
The Skill Extractor in OnePiece

Note the main cover isn't mine. If the person who reads this fanfic thinks starting is ridiculous or at least the starting is worst well I can't do anything about it. NOTE: Read at least till chapter 8 and NO, MC has his journey. If my grammar is bad then please I am sorry I can't live up to your expectations, I am writing this for fun and to improve my writing skills not to hear your negative reviews. ( I will take your honest reviews about my grammar and if you want to talk about the story plot and character development then please just go and reach the abyss by digging with a toothpick )

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Who is this Old Hag ... Infinite Vs Hina ... Straw Hats captured ???

" I was on my to Alabasta and on my way I faced this arrogant guy called Wapol he claimed himself to be the King of this so called kingdom , he told me of the way he sacrificed his people as a bait so that they can escape the pirates " . Infinite took a deep breath " The things he told me are they true ??? " .

After Infinite finished his words the whole room was silent until the stiff person continued , " Well I guess he did tell you the truth but why are you here and if you are gonna mess with us just like the pirates we won't be going down and how is Wapol now ".

" You guys are too vary of me and please chill down the name is Infinite by the way , so as I said I was on my way to Alabasta one of my clones got attacked by him and his arrogance ticked me in the wrong way and attacked them and asked few questions the Wapol or whatever told me the answers and ... Killer some , knocked some and left some people alive and their fate I don't know " Infinite said the whole thing in one breath and was curiously looking towards the plush toy being , Infinite was so mesmerized that he want to cuddle it and play with the cute little thing . " Oh by the way that Wapol guy he is under my Genjutsu he will be suffering from torture for days if we just leave him and I also have his devil fruit , don't know what it's power is but seems like a powerful one since you all were scared of him " .

Infinite was still looking at the cute thing with glittering eyes and warm smile . Hearing what Infinite said the old hag introduced themselves as at first they were vary of the visitor who just came into the castle . " My name is Dr Kureha brat he is Dalton and that guy over there is Chopper and thanks for your help " .

Hearing this Infinite nodded and asked

" Can I have two requests they won't be unfavorable to you at all " .

" Go on we are listening " said Dr Kureha " I want to know the general knowledge and all the doctorate books of this world , I just need an hour And as for my second request ... " Infinite took a deep breath and said " I want to play with the plush toy please " asked Infinite with glittering eyes which made him look like a child and no one would believe that this man just killed hundreds of people by his actions .

Both Dalton and Kureha sighed hearing this , if the other party asked money they almost had none and the money have was insufficient for the kingdom and Kureha was also surprised hearing his words but want to play with Chopper she just laughed remembering Infinite's face . Kureha agreed and showed him her book collection which was massive , it was a library not even a mini library but a library .

Infinite soon got down to business and read all of them he would just look at one page and turn the next seeing this Kureha frowned , in a minute Infinite completed his book learned about some general knowledge of this world . Thinking it was too slow infinite summoned 30 shadow clones , since they aren't battling but reading these clones he made more he still can make more but decided not to , the clones used their ' Sharingan ' and after an hour and a half the whole library books were read by Infinite and this was only possible due to his great mind hd has not only that he also shook hands with Dr Kureha and also extracted a skill called , Sensitivity over temperature . The skill was weird at first but he just wanted to check it out but after he used it upon himself after reading the books , it felt same as the ' White Fang Chakra Blade technique ' thus making it one of the few good skills .

This skill allows you to be sensitive to temperature when you concentrate and the shocking thing about this is that it only had 6 levels

[ Sensitivity over temperature ( Lvl 1/6 ) ]

and Infinite also noticed that skill extractor gives pain to the body depending on the difficulty level of the skill and some may have high levels and some have low levels but that doesn't mean useless .

He got out of the castle only to see the Dr riding the reindeer as he knew the little guys story Infinite was sad for him , outcastes by your own species wasn't such a good thing a child should experience and lost a father figure at young age was also sad to hear but still he has done what he wants and now he is a good doctor if not few of the best .

" Where are you guys going ??? " , infinite got out the castle and spoke to Kureha and Chopper " Marines are here for some reason and Dalton called me to come down ASAP so I guess it's serious and need to go wanna tag along " .

She knew the young man Infront of him was not normal at all , her instincts tells her that he is dangerous , humble and righteous , she also noticed his eyes changing when Infinite read and using her experience she can tell that the young man had photographic memory and high brain processing speed .

