
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Things to Do

*Tyra's POV*

Soon it was dinner time. The main attraction for the meal was the noodles. I hadn't expected that. I watched the families cautious approach to the noodles, it was quite foreign to them. So, I said, "Would you like a tip on how to eat noodles tidily?"

"That'd be good. I wasn't sure if it was finger food." Dirthin said.

"It's not. But fried things are. And pizza. If you use a fork in spoon together, " I used the fork to gather the long noodles, and the spoon to place the fork against to spin it, coiling the noodles around the fork neatly, "like so, then you have a easy bite without dripping or slurping." I tried it. The chef did well for his first time.

They were a lot more comfortable with it, then. Honestly, I was surprised at their comfort level with trying new foods. It wasn't long before Sarial asked, "What do you mean, fried things? And what's pizza?"

"Pizza is a type of flat bread with tomato based sauce and a variety of toppings. The most usual being cheese. You can select vegetables and meats as toppings, too." I say. "Fried things are cooked in a seed or fat based oil. They are typically coated in flours before placing in the hot oil. Incidentally, if you throw hot oil on someone, they're likely to die."

"Yes, yes they would." James noted.

"Potatoes are very interesting once fried." I told them.

"Is fried things, noodles and pizza something your clan is known for?" Sarial asked.

"I haven't seen them outside of my clan.. But I've only been away from them on the surface for just over two weeks. I don't believe my clan is known. Leonin clans tend to be isolationists." I reply. And yet, here I was with an odd Leonin family.

"I wasn't aware there was a Leonin clan left alive on this continent." The white Leonin said, suddenly.

"One that I know of. The other left." I replied. Her tone was off. "We're currently based two days East of Mount Frost's Respite. Are you bothered?"

"Not extremely." She said.

"Our clan is Gold Pride." I replied, assuming she has a bad past with the same clan we did. "Led by the Goldmanes."

Dirthin side eyed James for a moment. "Ah. Least it's a weak clan." the white one said.

I looked at her for a moment, blankly. Then I began laughing, "You are right, you are right."

She looked at me and said, "That amused you?"

"Yes. You can't insult me by insulting them. I may be born from them, but I am much different from them." I tell her.

"I can relate." She said. "My name is Snow Den, by the way. Didn't have a chance for introductions."

"Good to meet you. I assume you've had past difficulties with Pride Stride?" I asked.

She shrugged, "They hunted their own kind. Everyone had a problem with them."

"Yes, I suppose that's true." I agreed.

"How is your clan towards you, concerning your eyes?" Snow Den asked.

"My eyes unnerve them, majorally. Some don't care. Most don't dare mention them." I answered, unconcerned. "When I cause a cub aunts and uncles would comment on me critically, but I learned combat tactics well so it wasn't a particular problem. They did fear my potential to inherit the Matriarch position in clan... but that option was removed."

"You had potential to inherit?" Snow asked. "What disqualified you?"

"Becoming the Arrow disinherited me. The Matriarch position is passed through daughters only in my clan." I replied.

"What an interesting way to do it." Seralyn said.

"It's a stupid way. Arena is the only one who qualifies to inherit now, and she's stupid and cruel." I said.

"I suppose there are drawbacks to any Matriarchy or Patriarchy." Seralyn said.

"The flaw with that societal structure is that those who would be excellent to rule over their people are over looked based on gender. The people suffer for pointless reasons." I said. "Actually, it's more stupid. Shira was a better choice but because her mother passed away she was disinherited. Tetenius would be an interesting choice but he's male."

"This is the second time we've hear of this Tetenius character? Besides a merchant." James asked.

"I'm not sure what answer you are looking for." I said. "Can you clarify what information you want? I don't mind answering."

"Who is his family? Who is he as a person?" James asked.

"He's a reasonable and open minded person. He is the first of our clan to marry a human, Alicia. He has a weak knee, which may have been my fault." I thought for a moment. "He prefers debate over combat and errs on the side of mercy. But that isn't necessarily a fault. He had twenty nieces and nephews, has three living siblings of thirteen, his mother is Sariely and father Vidorial. Grandson of Nevia, our Ama, and Aven. Cousin to Shira." I answered. "Oh, right. He and Alicia had a son last month, Alexios."

