
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Trapt Inside

*Sarial's POV*

I wouldn't go so far as to say I was trapped here. It's my home, after all. Mom was the only one allowed to leave, and she did briefly around noon. I'd taken a brief nap after breakfast, but I was too restless to stay still long. Instead, I preoccupied myself with reading. Not bothering to question Tyra.

I read books on farming, managing people, accounting, and on building. Also on growing herbs. Pouring over all the books I could think to read, and refreshing my memory on ones I didn't. Tomorrow, I'd start on the books pertaining to pregnancy and child rearing. As well as Kalashtar training. We started looking into pegasus books. For now, the foal was just being treated like a regular horse.

Meals were relatively simple, Mom had caught the kids up on the need to know. It was easy to keep that up. I just repeated what Mom had said. But mostly, it felt like I'd never left home to begin with. Aside from tending my golden egg. Tyra seemed a bit on edge.

She didn't ask anything, and only responded when spoken to, aside from training Sky. She seemed like a proper mother to him, despite having said he was a dragon. She ensures he eats, and tells him to bathe, if he doesnt want to she threatens to help him. She is teaching him things he's unsure of, with our help.

Ok, mostly Seralyn and Bit's help. But as it turns out, Tyra is highly intelligent, too. She just doesn't understand people. From the instant she'd returned home alive, they made her live in a shack away from her parents and siblings. She watched a majority of her siblings, and their children, die. Unable to intervene. She was the thirteenth child to her parents.

All of which she began to speak of freely three days after Dad and Uncle left. I'm not sure why. The only time she showed hesitancy is when the twins and Bit were close. Aside from that, she told many tales, which Jasper quite enjoyed, about exploring the Underdark.

She's seen the cities down there, but they were slaver cities she'd found. She hadn't found a non hostile one, so she said. She never ventured into any of the cities. Only the ruins.

Another event that took place on that third day, was that Plight and Sienna got back to town and delivered everything that needed to be. Or, I assumed so, because Mills took this chance to contact me through Tyra. Tyra had noted she was being contacted, and answered it. Pensively. It was Mills, though.

"I believe I have the wrong... Magic mirror?" He said, hesitantly.

"As I do not recognize you, I assume you are Mills?" Tyra asked.

"Yes. I was given this device by a .. very flighty Elf. I was told.. it is to connect to someone else." Mills said. I snickered.

"Yes, well, I believe you are trying to reach Sarial? She is right here with me. Being excessively annoying." Tyra said. "Speak, girl, and I will leave you two in peace."

I laughed and said, "Oh, don't be cross."

Tyra gave me a look. Placed the communication device in my hand, and shooed me. So I took it to my room, closing the door tightly.

"Hey. I'm alone now. Are you well?" I asked.

"I am. A bit confused by everything happening. Like apparently my family has been arrested?" Mills said.

"Well. Technically, they were murdered, stripped naked, achilles tendons cut, revived, then arrested." I said.

"That.. that sounds quite painful. And deserved." Mills commented.

"Yeah, so Tyra was called by someone in her clan, who she hates, and they ordered her to help William Denoir." I explained, "So she started digging into what was going on, found out about the acquisition of slaves and what they were being used for. Then, she uncovered William's alliance with a Shadow Knight who planned to release the Shadowfell on this continent..."

"You have been very busy. I hunted a bear." Mills said.

"Hah. I haven't done anything. Tyra's done everything. She even bought the crop seeds and the animals for Hearthstone Town. She's amazing." I replied. "I've been mostly sleeping and reading, been overly tired."

"Well, being tired is understandable." He said. "Have you read any good books lately?"

"I have read gardening, farming, accounting, management, pregnancy and parenting books. And books about Kalashtar's." I replied. "And I've been advised by Tyra, who knows quite a bit about managing towns."

"See, you have been busy. Getting prepared to run a town is not an easy task." He said.

"Oh, what's a good name for a pegasus? I've been calling her Goldy, cause it's blonde and white. She doesn't seem to like it." I noted.

