
The Skill Extractor in OnePiece

Note the main cover isn't mine. If the person who reads this fanfic thinks starting is ridiculous or at least the starting is worst well I can't do anything about it. NOTE: Read at least till chapter 8 and NO, MC has his journey. If my grammar is bad then please I am sorry I can't live up to your expectations, I am writing this for fun and to improve my writing skills not to hear your negative reviews. ( I will take your honest reviews about my grammar and if you want to talk about the story plot and character development then please just go and reach the abyss by digging with a toothpick )

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

The War ( Beginning)... 20 Minutes... Move by Crocodile...

The capital of Alabasta has 4 entrances and currently, each entrance is guarded by Royal Soldiers of its capital Alabarna, each gate being guarded by 200 soldiers. And currently, outside the east gate or also known to most as the main entrance, excluding guarding soldiers, there are 2600 more soldiers and they are in a semi-circle formation opening away from the city gate. There are 5 rows with 520 soldiers on each row and the air of tension was high, the royal capital soldiers were in an orderly manner and the commanding chief being ' The Guardian ' Pell and the second in command being Infinite who will join the battle 20 minutes after the war started. Chaka and Luffy guarding the King Cobra and Princess Vivi.

On the other side, Baroque Works employees and hired bounty hunters and pirates act as usual as they don't approve of others as their equals the ones who work solo depend on themselves and the ones who work in groups group up, the pirates being pirates having arrogant expression, evil laughs, and expressing that they are stronger than others. When a person looks at this army they will have one word in their minds ' disordered ', due to few grouping and few soloing and many being arrogant of being superior they didn't have any unity at all, it was so worse that when they started charging few members even fell and in the stampede by their allies.

Seeing the Baroque Works army working clumsily the royal soldiers got a boost of morale and when the distance between them reached 30 meters both sides war cried, the first row of the royal army stepped forward and tackled the incoming clumsy army and due to their clumsiness and disorder between them the royal army got the upper hand and the same pace continued for 3 minutes, and during this time the Baroque Works Army was being pushed back, and due to humongous work done by the first row they got tired and started being pushed back, during this time the second row and third row joined together and assisted the first row for an exact minute and let the first row pass to the back and let them rest.

The total 4 minutes of war completed just like that and in these 4 minutes few got away from the first row of defence and they are facing StrawHats and the escaped members are none other than the numbered agents ranging from 1-10, though few were defeated before.

Pell having a flying type Zoan devil fruit was able to quickly access the situation and gave perfect commands thus the second and third row stood their grounds 12 more minutes. During this time The Baroque Works realised that their lack of unity being their defeat this started having a few team works and it started to get harder for the royal army. The Baroque Works army started to get better and better and this time they weren't overconfident. After 2 more minutes passed all the royal army groups acted together, the fourth and fifth row along with the first row took second and third row places and this time both the armies were up at a tie, the royal army was playing defence now with all the frontiers using rectangle shields with spears at the sides, while the others using swords and spears to attack an enemy when a person from the frontier gets pushed and though both sides were at equal currently a presence made its way to the middle of the battlefield, this presence gave every single side a chill up their spines.

Then there was an iconic signal which can only be used by this presence and when this signal was out all the 2600 soldiers rushed forward and made a thick defensive line even to beat the first defensive line by physical methods a person has to have a zoan type devil fruit and that to a strong one and logia could just phase using its advantages as logia and paramecia it depends.

The signal was none other than few fireballs reaching the top and popping up like firecrackers, though it was the day time everyone could see the orange flames.

Soon passing through the defence as if the presence phased through them and reached the middle of the battlefield, everyone soon got the look at what made their instincts give alarms and it was none other than the ' White Flash ' Infinite who is said to be the strongest just after ' Warlord ' Crocodile.