"How would one go about contacting this merchant of yours, to see what kind of business he can do?" James asked.

"As long as it's not Dirthin, they can go directly to the clan to meet with him, or meet him in Winter's Halt. Or, I can try to arrange a chat with him via a communication device that I have." I replied.

"I feel you blazed over a very important piece of information there." James said.

"Did I?" I ask, confused.

"Would someone please explain to me why my brother is already hated where I haven't sent him." James demanded.

"Ah. Because of a forty year old curse. They would expect that Dirthin is there to destroy the clan, as, according to prophesy, a silver Leonin from Pride Stride is supposed to do so." I explained. "I believe I'd be the only one to give him any difficulty, were he to do so, though. And I don't intend to."

"Then I believe tomorrow I will go and pay this man a visit." James said.

"I hope it won't be wasted time. I don't know his schedule.. but it has been over a month since he went last." I said. "To be fair, Arena, Shira, Ama and I are the only ones currently aware of the prophesy."

"Why?" Sarial asked.

"If I had to guess, I'd say control. Knowledge is power, but can also be harmful. If you manipulate the information around your people you can alter their view of reality." I tell her.

"The tyrant theory, isn't it?" Sarial said.

"Very akin to that." I agreed.

Shortly after that conversation was over, so was dinner. The family decided to play a word game after dinner. They'd invited me to join, to my surprise. I politely declined, but thanked them for their hospitality. As much as I hadn't wanted to get involved with them.. I wasn't regretting the opportunity to be involved with them.

Feeling this way was particularly odd to me. But I stamped down my confusing emotions, and left their home to get some things done. I'd return in the morning, or find Sarial on her way out. But why? Why am I doing this? Why do I want to do this? I shouldn't be bothering. What's the point? Soon enough I'll be free and immortal. What reason would I have to stick around anywhere?

And yet, I thought of Dirthin's laugh. If I am no longer the Arrow, because I abandoned that title and the clan.. Could I try to be useful to this family... or with them? Dirthin had said if I ever want work, or to see their library I should come see them...

But I shouldn't. I thought this over as I left the city. It wasn't quite sundown yet, but it would be soon. I went to a few farm houses and negotiated for the things Sarial had meant to today. The seeds, chicken and farm animals. The large animals would be transported via the Northwest route, along with several types of bird eggs for hatching. They just had to hire someone to bring them along, and I gave them the coin to achieve that end. The seeds, corn, carrot, broccoli, etc. were all in separate baggies. I'd obtained quite a bit of them. I placed them within my bag. Having finished that, and it now officially being sundown, I returned to the city, listlessly. I didn't feel like returning to their home, or booking an inn for the night.

I didn't feel like sleeping. So I decided I'd find a high place and sit there. A secondary idea occurred to me. Once I was in a private area, I'd contact Tetenius and tell him to go to Winter's Halt. Pleased with my idea I altered the direction I'd been going at random, when I rounded a corner and ran into a very solid person.

I shook my head, "Ouch." I said out of reflex. I looked up, irritated, my ears flat back and was startled to have literally ran into Dirthin. My ears pricked forward, matching my surprised expression.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.. or to have you face plant into me. Can we go talk somewhere?" Dirthin asked.

"It's fine. I should have paid more attention. And yes, we can talk." I replied.

He walked me across town and into an Inn called the Crimson Hoof. Warning me to not mention the horns. It was an interesting place, that had a red roof, amusingly enough. Oak walls with birch accents. When we'd entered the lively oak trend continued for the walls. The floors were red cedar wood. The tables, chairs and counter clearly mahogany. From the ceiling hung an ebony wood chandelier, magically lit up.

Behind the counter was a minotaur, I assumed that was what he'd meant. He led me over to a table in the corner of the building. We both positioned ourselves so that we'd have full view of the building the entire time. We ordered drinks, I asked for a recommendation, as I am unfamiliar with alcohol.

Once we got our drinks, he said, "So, how are you finding our Capital to be?"

"It's amusing. But I find it uninteresting." I replied.

"It's why I hardly spend any time here." He said.

"The most interesting thing was that I left, not intending to come back, yet found myself brought to your home." I told him.

"I think some people call that animal magnetism." He laughed.

"Charm?" I asked. "You and your family are charming."

