig as the one who'd laid the deadly enchantment at Denoir's behest.

The workers were ultimately released, except the enchantment person, who was arrested. The lord's were also arrested then. It was noted that I'd killed the guards, I'd offered that information, saying I'd had to retrieve my stolen cub. With that, I took the caged magic creatures through a new Nomad's Gate that I'd linked to outside their Estate. Then I ended the Gate as soon as I was done bringing the animals through.

Getting inside was only partly annoying, I'd just had to mentally reach the sleepy Sarial to be let inside. It was five in the morning now. The Denoirs were arrested, the dragonling freed. Snow Den was up. She used the doors to let me get to a place quickly to release the dogs, then a different place to release the wyvern. The pegasus foal, Sarial had wished to keep.

I relayed that she'd been told to stay until their return, and I would not allow her to step out of the house, as that's what had been asked of me. She'd been upset at that, lamenting about her desire to purchase the seeds and such.

Sienna started to offer to do it, but I took out the signed purchase bill, along with the seeds I'd bought for her. Sarial'd hugged me then. As uncomfy as I was with that, I accepted it. Only, Sarial now wondered how she would get them there if they are to stay.

Sienna offered to take the seeds and such to the town. To this end, I asked for a pocket watch, or a little compact mirror. Sarial had fetched one, and I took out my communication device. Taking one of the thin fractures glass pieces out and laying it into the compact mirror and speaking the words to bind it to the compact mirror.

Once it took effect, I explained that it can be used to contact my compact mirror, regardless of the distance. We could use this to communicate back and forth. Sarial had the compact handed over to Sienna. Then, she asked for one more to be made. I complied. She asked for that one to go to Mills. Sienna agreed.

Plight and Sienna soon left, taking the seeds and the notes Sarial wrote. The directions she'd wanted followed for the place. She was sad to have Plight and Sienna go. But they did go. For her, so her dream can be realized.

The people I'd sent to the barn would need to be handled. So, through the communication device, I told Sienna about them. They'd handle it.