
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Issue Number 6

We continue the story In the Elevator. Going up from Special Projects.

The Three of them stand in the elevator patiently, Soon the Elevator stops on the ground Floor and Norman steps out and says "I'm gonna head home, See you soon son." Pete waves to Norman and says "See you soon dad, Bye." the Elevator door then Shut and Pete then turns to Curt and says "Come to my Office with me, we need to talk."

Soon the Elevator arrives at Floor 100. The pair walked out and Pete walked right up to his desk and sat down. He then asks Dr Connors. "Do you know of what happened last night?"

Curt nods and says "Max is dead and his Suits cores missing, I know. Why?"

Pete places his drive down onto the desk and brings up the Sinister Six file and says "As much as I need you here in Oscorp...." Curt cuts Pete off and says "OH NO, NO NO NO NO. I'm not joining that squad." Pete then continues to speak and says "I need you to join them, Just for a few weeks until a Permanent replacement is found, Maybe Subject 7 or Rhino if we want to awaken that project. But It'll just be for a few weeks a month Tops Curt." Curt snarls and says "Fine, Fine, If I have to do it I'll do it. But I'm keeping you to a month. No extending it." Pete nods and says it's a deal. He reaches over and shakes Curt's hand and says "Meet me at the docks you know where, Tonight at 9. For now continue your day like it's normal and check on Reilly."

Curt nods and says "Okay, I'll check on Reilly now, To get as many tests done before I'm sent off." Curt then turns around and leaves Pete's office heading down to Special Projects. Pete then selects the contacts section of his smart desk and Selects Mr W Fisk. He then presses the Call button on his smart desk. Soon Mr Fisk replies and says "I'm a busy Man Mr Parker, What do you want?" Pete rolls closer to his desk and says "I just wanted to say I'll be heading over in a few minutes because I have something I want to talk to you about. Where we might not be being listened to" Mr Fisk then replies saying "Understood I will see you at my Office." Fisk then ends the call.

Pete then gets up out his Chair and heads towards the Elevator and rather than getting into it he walks around it to a door hidden round the back to side and walks through the door and heads to a hidden Heli pad area. He then Whistles to the two pilots sat in the corner. and Points towards the Heli copter in the middle of the room. The Pilots then get up out of there chairs and grab there helmets and ran towards the Heli Copter. Suddenly from behind Pete a figure approaches him and taps him on the Shoulder. Pete turns around and the figure says "Sorry to disturb you sir, But I've got some news to report." Pete then says "Ah Mr Fiers, Join me on the helicopter."

Mr Fiers and Peter then get onto the Heli Copter as it starts up. Soon the Heli copter takes off and one of the pilot asks "Where to Sir?" Pete then says over the intercom "Fisk Tower" Mr Fiers then turns to Pete and says "Things are bad, Very Bad. Stark has Conquered the Middle East. Europe's in Chaos. But for some good news, The Black Panther is dead."

Pete looks at Mr Fiers and says "T'Challa is dead? Who rules Wakanda now?" Mr Fiers replies saying "Erik Killmonger a member of the Cabal." Pete looks at Mr Fiers and smiles and says "We own Wakanda, Finally a win against the evil Avengers, Mr Fiers I need you to do something for me. A new assignment. I need you to keep a close Eye on the Stark movements. I want to know how weak of a hold he really has on New York."

Mr Fiers nods and says "Yes Sir" Soon the Heli Copter lands on a Heli pad on Fisk tower and Pete gets out and says to the Pilots "Take it Home with Mr Fiers, I'll walk home from here." The Pilot nods and as Pete gets out the Heli copter takes off. Pete walks right up to the Door inside Fisk tower and knocks on it and then suddenly it gets kicked opened and Pete steps back as 4 High armoured soldiers Burst out and surround him. Pete Holds his hands up and as he was about to Attack them, Taskmaster walks out of the door and says "Peter Parker, Kingpin is expecting you, If you'll follow me."

Pete soon arrives at Kingpins office and Taskmaster walks to the side of the room by Kingpin, Kingpin sat in his chair asks Pete, "So what is it Mr Parker that is so Important that it requires my attention."

Pete looks at Kingpin and takes a quick glance over to taskmaster and says "Max Dylan is dead, Electro is dead I wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to build a memorial of him in your section of Central Park?. Away from Spider-Man's turf as my area is in the middle and I don't want Spider-Man and his followers to mess it up." Taskmaster then suddenly interrupts the conversation and says "MAX IS DEAD!, Sorry Sir" Kingpin stops looking at Taskmaster and looks back at Pete and says "I will agree to your request if Taskmaster here can Join your Sinister Six team."

Pete looks at Kingpin and says "Yes, he can. Taskmaster come here." Taskmaster then walks over to Pete and then Pete whispers into Taskmasters ear the time and location to where to meet him tonight at the docs.

Kingpin gets up out of his chair and says "So it is settled." as he reaches out to Shake Pete's hand. Pete then whispers to Kingpin "I've got a Proposition for you, Which will prove profitable, Very Very Profitable. Join us in the Cabal?"

Kingpin reply's to Pete and says "Yes, I will accept your offer."

Pete nods and says "We'll be in contact." Pete then walks off out of Kingpins office. He heads downstairs and out of the building and starts to head home."