"I blame that more on the color of my fur than my own personality." He said.

"Why?" I ask.

"Most people are either enamored or terrified." He said. "By my appearance alone. Usually they have an opinion before we even talk. Which is fine, I've earned my reputation. You rip off enough limbs and people start to think you just do it to anyone willy nilly."

I shrugged and said, "I can't say I formed an opinion on you based on your looks. I certainly didn't expect you to-" I gave a little laugh, "ah.. I'm not trying to insult you.. I've fought bigger men than you and have made them cry pretty easily. So I wasn't expecting a lot. But. I was pleased with the result."

"I feel you are all to familiar with when an appearance belies reality." Dirthin said.

"Let's talk about Nevadon for instance. He's the tallest person in our clan, at about seven foot six. He looks tough, about your size but taller." I sighed. "You hit him a good time in his stomach and he's done.... And never picks up when he's gonna be thrown."

"Truly sounds like you've had some terrible opponents." He said.

"They stopped being able to be a challenge to me since I was twelve." I told him, "Not that I'm very different in size or appearance from then."

"Well, I will admit I am quite curious on how you learned to fight the way you do." Dirthin commented.

"We all learn to fight from the moment we can walk. It starts as hand to hand and as soon as we can hold a weapon it we begin that until we're decent with it. If we aren't good at it, we keep working at it until we are." I explain.

"Whereas I am sure your clan has a rigorous training regimen, I have fought throughout the realms. A talent such as yours is a rare gem. You swing with a weight you do not possess." He said.

My ears flicked to the side, uncomfortable, "And you don't assume a magic item behind that? I've not taken off my bracelet once."

"I've also not sensed your bracelet do a thing since you've been here." He stated.

"True enough. I don't even know what it does." I admitted.

He laughed at that. "I will not pry, as you seem to enjoy your secrecy, and that's alright, we're all allowed our secrets. I'm just curious if there's a place I can go to learn. If not, that's fine as well, just means there is more to my journey than where I've already been."

I took a deep breath and said, "My ability comes from surviving that attack.... I don't like speaking of it because to be part of a clan and have such a stark difference is.. Death. Whereas I understand rationally that they can't do much to me, I'm still terrified of the attempt. What that would do and how it'd change me."

"I suppose that is the difference between a family and a clan, you should never have to fear what they may do to you, just because you show off a little talent. A skill they don't have and can't control." he said.

"It's just how things are." I said, taking a sip of the drink I'd ignored. The fruit was delightful, but the burn of the alcohol sudden. I grimaced and shook my head. "That was unexpected."

"Sometimes it can pack a punch if you're not expecting it." He said.

"Never had it before." I replied, thinking of Sarial. "I'd like to tell you.. Hell, you probably wouldn't even care. But I am scared to. It's my only secret."

"Everyone is entitled to their secrets. I will not force you to share yours unless you wish to." He told me.

"You're sweet." I replied.

He laughed and said, "I have been called many things. Sweet has never been one of them."

"Was there anything else you wished to speak of?" I asked.

"I never did get to hear those tales of the Underdark." Dirthin reminded me.

"Yes, that's true." I nodded. Sipping on the drink that I wasn't fond of, I began telling him tales of my explorations into the Underdark. He asked clarifying questions when he'd wanted to, and laughed a lot.

I probably revealed more to him than I'd intended, like how I blew my enemies up several times, or how I'd distract them with sounds. But he didn't call any of those things out. Just seemed amused at my antics and the ways I'd gained advantage in impossible situations.

I eventually ended up telling him that his laughter was pleasant and his company comfortable. It wasn't something I was used to, being comfortable. In truth, I enjoyed talking to him, it wasn't daunting or tedious.

He smiled and said, "Thank you. I find your stories, obviously quite amusing. And I find the way you speak, the way you move, and especially the way you fight very intriguing."

Normally, I hate such things being said, but he was being genuine and it felt pleasant to hear. Isn't this silly? "I am thinking about helping Sarial with her goals. She may irritate me, but she has different views than I'm used to." I tell him, trying to hide my embarrassment at the realization I'd came to. I liked this man.

"She can have quite the mouth on her, but she generally means well. And I'm glad she'll have someone to rely on while I'm not around." He said.