"You have a pegasus now? That is not a simple creature to have just come across." Mills said.

"Tyra took her from the Denoir basement. Along with a baby dragon, and a few other creatures." I told him.

"Last time I checked, holding onto a baby dragon isn't a good thing. But, I'm sure she knows what she's doing. She seems very capable." He said.

"Albeit, they were sparring, but she did shrug off a fight with Uncle." I told him. "It's a silver dragon, by the way. He doesn't want to go home. So, she's protecting him."

"From his parents?" He asked.

"No, from poachers. If his parents ever find them, she intends to hand him over. She's confident she can handle adult dragons." I replied.

"Confidence is good and all, but that is very confident." He said.

"She's been fighting in the Underdark since she was eight, like if it's a playground." I shrugged. "She prefers it to cuddles, currently."

"Oh, does she? I certainly miss cuddles." He said.

"Yes. But she won't make me stop. I miss you." I replied.

"Well, I have every intention of heading to the Capital to see my family heading to court." He replied.

"Yes? It is likely to take some time. Alexion or Sienna could lend you their summoned pegasus, maybe." I suggested.

"No, that's quite alright. I have my own little means of transportation. I haven't used it in quite a while... Well, I may ask them if it doesn't work." He said.

"Just because they have been arrested does not mean the ones hunting you have been called off." I reminded him.

"Hoh, I suppose that's true." He sighed. "I suppose I will have to wait here until I can come back."

"I can't leave until Dad and Uncle return." I said. "But, maybe if you get close enough Tyra can escort you."

"I suppose if she can fight off a dragon, she can fight off a few hired mercenaries." He said.

"Probably. She took on your father's entire household by herself." I pointed out.

"Well, I certainly hope she didn't harm Cliftain." He said. "He wasn't a guard, he was a butler. He was one of the few who were entirely on my side. I had him lay low and continue to serve my father."

"She locked all the servants up so they wouldn't get in the way." I told him.

"Oh, good." He said.

"Had you heard the charges?" I asked.

"He was apparently buying slaves and offering them to the Shadowfell?" He replied.

"Acquisition and selling of slaves, multiple egregious murders, treason against the crown, embezzlement of higher Nobility's lands and wealth, theft of higher nobility's citizens, and defamation of nobility and crown." I list them.

"That sounds about right for him. But, did my siblings know, or were they just cannonballed into it?" He asked.

"That I do not know. The King's Guard has seized all documents. Though, there are several charges related to forced relations charged to the older two." I replied.

Disgust crossed his face. "Ah. That is unfortunate. I had hoped that my family, at least some of them, would have came to their senses."

"I am sorry. It's how they hurt Emel's sister. It's why Dean had refused to introduce us." I told him, my voice sympathetic.

"Well, I could certainly understand why a friend would refuse to introduce you to someone who is a part of a family who is known for such things." Mills said.

"Yes, well, Mom said he shot himself in the foot with that." I shrugged.

He chuckled and said, "It would seem fate had other plans despite his best efforts. And I, for one, am thankful. That he did not bring you to me at that time. It would have put you in quite the situation."

"I would have killed the rats." I shrugged.

"Finding them first would have been quite the issue." He said. "I'm still not quite sure if I knew who they were."

"Dean has the lists." I told him. "It's another thing that made him mistrust you more."

"Well, I should meet this Dean fellow then, for multiple reasons." Mills said.

"Knowing him, he's at Hearthstone Town already. I hired him." I said.

"Hired him? For what?" Mills asked.

"To keep the thieves guild in line. To help me manage people." I replied. "He doesn't know I am pregnant with your baby."

"Speaking of which. I have made a little headway in my search to prevent Vakri's transference." He said.

"Oh, yes?" I asked.

"Yes, I was talking to your family friend Bibs. He handed me a few books, and actually pointed me towards the guild master, Greggor." He said.

"Greggor?" I asked, surprised. "He is also sort of a family friend, of Mom's."

