
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Issue Number 7

This issue begins at the dock. Pete sits inside the Warehouse and waits, Soon Dr Connors arrives through the main entrance and says "I still don't like this idea." Pete looks at Connor and says "I know, I know, How's Reilly?"

Curt looks at Pete and says "Reilly is stable and I'd say he's ready to go, But I would recommend that we give him 24 more hours before we would free him. His body needs time to adjust before we let him out."

Pete nods and then looks behind Curt and notices Taskmaster arriving behind Curt and then Pete gets up and walks over to Taskmaster and says "Hey Task, You ready?" Taskmaster looks at Pete and takes off his Skull helmet and says "I am, I'm here to Avenge my Brothers death, Max came into this Super hero life to help people, He fought the corrupt to help the people. I never wanted him in this business but I am Proud of what he became. I want to see Spiderman pay for his crimes."

Pete nods and says "Max didn't deserve the fate he had, But Spider-Man doesn't deserve to die not by your hands, Try and capture and Imprison him if you can but do your best not to kill him." Taskmaster looks at Pete and says "I will try my best, But no Promises." As Pete was about to reply to Taskmaster there was suddenly a smashing sounds and the three of them look over towards the noise and see a Container being pushed to the side. Then from behind the Container pops out Doc OC. He walks over to the group and says "I wasn't expecting others, Dr Connors, Taskmaster, Peter Parker." Pete walks over to Doc and Says "These are your two new members for the Sinister Six, Lizard is replacing Electro and Taskmaster will be taking the place of Beetle. When you get back send Beetle to Oscorp, I've got a Special Mission for him."

Doc OC says "Understood, Would you two like to come with me" The three of them walk off back over to where Doc OC came out and as Curt reaches the pipe he Comments saying "I'm hating this plan already." Taskmaster puts back on his helmet and picks up his duffle bag and swings it over his shoulder and starts to climb down the ladder in the entrance leading into the sewer. As he reaches the bottom he says to Curt "It's not so bad." As Curt reaches the bottom he comments saying "Your mask has a respirator and it's on, I can tell. I wonder if this place would smell as Bad if I was in my other Form." Dr Connors then transforms into a huge lizard and says to Taskmaster "It smells even worse. god it smells. Yuck."

The three of them soon arrive at the Sinister Six Bunker and Doc OC opens the door and as the three of them walk in Doc OC says "Beetle, Your to report to Scarlet Goblin, Go." Beetle then walks behind the three of them and leaves the Bunker and Shuts the door behind him. Shocker then gets up and says "Well at least we have actually six people now, Not 5 plus a machine." Adrian looks over at the two new people and says "How on earth did you end up joining our ranks Taskmaster?"

Taskmaster looks at Adrian and says "Ah Vulture, Long time no see. How's you kids." Adrian gets up out of his chair and walks right up to Taskmaster and says "The Family are fine, You will stay away from them and never talk about them again."

As Adrian turned around and walked back to his seat Taskmaster says to him "It was Max who dated Liz Adrian I didn't know anything about it." Flash then butts in and says "Wait Liz as in Liz Toomes, Oh my God. That means your Liz's dad Adrian Toomes." Adrian then comments saying "Oh Great now everyone knows who I am, Thanks Alexander Dylan."

Taskmaster starts to shake his head and then Connors turned back into his Human form and Mysterio comments saying "Impressive, So can you turn in and out of that Lizard form whenever you want DR?" Curt Nods and says "Thanks to a lot of time and research yes. And the Help of Scarlet Goblin."

Everyone then walked over to the sofas and all sat down facing the TV and Then Shocker asks Doc OC "Did you remember to ask Scarlet Goblin about Sending the Scarlet Cat to snoop in on JJJ and the Bugle as something is very off there." Doc OC thinks for a moment and says "Ughhhh, No I forgot to ask him. The thought just didn't cross my mind at the time."

Mysterio then comments saying "WHY?!, We need them to find out." Dr Connors then butts in and says "Don't Worry I'll message Scarlet Goblin now."

Shocker then says "WOW!, You got the Scarlet Goblin's number, Respect." Curt then brings up Pete's contact Information on his phone and starts to write a message to him saying "Hey Pete, The Guys down here want you to Ask the Scarlet Cat to snoop in on JJJ and the Bugle, Cause...." Curt then asks the others "What caused you to be sus of JJJ in particular?" Mysterio then answers saying "My Advanced Hud built by you, Me, Max and Pete detected extremely weird results from JJJ. Something completely off. So Say to Scarlet Goblin that the Hud went completely haywire." Curt then says "Got It." And continues writing the message saying "Mysterio says his Hud went completely haywire when reading JJJ, So the team would like the Scarlet Cat to take a snoop round the Bugle and JJJ. IF you could please make that happen thanks Curt."

Pete sitting in a Limo being driven home reads the Message and says to himself "Dammit, I didn't want to get MJ and Gwen Involved."