"I'm not used to people caring so deeply for one another." I pointed out him. "Could just be my own perception coloring my clan mates, though."

"I would say if they've goven you no reason to change that perception, then that's still on them." He replied.

"Hmm. Tetenius oddly seemed worried for me when I left. He spent three hours telling me all kinds of things about the Realm and how to negotiate." I said.

"Ah yes. That merchant fellow." Dirthin commented. "I am surprised someone from your clan that is pretty much told to ignore your existence would bother doing so."

"I just figured Alicia and their cub changed him some." I tilted my head. "He's really one of the few who agreed with me that the Descents should be ended. He'd also volunteered to take the assignment of finding a new territory for the clan."

"It'd bizarre how well my brother can read into things." Dirthin said. "Simply because you mentioned him more than once he deemed him someone to look into."

"Is that a good thing?" I asked.

"By the sounds of it, it should be." he stated.

I felt the communication device alert in my coin pouch. Someone from the clan was trying to contact me. I frowned deeply, ears flipping back. I looked at Dirthin, with an uncertain expression. Surely it was late to be contacted, wasn't it?

"It would seem your bag is ringing." Dirthin said.

"Yes." I replied. "There is to much noise here.. I can't answer it."

"Well, if it's privacy you're after... We have a piece of property nearby that we aren't currently using for anything." He suggested.

"That would be fine.. You can be privy to it. It's probably nothing good." I say to him.

"Yes, it is rather late for a social call." He agreed. We got up and started heading to where he mentioned.

Once we reached the building he'd mentioned, I noted it was a very plain looking place. No furnishings inside even. He stayed with as I took out the communicator. It was a simple round pocketwatch look alike that when opened had buttons inside. I warned him, if he speaks it will show him, then I pressed the green one answering it. Instantly the portrait hologram of Arena appeared. Her amber eyes looked at the one of me that appeared on her side with disdain. Her fur was darker than mine. She could hide in hay, while I could hide in sand.

"Took you long enough to answer. Someone wants a word with you." Arena said.

"This is for official business only, you recall?" I said, the only change in my blank expression being a raised eyebrow.

Her expression became disdainful. "I am the next Ama. Remember that." She warned.

I rolled my eyes. Then frowned. The sorceress's image appeared as she began speaking, "You're nearby some interesting events that are about to unfold. You need to advance them- for the clan's benefit."

"Going to need more information than that if you want me to act." I told her.

"Useless. I told you, Arena, it's more efficient if I send someone." Sorceress whined. "Ugh. Look, Tyra. Near where you are there's someone in a high born house doing some interesting things that certain powers at be would like advanced. You need to catch their attention and help them."

"Cryptic." I pointed out.

"One part has been temporarily disrupted. An annoyance, but move partable." She paused. "How you got there so fast, I have no idea. It should have already been underway by the time you reached there.."

"Yeah, no. When I said I need information to act I didn't mean vague bullshit. This is a whole assed city with four times the people we have." I say, "How the fuck do you expect me to come across this randomly? I plan on being elsewhere shortly after morning."

"No. You must stay there." Sorceress said. "The Southern Gate will have answers."

"Is Ama aware of this side mission?" I ask.

"I am aware of it. That is enough. Do your job." Arena snapped.

"Is it my turn, yet?" Bruno asked, appearing, and slurring his words severely. "She ain't gonna be Arrow when she comes home?"

I shut off the communication immediately, in disgust.

"Interesting bunch." Dirthin said. "Unfortunately not in a good way."

My tail lashed in annoyance, and I did my best to calm down. Finding it wasn't working I pressed a different button and told the device, "Tetenius."

It took a moment, But Tetenius's image appeared, sleepily, "What is it? Are you fine?"

"I just got an odd contact from Arena and the Sorceress to assist someone in Valor's Crest of the Kingdom." I told him, "And I need you to do two things."

"Valor's Crest?" He asked, impressed, rubbing his face, "That's quite the distance, Sister. Wait, they contacted you just now?"

"Yes. Without Ama's sanction." I told him.

"... Before you do anything in Valor's Crest, go to the Lucky Stone. That man is powerful and will likely help you. Coin or labor would satisfy him. He practically owns that City, so he's a good place to ask questions." Tetenius said. "Since you've been gone Erica has been whispering in shadows and acting strange... What did you need?"