"Well apparently he is in possession of an object that completely secludes his own mind. Bibs suggested if I can convince him to let us borrow this object, it may seclude your mind. And if it succeeds into secluding your mind, it may prevent you from passing it on if worn during childbirth. The books I have read from Bibs, suggested that if your mind is cut off from Vakri then it's innate abilities cannot trigger." Mills said.

"That sounds terrifying." I admitted. "Especially if Tyra carries out her threat.."

"Her threat?" He asked, concerned.

"Yes. She keeps threatening to put a belt of speedy gestation on me." I sighed.

"Yes, I had came across some mentioning's of that, but I hadn't thought to mention it to you." Mills said.

"She said I'd have the baby in twenty-seven or twenty-eight days with it on. Then I wouldn't be protected from her." I grinned guiltily.

"I am glad you two seem to be becoming such fast friends." Mills said.

"Maybe not so. She makes Uncle laugh a lot." I say. "She's been severely abused by her clan- her family."

"That is quite unfortunate to hear. But I can understand it. Better than most, I would say." Mills said, sympathetically.

"They haven't permitted her to acknowledge them as family since she was eight and one of her cousins tried to kill her. She was isolated from them, while having to take care of their problems." I tell him, tearing up slightly. "She's just a little cat."

"I'm sure she would love to hear that sentiment." He said. "But it does sound like she has been in quite the unfortunate circumstances. And I certainly hope that with time that some of those old wounds will heal."

"She's affectionate towards kids, you should see her mothering Sky, the dragon. She says she doesn't." I smiled.

"I would truly love to see that." He said.

"He looks so cute. He looks like her, with her eyes and fur, but the second fur tone is silver. So he looks like he's Uncle's kid." I tell him. "Not that I will tell him so. I wonder what ours will look like."

"Hopefully, they will have your black hair." He said.

"Likely, but why?" I ask.

"Well my wondrous golden locks have a little too much history." He said.

We chatted for quite some time, before Bit knocked and came in to tell me to come to dinner. So we'd had to say goodbye for now. I told him if he reaches East Haven I'll send Tyra for him.

During dinner, I notice Mom looked exhausted. She was likely not sleeping well without Dad. They've been together for fourteen years, and rarely are separate. Dad even came with us on camping events, where Mom taught us to hunt. It wasn't even something Dad enjoyed, with it being something Uncle enjoyed much more. He's such a great Dad, and husband.

One glance as Jasper, Mama's boy that he is, and I could tell how worried he was for Mom. "Mom," I got her attention.

"Yes, my Baby?" She asked, looking at me.

"Tyra refuses to fight Jasper." I replied.

"Why?" Mom asked, looking at Tyra.

"I do not fight cubs. I do not like to hear complaints when they are injured." Tyra replied.

"Jasper knows better than to whine. His father and I would not complain, either. The more experience he has in a controlled environment before he ventures out, the more likely he is to succeed." Mom says.

"I can not argue that logic.. It is leonin logic." Tyra sighed, glared at me, then said, "Very well. Should you wish to, I will spar with you tomorrow, Jasper. I will treat you seriously."

"I will relish the opportunity." Jasper said.

"Be sharp. Or you'll regret it, cub." Tyra said.

"Aww, she's grumpy." I teased.

Tyra looked at me and said, "Every day you get closer to your doom."

"I know I should be concerned. But I'm not. I'm calling your bluff." I taunted. "You like us."

"Not an accusation I would make." Tyra said, slowly. "But, I do suppose I like your family well enough. You all confuse me. And I don't mind it. Now, if only you'd keep your hands to yourself."

"Not a chance." I told her, grinning. "Mills may be coming to the Capital soon."

It wasn't big news, we were all worried about the fight our Dad and Uncle were undergoing. My tactics for distraction were only going just so far.

"Is he? To see his family off?" Mom asked, off handedly.

"Something like that." I nodded.

"Will he stay here, an inn or in his family home?" Mom asked.

