
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Issue Number 8

we begin this Issue the same Evening that we left the last Issue left off. Pete is standing outside a apartment block in Queens and takes a deep breath as he walks up to the door and presses on the Electric Alarm and rings Flat 6 and then the Door gets Buzzed open and Pete walks inside the building.

Pete soon walks up the flights of Stairs and Knocks on the door of Room 6, Suddenly the door starts to get Unlocked from the other side and then it was opened by Gwen and she looks at Pete and says "Hey Pete, What brings you here?"

Pete looks at her and says "Unfortunately business. Is Mary here?" Gwen looks at him and says "Yeah she's here, Come in." Pete Walks in and sits down on a Sofa in the middle of the room and Gwen then sits down next to him and leans over and rests her head on his shoulder and then says "MJ come in here, We've got another Job." MJ soon walks in from her Bed room and says "Pete?, What possible job do you have for us?"

Pete Places a mini Projector onto the table and points it towards the blank wall and turns it on and says "The target is J Jonah Jameson. I want a reckon and Information on him. I need some Eye's close to him, Camera's everything. He says something I want to hear it. From what Mysterio has told me we may Potentially have a Skrull on our hands. Or Something worse. I need to know. You'll be paid handsomely for your time. I also need access to the Bugle, A back door if you would into there systems and the Company."

Gwen picks her head up and looks at Pete and says "I'm in, Splicer?" MJ looks at Pete and asks "Why are you asking us? Has your Over protective ego finally disappeared or are you that desperate that you actually need us." Pete looks at MJ and says "I actually need your skills. Not because I'm desperate but because you're the most qualified for the job."

MJ thinks for a moment and says "I'm in but I want Oscorp to make me one of those Advanced AI's you have. I want it's colour to be Red. I want it to have a female voice and It's name to be Betty. I will also want 120K as well. As my payment." Pete looks at her and grins as he says "Deal and what about you Gwen?. What do you want for Payment."

Gwen says "250K and …" She leans over and whispers something into Pete's ear and Pete says "OH?, Done."

Pete then get's up and leaves the Projector and Drops a File down onto the Table and says "There's everything you need to know. In that File. Payment will be delivered upon completion also for the prices you asked I expect it to be done Tonight." Pete walks towards the door and Gwen gets up and rushes towards Pete and as he reached the door she Grabbed him by the hand reached up on her tip toes and Kiss's him and then she says "Good Evening Pete." As she pushes him out the door and closes the door on him as she's waves to him. Pete stood outside in surprise then walks off.

Pete Walks outside and calls a Taxi. Soon a Taxi arrives and the driver asks "Where to?" Pete then says "Oscorp please." The driver then says "No problem man, It'll cost you $30, Pete places $50 Dollars into the drivers hand and says "Keep the change." The Driver then says "Yes Sir, Thank you Sir." Pete then says "Actually could you do me one thing, Could you wait outside Oscorp for me to come back, There's a extra $200 in it for you if you do?"

The Driver smiles and says "You got it man." as Pete hands him the $200. The Driver then begins to drive Off. Pete sits back in the seat and gets out his Phone and starts to message Dr Connors saying "The Order has been placed the Scarlet Cats are on the Case."

Curt soon replies saying "Excellent news, Sorry that we have had to turn to your GF and your Ex Fiancée for help." Pete sighs and then messages Curt back saying "We all need to be ready to make Sacrifices in this work. whether that's our pride, our dignity, Even our self respect. The needs of the Mass's out way one mans pride. If I was to let my pride get the better of me than I may as well be the Egotistical Emperor Tony Stark."

Meanwhile in the Bunker Dr Connors gets up and says to the others "The Scarlet Cats are on the case." Shocker then spits out the drink he's drinking in surprise and says "That's excellent news." Adrian then says "Well it's about bloody time man."

Taskmaster Sitting in the corner of the room menacingly under a broken light he himself broke says nothing until suddenly the others look at him and hear snoring and then Flash made a comment saying "Huh, I guess since we haven't shown him to his bed yet he just made do with the chair." The others look at him with a look of disgust until suddenly they all had a shocked expression on there faces and Flash then comments confused saying "What?" He then looks behind him and Screamed for a moment as he saw Taskmaster staring right at him with his Skull mask on glowing Red stood right behind him looking at him. Surrounded by shadows.