' It seems like I can finally join the fun, if possible I want to defeat all of them just like Madara but sadly I don't have a lot of A.O.E attacks like Madara, looks like its the perfect time to draw the rewards I hope there is a hidden mission for it and it would be nice, man I sound like a gacha and gaming addict but still power is addicting and especially I just can't wait to get another Reinhard blessing, though technically he has a blessing which gives him any blessings this he has all the blessings ' .

Infinite looks at the Baroque Works army who took a lot of steps back like after the entrance of Infinite they took straight 20 meters, Infinite looked at all of them and found few of them are devil fruit eaters but didn't use their powers at all, what caught his attention the most was there was a logia eater though he has to confirm all the fruits afterwards including the previous ones.

Infinite just walks forward releasing killing intent on the people who are just standing in front of him, he also used his chakra to amplify and the difference was about 5 times, thus many were scared to make a move few of the people standing in front of him tried to move back and run away but they were blocked by other people who were behind them. As only a few thought of that of it, it didn't cause a chain reaction like in the movies, though the people at the back noticed they quickly dismissed it as they didn't feel killing intent.

********** 10 minutes after the war -

Chaka one of the royal guards was standing beside his kingdoms king and princess, guarding them with 50 more soldiers who were constantly surveying for any sounds and one pirate crew captain. As though it has been 10 minutes after the war started Chaka was happy that the war was currently in their favour and as he was standing in one place he suddenly felt a presence, it was weak but the presence was still there.

Luffy who was sitting beside Vivi also noticed it but dismissed it. But soon hands erupted from everyone and all almost all the soldiers got their necks cracked and fainted, few couldn't move as the sudden attack got them off-guard.

Soon a woman walked forward with a person who was twice her size with a cigar in his mouth, with his brown jacket, green shirt and light brown pants anyone in Alabasta knows who he is or was. The man was arrogant and looked around and saw only 4 people standing, they were none other than

Luffy ( who he remembers ), Chaka ( doesn't know a shit about ), King Cobra ( Knows him very well ), Vivi ( who he remembers).

As both Nico Robin and Crocidile are walking forward an extended hand comes forward and hits Crocodile only for it to pass through, then an airstrike and it just passes through him and Nico Robin just stops in one place after the punch.

Crocodile whose lower body is just standing and his upper body reforming walks forward, the airstrike was sent by none other than Chaka, Chaka transforms into his hybrid form using jus devil fruit powers which allowed him to transform into a Jackal, his fruit was none other than dog-dog fruit model: Jackal, which he gives him the quirks of a jackal in his hybrid form. Jackal lunges at Crocodile with his sword sideways but just as he was about to make contact Chaka hears two words "Sand Javelin ".

Few javelins made out of sand pierce Chaka's body, Chaka's limbs were pierced and another next to his stomach and he gets knocked out after this attack.

Luffy seeing this rages out and uses his new move

' 2nd gear ' and rushes at Crocodile at greater speed and uses his " Gum - Gum Jet bazooka " at a closer distance, but the attack just passes through Crocodile and it was a mistake done by Luffy as Crocodile catches him with his right hand dries him up and throws Luffy out of the window and crashes out into a shed.

Crocodile was forward, Cobra and Vivi don't know what to do while they thought of retreating though they did not want to, hands came out from their sides and caught them.

" You see my dear king, I need you to take me towards the Ponaglyph or else your daughter... I will just let it simple, I will kill her by sucking out her moisture, so be a good man like always ".

Hearing this King Cobra said

" Leave Vivi alone, I will take you to the ponaglyph ".

Crocodile " Ka-kakakaka hahaha " gave a different laugh than his usual and nods, thus Nico Robin frees Vivi and she runs out to call for help.

Crocodile " So, Cobra lead us will....

Sorry for not uploading these two days, I was suffering from an internet blackout and wasn't able to post the chapters.

Do you think Infinite gonna make it one sided or the war gonna give him a challenge, write it down in the comments before reading the next chapter.

X_x_INFINITY_x_Xcreators' thoughts