"I'm not sure. But it would be safer for him to stay here." I said, frowning.

"It would. You may suggest it." Mom said.

"Alright. Tyra, I'd hoped if he gets close enough that you can escort him in. There are people after him to kill him." I told her.

"Why? What did he do?" Tyra asked.

"He tried to implement ideals that benefitted poverty stricken areas. Like the ideas behind my town." I tell her.

"Ah. And someone disagreed vehemently." She said.

"Indeed. I was not permitted to help him, back then, and he got betrayed and unofficially disowned." I explained.

"I can bring him." Tyra shrugged.

That pretty much settled the matter. After the meal was over, Seralyn and I looked through Tyra's books with Sky. Sky was comprehending everything we went over with him very quickly. Bit was reading his own books, with me cuddling him.

Bout the time I started to get overly sleepy, Sky recommended I go sleep. I agreed with him, excused myself, and hunted for Mom. I found her pacing near the entrance.

"Mom, can you cuddle with me?" I asked.

"Yes." She said, absently. She turned towards me and saw my sleepiness. "Ah, to sleep?"

"Yes, Mom. Will you?" I asked again.

She hesitated, then nodded. She asked Tyra to watch the kids and followed me to my room. We got comfy, cuddling in my bed. Mom rubbed my belly gently for a few minutes. We both fell alseep.

I woke in the morning with Mom petting my hair absent mindedly. She noticed I'd woke after a few minutes, and smiled.

"I'm going to beat up your father when he gets back. Their fine, of course." She said in a light tone. "I think your uncle used us as an excuse to keep Tyra around. She's a charming girl."

"You think so?" I asked.

"I do, yes." She said. "He knows we'll be safe here. And we can use the office at any time if the house is compromised."

That was true. Dad and Uncle's offices are interdimensional. They are their own pocket dimension, and anchored to specific locations that they own.

"Mom. Think we can dress Tyra up?" I asked mischievously.

"Most likely. After she entertains Jasper." Mom said.

"Oh, right." I said. "That's fine. What do you think she'll look good in?"

"Hm. Excellent question. Let's talk it over with Seralyn, shall we?" Mom suggested.

"Yes. Though, she may have outgrown the game." I pointed out.

"Nonsense. She's mature because she's smart. She's still a child. Just like us." Mom laughed.

"I don't know how Dad would feel bout that statement since you both are in your thirties." I joked, laughing too.

We got up and she went to her room to freshen up while I changed for breakfast. Honestly, Mom's probably been right about the meals thing. Tyra's been looking a lot healthier since she's been having her meals with us, and it's only been a few days. Not that she looked emaciated or anything like that before. She just looks better now. Maybe its the abundance of affection she's recieved here? I'm not sure. But, I am glad she smiles more. Her feral edge has softened a little, too.

I opened my bedroom door in time to see Tyra tackle Sky. The child shrieked in distress as Tyra picked him up, carrying him back towards the rooms they were staying in.

She saw me watching her, amused, and she said, "Baths are necessary. If you stink you're prey. You'll wash up, or else. Good morning Sarial. Hands to yourself."

"You're an excellent mom." I teased her.

"He ain't my cub. Or he'd mind." She snapped at me, irritated.

I laughed. Sky looked at me mournfully. Jasper had came out and watched, too. Daelyn came out after they'd gone in a room and started heading for breakfast, knocking on our sister's room. Bit joined us seconds later. Soon, all of us had walked down and into the dining room.

Breakfast was decently average. Sky and Tyra joined us shortly after we sat. Sky was very fluffy and clean. Tyra was also fluffy, clearly a splash war occurred.

After breakfast Jasper and Tyra went to have their spar match. Mom and Sky went to watch. The twins, Bit and I headed to the library. Time for more studying. Though, I was at a loss as to what I wished to read next.

I decided to learn more about food storage. Then, I studied medicines and how to treat different conditions. Just before lunch, Tyra and Mom came into the library. Minutes later Jasper had followed, looking a little battered, with Sky climbing on him.

