
The Skill Extractor in OnePiece

Note the main cover isn't mine. If the person who reads this fanfic thinks starting is ridiculous or at least the starting is worst well I can't do anything about it. NOTE: Read at least till chapter 8 and NO, MC has his journey. If my grammar is bad then please I am sorry I can't live up to your expectations, I am writing this for fun and to improve my writing skills not to hear your negative reviews. ( I will take your honest reviews about my grammar and if you want to talk about the story plot and character development then please just go and reach the abyss by digging with a toothpick )

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Reunion... New Missions... Nico Robin... New things on Marines... Chase...

Ussop and Zoro look at the Luffy laying on the bed and sleeping without a care in the world. Zoro immediately put Luffy over his shoulders as he just got the information of Vivi and the other StrawHats reached the capital. Though they can't reach the other side in one day until Ussop found a sand boat which is a boat that moves on the sand. Zoro and Ussop with Luffy rushed outside to where they found the boat and got in it.

The first few hours of the ride was the worst they could have ever experienced, but their bodies got hang of it and they continued...

**** Alabarna -

Infinite defused a bomb yesterday during his night walk, the time bomb was in and itself ridiculous as it was a big cannonball filled with gunpowder and had two Baroque Works agents guarding and their code name being Mr-7 and Ms Fathersday, they were incredibly weak for Infinite he did got a lot more time to use his Earth Style Jurtsu's, though he hasn't mastered them yet they still can be used but Infinite wasn't comforted by it as it didn't match his style. The infinite style was kinda overwhelming his opponent so far till now.

When this information was given to King Cobra and the other ministers the next day in the meeting which is being held every day due to the war about strategies and other things, they did not know what to say about his performance, in their view Infinite was an extraordinarily strong, intelligent, and most of all a good-hearted man. Even Pell who is known as the strongest guard and the person who has the title ' The guardian of Alabasta ' saw Infinite in reverence. And while the meeting was going as usual a soldier came in panting, when Infinite saw him he raised his brows as he guessed something important has arrived.

" My lord, Princess Vivi has arrived along with few friends ". Hearing this the King Cobra's grim face has risen a smile and hearing what the soldier said Infinite was kinda happy as well, though he wasn't happy for the same reason as the king which was seeing his daughter after a very long time, Infinite's was his money and his new mission he got yesterday -

' Mercenary Mission - Vivi ' a request

Requirements - Save Alabasta or help in saving it.

Rewards - ( Depends according to the effort you put ) '

' Main Mission - Alabasta in need of help

Requirements - Help Alabasta

Rewards -

Minimum - 5 ℅ upgrade in chakra quality and quantity.

Maximum - ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, and Weapon maker card ( can make any weapon, limits are applied ). '

These rewards looked too tempting for Infinite and thus he became the peacekeeper of Alabarna, he was so famous that many residents had taken his autographs and beautiful women wanted a night with him but when they tried to start flirting with him Infinite just ran away.

Soon the meeting ended and everyone in the meeting left excluding 4 members were Pell, Chaka, Infinite and Cobra himself. After a few minutes of waiting, they left for eating lunch. There Infinite saw Nami, Chopper, Sanji and Vivi who looked pretty tired and he also was able to notice Chopper's right arm sprained and Sanji's breathing wasn't right. Soon they started eating their lunch and Infinite broke the silence as only Vivi and her father were talking to each other but not loud " So you guys got into a fight I guess ". " How did you know? " Vivi asked as they had no wounds on the exterior, " Sanji has some trouble breathing and Chopper has his arm sprained since I have been to observing lately I was able to deduce it, so who did you fight? "

Everyone took a gulp and StrawHats began their story and gave the general information of what happened to them. Infinite also got his theory checked as they said Smoker was a 'Logia' eater. Infinite also gave all his reports to Vivi and they were the same as the ones he gave Cobra but what surprised her was the amount of work Infinite had done. Infinite also wondered how to fight Logia eaters though he can use water style techniques, he wanted another way as people in this world can't do anything against logia eaters if things were like this now and he knew there was a way to deal with these things.

She also got the confirmation that the new hero the whole Alabarna was speaking about was none other than Infinite himself. As they were speaking a boat came crashing into the dining room and when crashed it broke into splinters and revealed three people who Infinite knew who they were as the guards were gonna act on this situation, Infinite put them on hold and greeted the three remaining StrawHats, and he saw Luffy was badly hurt and, Zoro and Ussop were suffering from mild concussions.

The rest StrawHats greeted them and Luffy woke up at the smell of meat and started gulping it down. Infinite started eating his food and everyone did and it got lively.

After lunch, all of them sat together in a meeting room and narrated their stories and Infinite was surprised that Luffy fought Crocodile though he was defeated but still impressed.

The next day was when the war starts and Infinite said that he will join the war after 20 minutes from the start. Though he wanted to participate from the start he got a mission when during the meeting

' Sudden Mission - Too powerful

Requirements - Participate in the war after 20 minutes from the start.

Rewards - 5 ℅ smoother mastery over ' Sharingan ', 1 time-use shadow possession jutsu and 1 time-use shadow paralysis jutsu. '

Infinite thought of it and spoke about it and said that he wanted to participate in the war right from the start but made an excuse that stronger one's need to participate at different timings or else they lose their stamina which sounded like truth to the others and agreed.

That night Infinite slept peacefully as his crime-fighting during the night stopped all the crimes temporarily. During his sleep unlike before he slept in the palace, and during his sleep, there was someone who was infiltrating Kings bedroom and the person was good in the arts.

The person entered the king's chamber and the king noticed the uninvited guest and saw who the person was and guessed it on his first try and he was correct.

" ' Devil Child ' Nico Robin, the most dangerous person to be alive. Why are you here? "

" I am here to warn you about the assassination attempt or the kidnapping attempt which Crocodile has in plan for you, well he would kidnap first and then killing you, you see ".

" Why would you warn me about it? "

" It's just that I wanted to read the ponaglyph not hurt innocents, you see but I am sure I will read a ponaglyph somewhere else. "

Saying that Nico Robin was going to leave only for a sword to be near her neck.

" I see, ' Devil Child ' huh, don't know what made marines give you the code or title or whatever but the title means you aren't a good one I guess. "

Though Infinite didn't know how cruel Marines can be and how corrupt this world is and thus believes marines keep order and also thought of joining them, but he thought of how his freedom would be restricted.

Nico Robin had tears in her eyes, she never wanted this to happen. But she snapped at Infinite

" You think just cause I had devil child as a title I am cruel, the only reason I am called that is that I know how to read an ancient language which contains the world history and Marines don't want the whole world to know it and thus they killed all of the people of my island they didn't even spare a child, I was the only one alive alive alive ALIVE!!! "

Nico Robin just emptied her frustrations and Infinite knew what she was telling were the truth as he activated his sharingan and for the first time, he got to hear the cruel side of Justice some by the marines.

" Well looks like you are now better than before, and thanks for the heads up, and I guess that would be Luffy's fight, as he already reserved it today afternoon and I am sure Crocodile will be alive after his fight and he will do a public assassination if I am right as he is too predictable ".

Robin didn't say anything and left the place.

Infinite turned and saw outside the window of a person leaving and he knew who that was and he started to run after the person.

The war is coming soon and whole you like it, and as I said Luffy and other StrawHats will have their fights as same as the canon if not a little bit changed.

I am open to suggestions or any advice you guys want to give and if you have any of your own island ideas please do tell me if you want them in this series that is.

X_x_INFINITY_x_Xcreators' thoughts