" Well sure I wanna be a bounty hunter any way so knowing how marine acts and behaves would be great I guess " . Infinite accepted gladly and rode the sledge with Kureha while chopper pulling it . After they got down there was someone who got Infinite's attention was drawn to a women who was at front of all the marines , she was strong that's what Infinite could say but not as strong as he is but she can take on Straw Hats as if they are nothing at all .

At the same time Hina also saw the man with Black jacket with streaks of silver and gold , his red hair and his blue eyes and knew she was no match for him the second she spotted him , her instincts went crazy and if offended they could die in a minute , just then she put the pieces together and thought ' He could be the same one who the survivors are talking about ' .

When Dr Kureha , Chopper and Infinite got down the village people were wondering who this new face was but they didn't care about it know , they wanted to know why they marines are here and soon they got their answer . There were about 60 or so people coming from the marine ship and they knew who they were and thought of killing them but soon as they thought of it , the village people saw a strange thing happening Infront of them . The young man stepped forward out of the crowd and as soon as he did the soldiers and other people who were under their king started to shiver , they were shivering as if they just came out of swimming in a frozen lake . Seeing this Hina understood that the survivors talked about this man .

Soon the village and the marines got all the story and everything was settled but what surprised Kureha was that all the survivors had high dosage of PTSD and they were very scared of the colours Infinite wore . Some were scared that those colour names would frighten them and she wondered what this young man did and the same thoughts were running in Hina ' s mind as well so she thought for something and said out loud

" I want to have a duel with you and if I win you will join marines and if you win I will give you one favour for the future " . Hearing what Hina said Infinite also got a sudden mission

' Host has got a

' Sudden Mission ' - The Rear Admiral's Duel

Requirements - Show your full power and don't back down and Win .

Rewards - ??? , ??? , ??? . '

Infinite just smiled hearing this mission and accepted the duel . The area was cleared for the duel as they were about to fight the marines come and say that they captured pirates and Infinite saw who those pirates were and nodded unconsciously and the marine also said one of them were sick and Luffy ran forward and kneeled down and asked Dr Kureha as he heard she was a doctor from the surrounding people and begged her to help Nami hearing this Infinite understood current situation

' Nami must be suffering from illness and she needs treatment and since no one is a doctor in the crew he must be searching for a doctor to cure her '

And Hina was already in position to start the duel though she saw him dozing of to the side but still she waited for the other party .

" Sorry for that miss , let's dance shall we " , these words were supposed to make him cool but it only gave the other party terror . Hina just teleported from the place she was and came Infront of Infinite and used her devil fruit powers to bing the opposite party but as soon she used her devil fruit it was like hitting an empty space she didn't know what was happening .

Infinite always loved this Reinhard Blessing which he got as a talent , The first attack Immunity was something clearly broken and none can hit him the first time they perform an attack and every , if they backed down and continue it will also be registered as a first attack again . Meaning the enemy should never back down in front of Infinite to defeat him but if they back down and use any move it will miss again , Infinite released half of his full chakra reserve and pressured her , by now even Straw Hats knew Infinite was here but just watched from the side lines while marines were holding them handcuffed .

The pressure was just on Hina and she was sweating profusely and seeing this marines already knew they were facing a monster equal to Vice Admirals and all the villagers , marines and Straw Hats could feel the enormous pressure though it wasn't directed at them and all of them knew it but what about the person who it was directed at , that was the same question everyone felt in their hearts and Hina couldn't step forwards but before she could move , Infinite moved at super human speed closed Hina who was 3 meters away from him and used ' Chidori ' and scraped a side of her cheeks and everyone could see the cut and she was bleeding from it . Hina froze and she knew she lost and she could have died if the other party wanted to but he didn't kill her and she was thankful for that . But still on the outside she had her arrogant expression but it did tone down a bit .

Hina bowed down as the duel ended and accepted her loss , while she was turning and moving away she heard infinite's was .

" Miss you said you will give me favour which I can use in future right " , Hina nodded " Then ...


It might look like I am taking away the StrawHats opponents and stopping them from growing , but it ain't gonna happen and the time line will be the same for the most part and that's how I want to keep it as well that's how I want for straw hats .

X_x_INFINITY_x_Xcreators' thoughts