Dirthin grinned broadly and said, "She's already been there."

"Oh shit..." Tetenius said, fully awake now with wide eyes. "T-Tyra... that's..."

"Good to meet you Tetenius. As you may know, I am Dirthin Hearthry." He said, "Your Arrow already has my family indebted to her, quite the feat I must say. She speaks highly of you, though she may not know she does."

"You were with her when Erica and Arena spoke to her, then? What do you make of it?" Tetenius asked him.

"I may have overheard the conversation.. and it led me to unsavory assumptions. I would truly hope that your clan isn't going to be involved in anything that would put anyone in my care in peril." He said. "If you know my family you know me. You know my.. methods for removing threats."

"I have heard rumors, but not investigated as to not draw your ire. Many of the clan are innocent to the whims of the council, Tyra can tell you so." He hesitated, looking around the room he's in, then in a quieter voice he says, "If your family is indebted to her... then she's safe. Tyra, if you become one of their people, they'd treat you better than our clan has." He hesitated again, looking uncomfortable, "Arena and Erica are planning on removing your title and using an old clan law to stick you with Bruno.."

"Over my dead body!" I snapped, enraged and knowign exactly what law they planned to use.

Tetenius blinked, surprised by my outburst, "I cannot fault your rage. You needed to know."

Dirthin looked at me and said, "If you nedd other employment or a partner in a rage stricken murder spree, I know just the place."

"Tetenius. Go in the morning and alert Shira to Arena's contact. Then, be sure to be in Winter's Halt soon after." I told him, barely containing my rage.

".. I can do this." Tetenius agreed after a moment.

"And if you want a change of scenery, maybe bring the family." Dirthin suggested.

"It's not my place to say so, but Tyra is an exceptional talent. You'd be fools to allow her to go. A change of scenery..." Tetenius said. "I need to prepare some things.. I'll keep the communication item nearby if you need anything more, Tyra."

"Unlikely." I tell him before looking at Dirthin. "Did you want anything from him?"

"No. I'm sure I'll be seeing him shortly." Dirthin said.

I ended the connection and said, "Alright." I was still fuming on the inside.

"You look like you could use a spar... or at least someones head on a pike." He commented.

"Something like that." I nodded.

"I'd be happy to help with either, or both." He said.

I eyed him, "Your family owes me nothing."

He left the building, then turned and looked at me, "That is simply untrue."

I followed him out and said, "Matter of opinion."

"True enough. So we'll simply handle it on our end." He said.

"What does that mean?" I asked. Thinking of Tetenius's manner of referring to me, "I didn't lie, by the way. Tetenius.. had been my brother, closest in age to me. But I haven't been permitted to claim so. Nor is he permitted to. I don't understand why he is."

"He doesn't seem to agree to your clan's rules." Dirthin said.

"Seems so." I replied. I sighed, lost for a moment, "Aren't you tired? It's late."

"I've had to stay up for over a week at a time. But yes, I could use a nap." Ha said.

"Yet you're offering to spar? How silly." I say.

"I find the easiest way to stay awake is to punch things. Keeps the mind calm and clear." Dirthin replied.

"I'd rather not use you for stress relief." I responded in a gentle voice. I didn't need to sleep. I hadn't planned to today, either.

"If you'd rather punch a stranger, the Crimson Hoof has fights in the basement." He said.

"Did you get what you wanted from talking to me?" I asked.

"Didn't have a particular goal when coming to talk to you. I just wanted to talk. So I guess I did." Dirthin said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, impulsively reaching up towards his face to pet him. Luckily, I stopped myself, my hand just above my shoulders, and let it drop back to my side, it would have been exceptionally rude. "I've enjoyed your company. But you should go to bed. It's good to take care of your body."

"It's been a pleasure talking to you as well." He gave a broad grin and petted my cheek. "Stay out of trouble." He advised, then turned and walked away.

I wasn't quite sure how to react to that. I'm sure my face showed my surprise. He'd obviously read my intent in my body language, and chose to take on the action himself. Why?

I wasn't going to figure that out now.

Instead, I turned my attention towards the Southern gate. I was going to figure out what was going on there, and who I was going to murder- I mean 'help'.