"I feel like I need to do something physical before I go nuts." I announced.

The younger kids found that amusing. Jasper wanted to know what I wanted to do. Not that I had any idea. Without getting to leave the house anyways....

Tyra said "Exercise is a good thing. Do you want to try some safe exercises?"

"Sure." I replied. "Let's do this."

She led me back to Uncle's office, that was really just a training room. She started talking me through stretches and such to help me move my body. She did them, too. Mom had gotten all the kids follow us, and participate as well.

Not all were pleased, but everyone got to move their bodies. Even Mom participated. Some of the ways we moved made me feel like I was inflexible. I would be practicing it more as we went. Tyra noted at one point that she hadn't known humans could be flexible like Leonin can.

The day progressed easily enough. We dressed Tyra up, and she put us in desert clothing. Mom looked amazing in it. Mom especially loved that the clothing didn't go over her shoulders. Mom has an odd hang up about clothing on her shoulders. Seralyn was adorable in the clothes Tyra adjusted for her, it didn't take much to do so, Seralyn was nearly the same size as Tyra, despite Tyra being eighteen and Seralyn being ten.

I'd been trying to spend at least an hour with the pegasus a day. A servant brought the foal in to me, because I wasn't to step outside. Tyra's relayed order was annoying. I understand it, though. I groom the pegasus and feed it sugar cubes, apples and carrots. It seems to enjoy it. I should call it a weanling, though, because it's off milk. Tyra had said so.

Dinner was great. It was some fried foods that Tyra told the chef how to make. I figured if we produced similar results in my town that we could become a tourist location due to the novelty of the food and location. There were all foods Tyra hadn't seen outside of her village, after all.

I tried to discuss with her paying her for her recipes. She ignored me. Or straight up told me that money and things are worthless to her. She has many treasures, magic things, and gold. It means nothing. If she tells us something and we find it useful, that's enough for her. So, I realized. She wants recognition on a personal basis. That I can do.

Mom declined overnight cuddles when bed time came. I enjoyed a bath, then bed. The next day was pretty similar, except around noon, before lunch, Mills had contacted Tyra for escort. He told her his location and she went and got him.

Once he was brought in, Mom gave him a good punch on the shoulder, for impregnating me. She'd been calm, so I hadn't expected her reaction. I should have.. She followed that punch with a brief checking him for injury, then asking him if he'd eaten, and if he was tired.

Mills took that in stride. "That's fair." He'd said, and answered Mom's inquiries, "I have eaten recently, but I am rather tired, yes."

"We were about to have lunch ourselves." Mom commented, then looked at me, "Deal with him as you see fit, Saria."

I approached him, unwary, and gave him a hug. He wrapped me up in his arms, "I have missed you sorely. It is not fair that you get to go on such grand adventures without me." He said.

"Then, just go on the next one with me." I suggested, amused. "Would you like a room to yourself?"

"I think that's what your mother would prefer." Mills pointed out.

I laughed and said, "Yes, but she left me to deal with you as I see fit," I glanced around, they'd all gone to the dining hall, "and I don't think you can make me more pregnant. If she really wanted otherwise, she'd have assigned a maid to take you to a room."

"Well, I suppose that's true, so, why don't you show me your room?" He said.

So I did. I showed him upstairs and into my room, pointing out which rooms are which aside from mine. I also showed him my bathing room, in case he wished to bathe.

"Do you want to nap? I can wake you anytime." I asked.

"Oh, no. I'm quite alright." He said.

"What would you like?" I asked.

"Just to sit and talk with you for a little while." He said.

With an adoring smile, I set up the bed with cushions and pillows for us to do so. He smelt like sunshine and I was genuinely enjoying that. He asked all about what I'd been up to since finding out I was pregnant, how travel had been, and he asked about Tyra. He told me about what's going on back at the town, how the meeting went, and his hunts.

Apparently, the dwarves are a part of my fan base, for sure. Ivan is pissed I did everything without talking to them. I pointed out I don't know how to reach them, even if I wanted to. Breena was waiting to see how it went. Jaden seemed happy as a clam, even visiting and helping out with things the town needed. Laura was pleased seeing things happening.

Ivan's reaction was highly expected, to be honest. He's one of those sort that would pound his chest to be heard, but not have anything to say. He also told me how Sienna had summoned spirits and made the farm area, bending trees in an unnatural way to form protective borders for the farmland, and shelters for the animals, with space for them to graze and roam.

Soon, it was dinner time. A servant knocked on my door and announced to us it was dinner time. I told Mills that I should write a letter to Jaden. Then, I asked for his opinion on Ivan, as we went to dinner.

"I've known Ivan for quite a while. He does tend to come off as.. abrasive. But he has always pushed for a solid plan. He just couldn't seem to ever agree to anyones plan." Mills said.

"Did he ever volunteer anything of substance?" I ask.

"It was actually his suggestion to bring in the dwarves." He said.

"I don't mind people arguing against my actions. I don't even mind people being rude." I told Mills, as we entered the dining room, "But you do realize he's probably going to be the first to call me unfit as soon as I can't hide my pregnancy, right?"

"He very well may, but you have already proven yourself to be quite adept. So only a fool would listen." Mills said.

"A fool indeed. But that isn't the problem. If his discord persists, it can cause rebellion. Rebellion in this situation can be handled in few ways. Either I break promises, skulls or step down.." I tell him. "I'd rather avoid the headache. No, I know what will happen. Ivan will say something and Dean will catch wind and Ivan'll end up in a ditch."

"That sounds.. very violent." Mills said. "But I wouldn't fault him for discouraging someone from talking poorly of you."

I indicated for him to sit next to me to eat.

"Trouble already?" Tyra asked.

"No true trouble at the moment, just potential trouble." Mills said.

"Explain." Tyra said.

"Someone is being very rude. But he has yet to do anything to warrant death. Hopefully we can catch him before he does anything to warrant death." Mills said.

"That's so detailed and specific I know exactly how to assist the situation." Tyra said, rolling her eyes.

"It's merely someone who hasn't had a chance to know me yet. I'm not highly concerned. He was an opposing voice that has been sufficiently shot down each time." I told her. "I'll have to ask for Sienna to be contacted... Will they be meeting again, same time, day, and place?"

"They should be, yes." Mills said.

"Then Sienna can crash the meeting and we can communicate via Tyra's device." I decided. "Don't worry, I'll write Alberich and Jaden beforehand."

"Well that should be an interesting meeting." Mills said.

"Shall it? Bard's have wicked spells that can terrify people. Just ask Mom, she has one that can force others to dance." I tell him.

"Force others to dance, hm? That sounds greatly amusing." Mills said.

"Do you want to try it out?" Mom asked.

Tyra looked at Mom and said, "Remind me not to annoy you."

"I am.. quite alright. Not much of a dancer I'm afraid." Mills said, a slight plea to his voice.

"How about this?" Mom said, she then hummed a brief tune, casting Encode Thoughts, which caused a specific memory to form as a ribbon, that she then grabbed and played. The memory was of Mom using the spell on some bandits that had tried to be handsy with her when she was adventuring. They jerked and kicked completely out of their control, pleading to be allowed to stop. And stop they did, after Kershka clobbered them.

"Interesting spell," Tyra said, a vindictive gleam in her eyes, as her tail swished.

"Have someone you wish to use it on? I can make a scroll for you." Mom said.

"Oh, I'd love to. What would you like in return?" Tyra asked.

Mom smiled at her and said, "I'll decide that at a later date."

"Aaand Tyra has gone to the dark side. We should be terrified." I joked.

After everyone finished eating, the majority went to the library, Mills and I went to my room again. I wished to bathe, and so did he, so we bathed together. A good thing, because after washing and while cuddled to him, I fell asleep.